Chapter 8: 'A Day with Lettie and the Prince'

By Miss Bra

Sophie continued her afternoon in Market-chipping and honestly, without Howl to pull her around to his shops, she didn't know where to go. So when the clock struck two in the afternoon, Sophie made a beeline for Lettie's bakery, intending on spending the day with her dotting sister.

Lettie was behind the counter, talking to a young soldier, batting her eyelashes furiously. Her caramel hair was pinned up behind her head in an attractive bun and she smoothed out her apron as she clocked off.

"Lettie?" Sophie asked, catching the attention of her middle sister.

Lettie turned her head and grinned, "Oh, Sophie!" She cried in joy, "How are you, Sophie, oh I haven't seen you in so long!"

Sophie grinned as Lettie took her into a massive hug. "I'm fine, thank you, Lettie," Sophie smiled. "How are you?"

"Oh fine, fine," Lettie replied, stepping away. "What are you doing this afternoon all by yourself, Sophie?"

She grinned and rolled her eyes, "I'm just stepping out."

"That devilishly handsome wizard kiss you out of the house, did he?" Lettie teased openly, taking off her apron.

Sophie blushed, "No, not really, I decided I needed to step out."

Lettie grinned. "I see you're not having problems with your relationship with Howl then."


"You are?" Lettie gaped, "W-What about, sweetheart, you know you can tell me anything."

"I know," Sophie said, sitting down at one of the bakeries window tables. Lettie ordered a coffee from the waitress and Sophie ordered a lemon tea. "It's just that sometimes I ask myself things… you know."

"Like what?" Lettie pressed on, taking a sip of her coffee. "You haven't met anyone else, have you?"

"No, of course not…" Sophie said, "But sometimes, I wonder if I'm taking it too far, or if I'm doing things… that I'm not supposed to be doing…"

"You haven't slept with him yet, have you?" Lettie asked, fixing her hair back into place.

Sophie blushed, "No, I haven't… but I sleep in his bed… with him… and I don't know if that's alright, or not. He certainly likes it…"

Lettie sighed, "I don't know what's wrong and what right…" Lettie admitted. "Certainly if you asked mother she would have fifty thousand fits over it, but, I can't see anything wrong with it. If you feel comfortable with it, then I don't see why you have to worry over such things, Sophie." She raised her light eyebrows. "So, how is Howl?"

"I'm quite fine, thank you, Lettie," A slick voice came up from behind Lettie. Sophie looked up and smiled.

"Howl, sweetheart," Sophie smiled, "what are you doing?"

"I saw you from the window," Howl admitted, "I was just on my way to the market actually."

"Oh, Howl, I was going to go shopping…"

"I actually had something planned for us tonight…" Howl said softly, "Does that appeal to you, would you like to go out tonight?"

"What about Markl and everyone?" Sophie asked. "I would love to… but…"

"They will be taken care of," Howl assured, "Cal is an excellent babysitter and Markl is almost twelve, they will all be fine my love."

"…Alright," Sophie gave in with a smile. Howl grinned brilliantly.

"Alright," He said enthusiastically, bending down to press his lips to hers softly. "I'll see you tonight. Have a nice afternoon, ladies."

"Thank you, Howl," Lettie replied sweetly.

"Bye Howl…"

Both of the girls watched as Howl left the bakery and walked down towards the market in graceful strides.

"So," Lettie started. "I think today calls for a great shopping spree, I mean, we have to get you prettied up for your date with Howl."

Sophie cocked an eyebrow, "And what about you?" She asked, "what are you going to shop for?"

Suddenly, Lettie whipped around to look at a lean waiter, who smiled at her shyly. "Lance," She said, ushering the man over. Quickly he bounded over, his eyes locked on Lettie's.

"What can I do for you, Miss?" He asked, grinning.

"Nothing at this moment," Lettie said seductively, pouting her cherry-red lips. "But I would very much like it if you would accompany me out to dinner tonight…"

"Lettie!" Sophie screeched as the young waiter walked away, grinning brightly.

"What?" She said defensively, "I'm young; I need to try some things out. Besides, I do need an excuse to go and blow half my wage on dresses."

Lettie and Sophie left the bakery and headed down to the market, window shopping along the way.

