I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy and this week I have seven days of off school so I will probably update at least once. Maybe more than that if you're lucky. :
The next morning Troy woke before Gabriella so he let her sleep. He wrapped his arms around her small waist while pushing some hair out of her face. He softly ran his fingers through her hair finally tangling his fingers at the ends of her hair. He brought her hand up to his face kissing her fingers, the back of her hand, and then kissing her palm letting his lips stay on her palm. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled. Troy noticed but left her hand at his lips. He finally pulled his lips away and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning." He smiled.
"Morning." She said back.
He took both of her hands and pulled her off the bed standing her up in front of him so that there were only about two inches between them. She felt his hot breath on her cheek and her breath caught in her throat. They began to lean in and they got so close but his mom had called them down to breakfast. Gabriella looked down and blushed. Troy dropped one of her hands and lead her downstairs. When they got downstairs the smell of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, and grits filled their noses.
"Wow Mrs. Bolton this smells and looks amazing!"
"Why thank you Gabriella." Mrs. Bolton smiled while Troy pulled four plates out of the cupboard and loaded Gabriella's plate with food.
"Troy that's a lot of food!" Gabriella exclaimed
"I like a girl with a big appetite." He said and then shut his mouth when he realized what he said and they both looked down and blushed.
When they were done eating Troy pulled Gabriella up out of the chair and said.
"Go get dressed I'm taking you out for the day." He said and smiled. She nodded and ran upstairs to get ready to go out with Troy.
I'm so sorry this is so short but this is only part one of this. I got mad at myself when they didn't kiss but I had to write it in anyway. If you lucky I may update tonight but don't count on it.