Okay you guys. I know you'll probably hate me for clogging up your mailboxes with alerts, but this needs to be said before I post the next chapter sometime next week. First off…

Poll results are needed. Only two people have voted, and that's not gonna help my decision become any easier! Seriously!

And secondly, I need original characters to apply! I don't care if it's someone you just want to make up off the top of your head and spend five minutes one, or a previous character you've made that will fit into the story that took you days to perfect! If you plan on entering, leave a review or message me saying so. It will be hugely appreciated. I want to have reader cooperation and integration in this story, so get involved people! I don't want to clog the story up with my own characters, that seems slightly boring to me.

Also remember that the character who will be chosen will appear in illustrations that are going to be started soon. One or two per chapter, which will be added to my DeviantArt page after I get my tablet for Christmas! I promise my artwork is good too, I'm a junior at a creative and performing arts high school and my major is visual arts. It entails painting, ceramic & sculpture, graphic design, and computer design, and I'm at the top of my class art wise. I won't disappoint you.

Please send me good results and applications!

Happy Holidays!

Lady Amalia 3