"You know what you need," Lettie said, looking into a shop with beautiful, yet outrageously prices dresses on show. "Lingerie."

"I don't think so," Sophie countered quickly. "No way, Lettie. I'm not like you."

Lettie rolled her eyes. "Bloomers are hardly attractive, Sophie, you know that," Lettie told her eldest sister bluntly. "I don't mean the whole Monty, but just… attractive brassieres. Have you ever tried those, Sophie? They are so comfortable."

"Let's just focus on finding a dress first, something that Howl will actually see!" Sophie said, walking into a tailor shop.

"I like this one," Lettie said, holding up a plum coloured dress. It's neckline- well, it had no neckline. It held up around the breasts and flowed to the legs in one swoop. "I think it would look nice on you, Soph."

"I don't have the breasts to hold it up," Sophie mumbled.

"But it will show off your lovely neckline," Lettie insisted, "Please let me buy it for you, consider it an early birthday present."

"Lettie, I'll never wear it anywhere…" Sophie protested weakly.

"Nonsense," Lettie said, "You'll wear it out tonight."

"I don't think so, Lettie…" Sophie said, "I'll probably wear my lemon one that Howl bought me, he does like that one…"

"Yes, he liked it on you the last seventeen times you wore it out too," Lettie replied teasingly, taking the plum number over to the counter. "Face it Sophie, you need a few new dresses. Ones that make you feel great- and this one will do just that."

Knowing that the battle was going to be lost, Sophie gave in. "Fine…"

Lettie bought the dress and dragged Sophie out of the shop, only to walk straight into a lingerie one.

"Lettie," Sophie moaned, her hand flying to her cheeks in embarrassment, spying the little clothes she saw on the rack. "Really, can we not?"

"Bloomers are not going to work with this dress, Sophie," Lettie said, "Please, come on, don't be like this, Sophie. At least try to work with me."

Sophie watched as her sister went through the racks of the small, coloured underwear garments and she couldn't help but heat up. Sophie wasn't a material girl- she didn't like to dress up; she didn't like these little items. And they were little- and lacy. Picking up a small set of underwear, Sophie examined them. Did her sister really wear these things?

"I found the exact pair that you need," Lettie came over, holding an embarrassing pair of bone coloured strapless bras. "It will make it seem like you're wearing no underwear, but really you are- it will drive him mad!"

Sophie narrowed her eyes. "I thought that it was going to be a nice dinner with Howl, I didn't think we were trying to make him insane."

"Yes well," Lettie said, steering Sophie to the change rooms. "Try them on please, see if they fit."

Sophie sighed as she gave into her sister and tried on the revealing underwear. From the outside, she could tell her sister was working herself up to ask Sophie another question.

"Sophie?" Her voice came in like a grinding against her ear.

"What Lettie?" Sophie almost growled from behind the curtain.

"… Do you think I could do your hair for tonight? Please?" Lettie asked.

"Fine," Sophie gave in, "But absolutely no make-up."

"Of course, Sophie," Lettie said. She knew she was teetering on the edge of her sisters sanity just by doing this. Sophie came out of the changing room, adjusting the buttons on her dress.

"They fit," She mumbled. "Let's go- we have better get back to the castle, it's getting late and I had better start dinner. You're welcome to come back with me."

Lettie and Sophie walked into the castle, Lettie in awe of the elegant interior of Howls place.

"Sophie!" Markl cried, coming down the stairs in a flurry. "Oh…" His eyes fell to Lettie. "Who are you?"

"Markl," Sophie said, moving to the kitchen. "This is my sister, Lettie, Lettie, this is Howl's apprentice, Markl."

"Hello Markl, nice to meet you," Lettie smiled, leaning down to Markl's height.

"Yeah," Markl said, turning his interest, "Sophie, what is for dinner?"

"Pie," Sophie replied, cutting up the cuts of beef. "Is that alright, Markl?"

"Fine," Markl said, "Well… Bye!"

Markl ran back up the stairs quickly, finding Heen and dragging him back out to the balcony to play.

"Hello," Sophie," Calcifer said from the hearth, "and Lettie, Howl told me he was taking you out for dinner. Would you like me to get the oven ready? I've already made so much hot water for your baths."

"If you would, Calcifer," Sophie said, throwing the gravy into the pie shell and sealing it. "Lettie and I are going to get ready up in my room. Is Howl back?"

