Chapter 8:

They're Here Too?

He could hear voices faintly, his vision blurred as he awakened slowly.

"So let me get this straight." A male with a slight Australian accent spoke, "On Skyline Turret, there's more of those things but bigger?"

"There was one, and it was much bigger, with glowing red eyes." a female spoke up, "The bastard didn't even die! It just tore out the arrow and dove after this hedgehog."

"And then you stabbed it in the back?"

"And it still lived!" She exclaimed, "Whatever that thing is, it can't die unless blown up to pieces."

Sonic blinked a few times, feeling his head in agonizing pain, even just barely touching it made it hurt, and Sonic yelped out. The two that spoke turned to him to see he was awake.

"You alright mate?" the male asked.

Sonic blinked a few more times, his vision coming clear, "My head…oh my god it hurts."

The female rolled her eyes, "After smacking your head against that stone, I'm surprised you're not dead."

Sonic looked forward. A black and tan dingo and a black and white wolf stood in front of him with slight worry.

"Where am I?"

"Right underneath Skyline Turret." the dingo pointed out.

The creature!!

Sonic leaped out of his bed and spun his head around, ignoring the thumping pain and went into a panic, "What? Where? Where's that bastard son of a bitch! Where is it!!"

The female smacked his head, forcing the hedgehog to scream out and fall back into the bed grasping his head in agony, "You're safe damn it. Calm down, and besides, it's morning."

Sonic glared at the female, "You said we were under Skyline Turret."

"About three thousand feet under it." She growled, "Kazer, check on Histona and see if she's awake."

The dingo nodded and walked out, "Just make sure he's got food before he runs away."

Sonic lifted back up and sat on the bed, still feeling the pain. The female wolf then sat beside him and handed him a small unusual fruit.

"What's this?" Sonic growled lowly.

"Cappy fruit." She pointed out, setting it in Sonic's hand, "Just eat it."

Sonic rolled his eyes and stared at it, "So who are you?"

"Name's Shira-Lee." she replied, grabbing what looked like a feeding bag, "You must be the stupidly blue hedgehog, Sonic."

"Stupidly blue?" Sonic glared, nipping the fruit.

"My sis told me you were coming here." She smiled.


"Samiria." She turned, "Samira Windmare."

Sonic blinked with a little surprise, "Seriously?"

"Daughter's Mellony, had an affair with someone named Mince Marvelo, and nearly got married to a fox named Jared with a son named Aaron Flemoré."

Sonic's eyes grew wide and stopped her, "Samiria had an affair with MINCE?"

Shira-Lee started to sweat a little, "Oh crap I wasn't suppose to say that…"

"When?!" Sonic asked her.

"It was before she met Jared, I know that much." She answered, turning her backon him.

Sonic stuck out his tongue, "Man that chameleon's a man whore."

Shira-Lee spun around and stared blankly, "Who now?"

Sonic shook his hand, "Never mind, where the hell am I again?"

"Small island of Salania, Kikoli Island." She stated, and turned to the sheet that was to be the door, "When you feel better, just step out and hang a left."

She stepped out, leaving the hedgehog disgusted.

Ugh, this sucks…I'm stuck in a world not of mine, and got a concussion, plus I just found out Samiria and Mince…ewww! I hope Mellony doesn't know about it…or Klaira.

Sonic twitched, and devoured the fruit quickly, then jumped into his soaked shoes and walked out. It was morning, the sun peaking over the trees and shining into his eyes, almost blinding him. He shielded the sun with his hand and faced left, where a large round pen with some weird creatures bigger than him roamed. He walked over to see what he was looking at, some of them tan with black markings, brown, one black, all a mix of dragon and horse.


Sonic jumped a foot and spun around, seeing a smaller wolf about eight looking up at him, also black and white like Shira-Lee.

"You must be Soneek!" She smiled, "I'm Milaise!"

Sonic took a deep breath of relief, "Please don't sneak up on me like that again."

She smiled, "Sorry Soneek."

Sonic rolled his eyes as she trotted off towards what looked like Shira-Lee.

The older wolf gestured her head for him to come, calmly he walked over to her, seeing the smaller wolf messing with a black and white dog.

Shira-Lee smiled, "That would be my sister."

He nodded, "Kinda looked like you."

"But listen up," She spoke up, "About ten miles from here, there's an area where I see our problem roam most common. We're gonna fly in."

Sonic stared at her blankly, "Fly in? How?"

"Well, I'll fly in." She restated, "You'll be riding."

"On what now?" Sonic raised a brow, "A cow?"

One of the creatures that looked horse, dog, and dragon mixed flipped its head up and glared at the hedgehog. The hedgehog kept rambling on, having no idea he was being stared at deathly. Shira-Lee noticed it, and started chuckling a little, while the creature trotted beside her.

Sonic stopped, "What's so funny?"

"You just pissed off your ride." She grinned, and pointed to the creature behind her, "This is your ride, and basically calling it a cow, it now won't listen to you."

