-Chapter 1-
Like alot of people, I really like Draco and Hermione as a couple...of course that probably will never happen. Anywho, this story is supposed to take place in the 7th year of Hogwarts. I havent read the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th book. So I might be a little off from the actual book. But have some patience. I promise it will be good.
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Present Time
Her back arched as waves of pleasure rushed through her body. With every thrust, moans filled the atmosphere and sweat covered their half-naked bodies. Her skirt was at her ankles, and his pants were at his. Her blouse unbottoned, his shirt unbuttoned and a tie around his neck.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
Was the last thing that crossed her mind before she exploded from the climax that powered her body. She dug into his back, through his shirt, until her body rested.
Breathing hard, Hermione and Draco held onto each other for a moment before allowing themselves to release from each other.
"Not to bad, Mudblood..." Draco managed to get out between breathes as a smile spread across his cheeks. With that, Draco got up off of her, proceeded with fixing his clothes before exiting the hidden section of the library, leaving Hermione there half-naked, breathless and confused.
2 Months Earlier
It was a day before school started, Hermione was fully packed and had everything she need. With a sigh of excitement, Hermione sat down on her bed and looked around her room. It was hard to believe she was already in her last year at Hogwarts.
Only moments later, a tap came upon her window, distracting Hermione from her trian of thought. As she looked over at the window, there an owl waited for with letter in his mouth. Hermione got up slowly and walked over to the window. She took letter from the owl and the owl was off.
The evelope was so familiar, I looked just like the one she would get every year before school. Although, she had already gotten her supply list, so it must have been something different. Delicatley, Hermione used her finger and slipped it under the flap that was glued down with scarlett red wax that embeded the Hogwarts symbol. Hermioned gently pulled up on the flap and opened the letter.
Dear Miss Granger:
I would like to meet with you in the Head Compartment on the train to Hogwarts, we have a few matters to discuss and we need to make decisions on how to proceed with the matters. I hope to see you bright and early.
Professor McGonnagal
Hermione let a thought of confussion cross her mind as she set the letter on her nightstand before laying down on her bed. She continued to look at the letter for a moment before reaching a hand over to her lamp and turning off the light.
The next morning Hermione woke up to her alarm clock beeping in her ear. As she rolled over, Hermione hit the button to turn off her alarm clock before getting out of bed.
Slowly creeping across her room, Hermione let out a yawn as she exited her room and entered the bathroom. As she looked in the mirror, Hermione noticed a mark on her neck. As she gently pulled her hair to the side, she let out a gasp as a mark of a small star was visible on the side of her neck.
Without any hesitation, Hermione ran to her room and opened her dresser drawer, pulling out a black turtle neck. Wether the mark was good or bad, she did not know, but to be on the safe side, Hermione pulled off her shirt and put on the turtle neck. She then pulled her straightened hair back into a loose ponytial before taking off her night shorts and putting on some cute, low-rise jeans. After she was fully satisfied with her wardrobe, Hermione placed on a little make up and put on a pair of her black Chuck Taylors before grabbing her trunk and heading out the door.
After she arrived to the train station, Hermione got out of the cab and grabbed her belongs before heading inside and looking for platform 9 3/4. As she found the column she had to run through, someone called after her.
Hermione turned around to fine Harry running towards her with a smile on his face.
"Hey!" Hermione replied back just as excited before reaching her arms out for a hug, and getting a hug in return from Harry.
"How are you, Hermione?"
"I'm doing good." She replied back, trying not to burst out about the mark she found that morning.
"So...what's up with the turtle neck?" Harry asked, confused as he looked her up and down.
"Well, I'm cold..." She told him trialing off, knowing he knew something was up.
"Hermione, it's 80 degrees out." He spat in return. Hermione just shrugged her shoulders before grabbing her stuff once more.
"I have to go. I have a meeting with Professor McGonnagal. I'll see you later, okay?" She told him before racing off into the platform 9 3/4, leaving Harry behind.
As she got on the train, Hermione headed for the Head Compartment. Standing in front of it, Hermione opened the door to find Professor McGonnagal and Draco Malfoy sitting on the seats opposite of each other.
"Oh, sorry, I must be in the wrong com---" Hermione was cut off.
"No, Miss Granger, please come in and take a seat." Professor McGonnagal told her with a weak smile.
Hermione nodded and went to sit down next to Draco, he had a smirk across cheeks and she hand a look of anger.
"Okay, as you may have guessed already, you two are the Head Boy and Girl. I know this may be difficult for the two of you, but you two will need to learn to get along, because you two will be in the same Head Room. You will both have seperate rooms, a bathroom to share and a living area. You two already know the rules, and you need to make sure other students follow them. I will give more information when needed. Now Draco, head off to see your buddys. I have some private business to speak to Miss Granger about."
With that, Draco got up and left without letting the smirk that was planted on his face disappear. As soon as the door shut, Hermione freaked.
"Okay, I need some help. I dont know what it is, an allergic reaction, some dark mark...help me, please!" Hermione bursted out as she pulled down the neck of her shirt to show her the star that planted itself on her neck.
"That's what I've been meaning to talk to you about. See, Hermione, We recieved some news that you are of royal blood."
Hermione looked at Professor McGonnagal in confussion as she let go of the neck of her shirt.
"What do you mean 'royal blood'?" Hermione asked as she narrowed her eyes, confussion still written across her face, "You mean to say, that I'm royal?"
"Yes, Hermione. It's exactly as it sounds. Now, it will be all over tabliods, so we have hired a body gaurd for your protection. But there's also a catch. That mark on your neck is a sign of virginity and pureness. That mark will slowly fade for 6 months. You have till your mark fades to get married. If you let that mark fade, you will lose the heir to the thrown. But pick wisely, because once your married, your with him for the rest of your life. Understand?"
Hermione sat there in shock for moment before nodding her head slowly in agreement.
"Good. Now, I must be off. Good luck Miss Granger." Professor McGonnagal added before exiting the compartment. Hermione just sat there, letting everything sink in.