Calcifer nodded from the hearth as Sophie slipped the pie into the oven. "I think he just got out of the bathroom actually, I think he just went into his room actually."

Sophie nodded and set the timer for the pie. "Lettie and I are going to get ready now, please keep an eye on Markl," Sophie said, "He seems a little… weird at the moment."

"Of course."

Lettie allowed Sophie to have a bath while she raided her room, picking the clothes and accessories that Howl had bought her in one of his all-mighty shopping sprees he did.

Coming out from the bathroom, Sophie skipped past Howl's room where she could hear him humming to himself lightly. Smiling, she slipped into her own room where Lettie was waiting.

"Sit down, let me do your hair," She said softly. "I know that wizard next door is eavesdropping on me."

"I am not!" Came the sudden burst from Howl.

"Howl," Sophie tutted her love softly, "Give us some privacy, please."

"Of course, sweet," He replied. Sophie heard him open his door and step down to the staircase in a pair of his expensive boots.

Lettie played with Sophie's lengthy starlight hair, braiding it into small plaits and pinning them to the back of her hair. Scrunching Sophie's hair, Lettie pinned it back into a perfect bun. The hairstyle framed Sophie's face perfectly.

Lettie left Sophie to slip into her undergarments, then into her long dress. Lettie only re-entered the bedroom when she needed the dress adjusted. The soft, flowing plum dress complimented Sophie nicely and flowed down to her ankles, creating a lovely, thin silhouette.

"Just let me get this necklace I found for you…" Lettie muttered, stringing the thin necklace around her neck. "Perfect."

"Sophie and Lettie," Howl's smooth voice came through the door. "Dearest, are you almost ready, I've booked our table for seven, please."

"Coming, Howl," Sophie replied, slipping on the low silver shoes that Howl had bought her so long ago.

Howl caught her arm as Sophie slipped out of the room, smiling brightly. Lettie came out from behind and quickly bit her goodbyes, slipping out past the couple. "I need to get ready myself," She gushed, "Have a lovely night."

"You look…" Howl said, his blue eyes travelling up and down Sophie's form. "Even absolutely immaculate doesn't come close…"

Sophie smiled, "You look amazing too."

His eyes travelled across her shoulder line and Sophie couldn't help but remember what Lettie had said to her. "It will drive him mad!" Curse her seductive sister for all eternity.

"Come on, sweetheart," Howl said, taking Sophie by the hand, bring the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it softly.

"Wow, Soph!" Calcifer crooned in amazement as Sophie walked past the hearth. "The pie's ready, to let you know."

Sophie went to take the pie out of the oven, however, Howl's hand took hers, and he smiled. "Allow me, dearest," He cooed softly, taking the pie out of the oven as Markl and Heen ran down the stairs. The Witch followed slowly, taking each step in small, careful strides.

"Wow, Sophie, Master Howl!" Markl cried, taking his place at the table. "You two look amazing!"

Sophie flushed as Howl cut the pie into fives, placing a hearty helping of it on five plates. "Thank you, Markl," Sophie murmured.

Howl stood up and straightened out his dressy white shirt. "We'll be going now," He said, taking Sophie's hand. "Don't stay up late- we won't be home late."

"Okay, Master Howl," Markl murmured as he scoffed down the pie in large gob-fulls.

Stepping out into the crisp night in Market-Chipping, Howl allowed himself a quick peck against Sophie's temple. "You look so beautiful, love," He murmured, "I love the colour."

"Thank you, Howl," Sophie replied. "Where are we going to eat."

A large smile crossed over his face as he strung his fingers through hers. "I booked a table at Melina's."

"Melina's?" Sophie squeaked in surprise, "But that's the most expensive place in town! Howl; I won't let you take me there."

Howl grinned, a grin that made Sophie feel weak at the knees. "No matter, my love," He assured softly, running his hands over Sophie's bared forearm. He loved how much of her creamy skin she was showing off and the way she was holding the dress up without shoulder straps was driving him mad. What was she wearing underneath? "You deserve everything…"

"Oh Howl…"

"Are you Mistress Sophie Hatter?" a young messanger said, approaching Howl and Sophie at their table.

"Yes," Sophie replied evenly, her eyes flicking up to the young boy. "Who wants to know?"