The creature growled lowly at the hedgehog, baring fangs the size of Sonic's middle finger. Sonic gulped slightly from the growl, but knew he had to live with it.

"So how do I ride this?"

"Simple," Shira-Lee smiled, "Get beside her, allow her three seconds to kneel, you hop on…" she then tugged a dreadlock that was on the creature's neck, "Grasp these, and hang on."

Sonic glared at her, "So you know, I can't ride bareback."

"Trust me." She grinned while waving for her ride to trot to her, "You won't notice a difference between bareback and saddle."

She leaped onto her ride's back, the same one she used to escape earlier, and rode past Sonic, "Come on!"

Sonic turned to the creature that glared at him, and stood to it's left, "Okay, I'm sorry. I just have a headache and I'm an ass."

It snorted and knelt down, waiting patiently as Sonic hopped on and grabbed the dreadlocks on its neck. Without even warning the hedgehog, the creature reared and bolted from the spot. Sonic yelped and clinched the dreads as the creature nearly slipped from underneath him, going faster than what he expected. Before he knew it, they were into the trees and were galloping through the forest.

Sonic kept low, seeing branches everywhere, and gripped as if they were racing, but since there was no saddle he couldn't tell if he was slipping or okay. The creature gained more speed, almost going about sixty mile per hour, Sonic couldn't believe the speed, with all the logs, holes, rocks, anything in a forest. It kept calm, and kept running, not even looking up.

Sonic did look up however, and seen Shira-Lee just right above them, flying just above the tree tops.

I already have a bad feeling about this…

Sonic glanced down towards the creature, and stared blankly, "Did you just talk?"

No, speaking in your mind, dumb ass.

Sonic growled back, "Why you-"

You called me a cow. So shut up.

Sonic growled loudly, "Look, I nearly got ripped to shreds and I smacked my head against stone. What else is gonna happen?"

The village we left was attacked, about three days before you were rescued.

"Okay, before we continue," Sonic paused the creature, while quickly ducking from a branch, "But name please?"


"Sonic." Sonic replied, "So what attacked the village."

As the two continued through the forest, the labeled Palkara kept speaking in his mind.

Creatures the size of lynxes, midnight black, with red slotted jewels, and a lust for blood. They were reported only a few days ago, and already these creatures have killed about a hundred. Injured five.

Sonic's mouth dropped, "About a hundred? Crap!"

These creatures are also hard to kill, it has to be a headshot before they die.

Sonic's head then began to ring an answer into his head. Midnight black, red slotted eyes, the size of cats. Laborings!

"Laborings!" Sonic yelped, "How the hell did they get here?"

You know of these bastards?

"These bastards are minions of a mad scientist." Sonic explained, seeing a clearing up ahead, "And when I say mad, I mean insane. An alien, blood and sex thirsty scientist."


"He's not a human, nor is he one of my kind." Sonic growled, "He can't be killed."


Tails ran downstairs and into the kitchen, "Anything yet?"

"Nothing." Rouge stated, sitting at the table, with a radio beside her.

"Not even from Sonic?"

"No. Where did he go anyways?"

Tails shrugged, "I have no idea."

"I actually know." Shadow spoke up coming from the back yard, "He went after the Chaos Emerald, and he got there with the help of the IMA."

"How is that possible?" Tails growled, "I mean, it takes a lot."

Rouge continued to stare at Shadow, uneasy, feeling a dark vibe coming from him, "I must ask, but, are you okay?"

Tails flipped his head towards Shadow, "What now?"

Shadow whipped his hand out, his hand glowing black and red, and within seconds, their eyes turned black, and both collapsed to the ground. The black hedgehog stood for a small moment, making sure the two didn't move, and laughed sinisterly. He moved to where Tails' computer sat, and looked onto the screen.

He grinned, "Now I know how to get there."

The screen showed a pathway with a weather forecast, and below it radio signals. He shifted back into his normal form, and leaned back into the chair bringing a mic to his mouth.

"Klaira, can you hear me?" he spoke into the mic.

"Yes, what's the news?" Klaira replied.

"Get your Raven Wing Extreme Gear ready," He stated, "We're headed to Salania in less than an hour."

"Zephyra too?" She replied.

"Him too." He smiled, "Meet me here in thirty minutes."

He clicked the mic off and smiled, "And the plan slowly works it's way…"


Klaira rolled her eyes and turned to Zephyra, "You heard him, we're going."

Zephyra blinked a few times, "Wait, we?"

"Yes." Klaira growled, "and Darren's going to meet us there as well."

Zephyra's mouth dropped, "He's also on this? Come on! We don't need any damn horny chameleons! Mince is already a handful without him!"

Klaira shook her head, quickly aggravated by his response, "Would you rather deal with that?"

She pointed behind him, the demon-hog then turned and seen a black creature, like the Laborings that have ran around, only bigger, slimmer, and more vicious. Zephyra gulped slightly, seeing the thing look straight at him, it's sleek tail waving back and forth.

He turned to her, "Um, what are those again?"

"Super Laborings." She growled, "And they are nasty bastards."

O.O another chaoter up x3 enjoy