Disclaimer: This story is based off characters and locations owned and created by J. K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Publishing, Warner Brothers or any other company that own copyright to the Harry Potter series. The story may include characters and locations owned/created by other parties including but not limited to Joss Whedon, George Lucas, Lucasfilm, Fox, Paramount, Random House, Penguin Putnam, Inc., Ballantine Books, and a variety of other people. No money is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.

SummeryIt's late and Hermione can't sleep...could a night time wander on the castle grounds be the answer to her insomnia?

A/N: This piece is written rather hurriedly for The Hideaway September Dabble Contest. The challenge: 400-600 words in length Must include: A character in a wet towel.

If you are wondering what the hideaway is go to my profile and click on the link!

Water is Wet!

It was late, Hermione knew this yet sleep would not come. She had tried all the old techniques to try and relax her mind and body...a hot bath hadn't worked, the hot malted drink hadn't work and Dobby's attempt at singing a lullaby had definitely not worked! She could pick up no book without her mind wandering...to him. She tried the room of requirement but it could offer her no comfort and so now she sat in her high window seat, gazing out over the inky black grounds of Hogwarts her eyes focusing on nothing in particular her thoughts yet again...with him.

It disturbed her, this... 'Obsession' was the word that came to mind that Hermione quickly sneered at but it was nearer to the truth than any other word she could think of.

Deciding that a new technique of getting her mind off him was in order, she picked up her wand and casting a silencing charm on her feet and left her room and the Gryffindor tower.

After reaching the entrance hall easily enough without a single hair of that evil Mrs Norris in sight she slipped quietly through the doors and onto the castle grounds. After her first lap around the walls of the castle Hermione made her way over to the lake, angry that even parts of the grounds she had never walked through before reminded her of him

'Exactly what do I have to do to get him out of my head?' Hermione wondered as she rounded the corner of a large rock where she found a discarded damp towel.

She was about to pick it up when a disturbance in the water distracted her, frowning she looked over the lake and spotted a naked foot attached to a rather hairy leg wave in the air before disappearing below the surface with a 'splash'.

"That's not a mermaid" Hermione mumbled to herself

The owner of the leg resurfaced moments later.

"That's definitely not a mermaid!" She gasped alerting the late night swimmer to her presence.

He muttered something and the towel beside her shot of the ground and toward him as he began walking toward the shore and quickly (but not quite quick enough) placed the towel around his hips obviously not caring that the towel was now soaked. Towel now secured he strode out of the water towards her.

He was about to speak but Hermione beat him to it.

"Is it cold out there Professor?"

Professor Snape paused for a moment and then blushed.

Hermione was definitely not going to get him out of her mind for sometime!

A/N: This piece is written rather hurriedly for the Hideaway September Dabble Contest. The challenge: 400-600 words in length. Must include: A character in a wet towel.

If you are wondering what the hideaway is go to my profile and click on the link!

If you have time a review would be appreciated but no Flames as I do bite...