"My master Prince Justin has noticed your presence from afar," The boy clarified. "He requests your company at his table."

"She can't go," Howl answered abruptly. "Tell Prince Justin that she is in the company of Howl Pendragon for all of this evening."

"Howl!" Sophie squeaked, outraged. "I can make up my own mind."

"I know you can make up your own mind, love," He replied, placing his fork down beside his plate. "I was merely answering for you. We haven't even finished dinner. I do not take kindly to the people taking my date away from me- I find it rather rude."

"I'm sure you could come too," Sophie replied, taking a sip of her wine, "The Prince is such a friend."

"May I intrude?" The messenger asked politely.

"You may," Howl gritted through his teeth. Sophie shot him a look.

"The Prince specifically requested your company," He said to Sophie, "Yours and yours only."


Howl threw up his hands. "Yes," He hissed, "A great friend the Prince is, now I see how he got that blasted curse upon him in the first place!"

"Howl!" Sophie cried. She turned her attention to the young boy messenger. "Tell the Prince I will be there in a moment."

"Of course, my lady."

"You're going?" Howl asked, leaning across the table. "Sophie, I thought you and I were out tonight."

"Oh Howl, he only wants to speak with me, I see no harm in it," Sophie replied lightly, eating her beans. "Calm down, Howl."

"I do find it rude that he has invited you over and not me, Sophie, forgive me if I'm a little upset," Howl replied quickly, "I do not take kindly to people stealing my date away."

"It's not like I'm going to leave you for Justin, Howl," Sophie replied. "He only wants to talk and we haven't seen him since the war ended. We really do need a chance to catch up. Besides, he never really knew you, Howl."

Howl remained silent, knowing that slowly but surely, Sophie was winning the war. He sighed as he finished his wine. It had been a lovely dinner until now. "I'll meet you at home, then," He said exhausted.

"You're just going to leave me?" Sophie asked.

"Of course not," Howl replied graciously, taking Sophie's hand as she got up, "You'll be with the Prince."

Wordlessly, Howl bid Sophie goodbye- a slow kiss that did purposely so that the Prince would see. Then, he left the elegant restaurant and stepped down the stairs to walk back to his home.

Was Sophie really his, and was it right for him to act the way he did. What nerve the Prince had on taking Sophie out from right under his nose. The Prince had to resort to using his royal powers to sway Sophie into his company- he would not dare if he were as normal as anyone else. Howl had denied invitations from royalty many times beforehand and though it wasn't acceptable, it wasn't like you were going to be sent to the gallows for it. He hoped Sophie would have had the same view as he did- to stick with him, which was right and not give into the Prince's rude intrution. Sophie did not though- she didn't know how to say no to the Prince.

Slowly, Sophie moved over to Prince Justin's table where he smiled at her, motioning for her to sit.

"Sophie my dear, how are you?"

Howl opened the door to his castle and stepped inside, relishing the warm air that hit his crisp, cold clothes. Calcifer was snoozing by the hearth, though woke up when Howl sat on the lounge beside him.

"Howl?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes with his little demon hands. "Where's 'Ophie?"

"With the Prince," Howl seethed, taking off his expensive boots.

"Whoa!" Calcifer rebounded quickly, his voice shaking the walls. "What happened?"

"The Prince was at the restaurant," Howl snapped, throwing his jacket beside the hearth. "His messenger came over. I never minded the Prince- I gave him refuge in my house- but the nerve of him to ask Sophie's company over! Who does he think he is?!"

"Owch," Calcifer sympathised. "That must have hurt. But why didn't you stay with her, I mean, how is she supposed to get home?"

Howl rolled his eyes, "Oh, I'm sure the Prince will escort her home," He said. "I wasn't going to sit out the front of the restaurant and wait for her.

"Look, Howl," Calcifer consoled, "I know his the Prince, but I agree, that is plain rude."

With a swift movement, Howl was up the stairs. "I'll be in my room, if Sophie comes back."

"Alright, Howl," Calcifer murmured. What else was he supposed to say? There was nothing to say. Everything was looking bad for Howl.

At around ten, Sophie came home, bidding the Prince a friendly goodbye. Calcifer was up awaiting her return and made use of his irritated tone as best he could.

