Inner Fire



There is a fire inside of me,

A burning place.

It is alive,

Forcing the flames through my veins.


Sometimes, I want it to burn,

Because that burn will make me strong.

That fire is strength,

But it is cold and cruel.


If I use the fire for too long,

It takes over,

And I can't stop hurting,

Not until I'm stopped.


I've always had this in me,

Ever since I was a baby.

When I hurt, it healed.

When I feared, it gave me strength.


I was meant to be a hero

For holding in this flame.

Instead, I am hated.

Very few can stand me.


And here, it is taking me.

It cannot be stopped.

The fire is taking me,

And I am with my friends.


I fight it, but it cannot be fought.

As it burns, I run,

Fleeing for my friends.

They follow me regardless.


I am burning,

A tail of flame, then two.

My hands are claws,

Teeth are fangs.


Waking up, I see chaos.

There is blood, and bodies.

The fire escaped enough,

And now my village burns.


Crying is all I can do, really.

Damning my charge.

That fiery fox just laughs,

It taunts in my mind.


I cannot die,

If I do, my fire will escape.

I must live with my demon,

Or everyone will die.


But, I cannot help but wonder

Why I hold this burden.

I'm not strong enough for this,

And this is a strength I cannot borrow.