Date: 22 Sep 2007

Note: "I'm addicted to Eyeshield 21. I just can't leave it alone! Grrrr…"

Title: Password

Rating: T/PG – for obscenities (of course)

Summary: What terrible things are stored inside Hiruma's laptop? Will Mamori find out?

Disclaimer: I don't own Eyeshield 21.. sooooo sad.. T-T

Chapter 1: The way of Anezaki

It's almost winter time. A gust of cold wind just stung my eyes and I'm almost at my breaking point; with school work, the disciplinary committee, and of course, managerial duties for the Deimon Devilbats. But I refuse to break and be subdued. That is not the way of Anezaki Mamori.

I'm still getting used of not having Sena with me when I walk to school. It's sad, but I understand the need to let go. I must, so he'll know that I believe in him and that he can believe in himself and what he can do. This is what I hate most about myself: sometimes I'm just too… involved? concerned? Anyway, it's time to face the battlefield called High School once again. And talking about battles, my greatest rival, the Devil Quarterback is just a few steps ahead.

"Good morning, Hiruma-kun", I say trying not to sound too pleased.


I almost glare at him. The least he can do is smile and say hello, yet he gives me that?! How does he make that sound anyway? It's not even a word.

"What a beautiful day. I hope you had enough rest" I reply instead.

He kept silent, holding his gun against one shoulder. Is that a Mossberg-12 gauge-pump action shotgun? That's illegal to use and carry around. Where did he get that? (As if I can't let it go)

"Uhmm.. Hiruma-kun, we still haven't finished discussing our plays for the game with Shinryuji"

"Tch. Can't that wait until later, fuckin' manager?"

Grrr… I thought he'd changed on me. Just the other day he called me Mamori. He's making that "fucking manager" almost a sort of endearment.

"I want Duboroku and the Damn Baldy there when we discuss them", he said.

Whoa?! Yukimitsu? He's actually letting Yuki on?

"You mean Yukimitsu-kun?" I asked

"Who else is the fucking baldy in the team, fucking manager?" he answered crassly, waving his shotgun around.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Just hold that Mossberg steady".

"Tch. In case you haven't noticed, I know how to spot skills", he said eyeing her, "damn manager", he said as he walked away.

Then he looks back at me and grins..

"I thought you hate guns, damn manager? Mossberg-eh? Doin' your homework Mamo-nee? Kekeke", he teases, turning away.

x x x x x

I almost fell asleep during calculus, skipped lunch, and pinned myself twice doing Embroidery in Home Economics. Why do we have to study embroidery in school anyway? I mean, it's something one should learn from her grandma. Why not just have Sweet Stand Business Management or even Baking Sweets for Merchandise in the curriculum? It's been a long, hard day, and afternoon practice is just coming up: two and a half hours dealing with rowdy boys and a gun-toting maniac. All these thoughts passed through my weary brain as I walked into the clubhouse, set my stuff on the corner table, and began preparing the water bottles. I just started humming to myself in tune with a familiar task when an object, a most mysterious one, caught my attention.

There it is.. lying near the edge of the long table where we discuss our plays. It seems so familiar, yet so foreign to me: the Devil's Laptop. Just thinking about its contents will send shivers down one's spine. What secrets are stored inside that abominable thing? What kind of underground information can one find? I'd bet a whole box of Kariya's creampuffs that it contains more data than the Devil's Black Book, with its access to the different databases and guarded sites which its owner has hacked thus far.

Okay, Mamori, maybe you're freaking too much. It's just a laptop, just a thing.

But, oh, how great is its magnetism! Slowly, slowly, I realize I am standing by the edge of the table where it lies and that I am actually reaching for it. I hold myself back, my fist clenched, as if the mere thought of holding it with my hands can burn.

Am I doing the right thing? What if – what if? What if I find something so disturbing.. like data on our Principal? Or even the Governor of Tokyo? (I've always had this suspicion that Hiruma blackmailed the Governor after the game with the Punks) And even more, what if I find some pornographic stuff?!!! Okay, it's more likely to find pictures of his gun collection and an index of hand grenades with full illustrations. Still.. am I ready for this?

Okay, Mamori, now is your chance to finally figure out Hiruma (not that you really don't have any idea because you're probably the person who best understands him). He probably ran out of sugarless gum or went back home to get some ammunition for his new gun, and won't be back too soon. At least (while he's gone) you can browse his files and may even find out his favorite brand of music from his mp3 collection, or something.

Okay, here goes.. I open the laptop slowly, revealing a black screen. I admire the lines, the keys, the letters, and even the different functions.

Hmm.. okay.

I'm thinking. I look at the sides and try to feel for buttons.

Hmm.. okay.


I just have a bit of a problem:

"How do I turn this thing on?!"

x x x x x

Next Chapter: Under Pressure

Finished and coming soon…