This is a dumb ass one-shot. Enjoy


"AHHHH SASUKE! I SAID STOP!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke was hovering over him. Sasuke moved his hands again and made Naruto yell…again.

"Say it!" Sasuke demanded moving his pale fingers faster. Naruto squirmed beneath the raven.

"NO! YOU'RE SADISTIC!" Naruto wailed.

"Naruto if you don't say it than I'll never stop and you won't be able to move for quite awhile." Sasuke smirked.

"You have to let me up! You're parents renewal is in a few hours!" Naruto retorted.

"They will never be there on time. So we have plenty on time to kill." Sasuke snapped back.

"COME ON TEME QUIT IT!!" Naruto whined, thrashing his body as much as he could.





"SAY IT!" Sasuke growled.

"FINE!!" Naruto yelled giving in.

"Fine what?!"

"Fine I'll say it."

"Say what?" Naruto mumbled something incoherently. "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Sasuke said leaning closer and moving his fingers faster.

"AHHH! I said thatyou'rethebestloverandIlovehavingyourdickupmyass! Happy I said it! NOW STOP!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke slowly stopped his fingers and moved off of the blonde.

"That'll do for now. But you will be screaming it to the sky later tonight." Sasuke said kissing the blonde on his forehead.

"Whatever. Now thanks to you and your freaking tickling I have to pee!" Naruto said pushing Sasuke off of him and running into the bathroom.


What did ya'll think Sasuke was doing, ya pervs! Yes, it was a pointless one-shot but I was just swimming around my head wanting to be typed. Well hopefully you enjoyed it. You can review or even flame it!! But nothing to harsh please! Until next time! Ja Ne!