"Hello Sophie," He said, folding his little demon arms. "How was dinner?"

"Dinner was nice," Sophie replied warily. She didn't like the tone of voice of the demon and frankly, didn't wish to talk with him. All she wanted to do was to reach up to Howl's quarters and straighten things out between them. And by god, did they have some issues to straighten out. "What's wrong Cal?"

"How could you, Sophie?" Calcifer asked, "How could you do that to Howl?"

"I think the fault and rudeness is more in Justin than anything," Sophie replied, "I can't just deny the Prince, can I? I am extremely upset that he thinks that he can just pull me away from Howl's company… That he thinks Howl isn't any more than a friend to me."

"Oh…" The demon trailed off.

"And if you'd excuse me, Cal," Sophie said, "I'd like to clear that up now with Howl. I want to tell him how I feel."

"Of course, Sophie," Calcifer said humbly, letting Sophie slip off her shoes and scale the staircase.

Howl's bedroom light was still on and was streaming out into the thin hallway. Carefully, Sophie peered around the door, finding Howl sitting upright on his bed still very much awake. He was staring straight ahead, his blue eyes holding nothing in them.

"Howl?" Sophie asked, her voice suddenly quaking.

"Come in Sophie," Howl muttered, shifting over on his bed.

Abiding, Sophie slid by him until she could feel his heat of his body. He was so rigid and tight and never averted his gaze from the wall in front of him.

"I want to talk," Sophie started slowly. Howl sighed.

"Go ahead then, Sophie," He muttered, "Tell me how much Justin means to you."

"What?" Sophie cried, pulling back. Howl winced and turned away sadly. "Howl, what are you talking about?"

"Seeing as you would much rather his company than mine, I assumed you were in love with him," Howl murmured sadly. "Am I correct, my dear Sophie?"

"No!" Sophie cried, shifting her weight to peer over Howl's hunched shoulder. "Not at all! Howl, look at me!"

"How am I wrong?" Howl cried, spinning around. "Do tell me so! What assumption was I supposed to make when you left me for him?"

"Howl, I love you!" Sophie said, "And I was upset that Justin couldn't see that. I would never love Justin more than I love you, Howl! I just don't like you jumping to these conclusions. Who dares deny the Prince their company? If he was any man at all, he would have come and seen me himself, instead of thrusting his royal powers onto me, Howl! Can't you see?"

For a moment, he was silent, his brain racking through every scenario. Sophie could have possibly been right.

"Howl, say something, please," Sophie pleaded.

"I'm sorry…" He said softly, eventually. "It's just that I get… confused… about what is right and what is wrong with you. You are a free woman and you can see whoever you please, I do forget that."

Sophie was being forward, which was unlike her normally meek personality. "Howl," She said, grasping onto his shirt. "Then make me yours."

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly, his brain trying to register everything that was passing through it. It was too fast for him too track; everything was getting out of control. "Make you mine? Sophie, they are hardly suitable words at this point and time… We aren't even married, love…"

"Howl Pendragon!" Sophie cut him off, her tone rising as she was getting irritated. "Get rid of all this confusion about us and please, just court me!"

For a moment, Howl didn't speak. "… Do you want me to?"

"Yes, Howl, I do," Sophie replied hardly. "I know this isn't like me, Howl, to be so strong with you… But… I love you, sweetheart, and I want you to know that."

"I'm sorry Sophie," Howl said softly, "I just got so… jealous- I thought you were mine and I got so worked up with myself when I realized that you weren't."

"Did that make you sad, Howl?" Sophie asked softly.


Slowly, Sophie cuddled up to Howl's form, slipping her feet under her bottom and leaning up to kiss him across the lips. The stunned look on Howl's face was amusement enough for Sophie to giggle a little bit.

"I know how you wanted me to stay in your bed again," She whispered softly.

"Oh, Miss Hatter, that's really quite scandalous…"

"I said nothing of the sort…"

Disclaimer- I do not own in any way, shape, or form.

Hey, sorry I've been away for such a while but here's a long awaited update for this story. I actually don't dabble much in Howl and Sophie stories anymore but I saw a few in my favourites and followed the link and they got me back into this story and made me write another chapter.

Thanks to all previous reviewers and I hope I can hear some more of the feedback on this story.

Please review.