A BIG thankyou to all you delicious reviewers and readers for your support of this Umbrella Project.

We hope that this last chapter is satisfying.

This was so much fun! I chased after the female in green as she ran screaming down the corridor. The female that had let me out had told me not to chase these humans, but where was the fun in that. The female in green stopped at an elevator and started to bang on the doors. I was almost upon her when the doors to the elevator open revealing soldiers.

"Get down!" one yelled. The female in green fell to the floor, the soldiers opened fired at me.

Drats! Time to leave! I dashed back around the corner as the corridor filled with bullets.

"You stupid thing!" the female with the black hair came up beside me. "Don't you know the meaning of quiet!"

Nope! I hissed at her. You want to play? Its fun! She didn't seem to be listening to me, she suddenly started shooting at the soldiers around the corner before retreating.

"Come on!" she called.

But I want to have fun!

She gestured for me to come. "Come on," she repeated.

Fine! I hissed.

I followed her reluctantly as she headed down a stairwell, shooting at the soldiers as they attacked. More and more soldiers came up the stairwell, the female with the black hair was getting angry as the soldiers cut us off.

Let's try it my way.

I climbed onto the roof and scurried down the stairs before lunging at the soldiers, they cried out with surprise bullets going everywhere hitting the other soldiers and me. I was getting more annoyed now, they dare shoot me!

I dug my fangs into one of their legs before ripping my claws into another one's back, when they had stopped moving I scurried back up to the female, she looked at me before heading down the stairs.

I continued to follow her taking out any soldiers that got in our way. We ended up in a room that had lots and lots of large boxes in it. I climbed up on top of one of the stacks and looked around, there was nothing of interest except a large strange weapon with spikes, I scurried over to it, there were buttons on the side of it, I went to push them.

"Don't touch that missile turret!" the female shouted.

But I want to see what it does!

Suddenly soldiers opened fire in the room distracting her, she opened fire back. I turned back to the device, I wanted to see what it did so I hit the button. There was a loud whoosh as the pair of spikes went flying through the air towards the far wall, there was a large explosion as the spikes hit the wall and it came tumbling down.

My boss would love one of these devices, I will have to get him one.

Suddenly the female ran past me. "Come on," she yelled as she headed for the hole in the wall, I followed her. As we exited the building into the outside, there was another explosion as something else exploded.

"It's our ride," the female called pointing.

I watched as a black helicopter attacked more of the place before hovering over the top of us.

"Time to go home." The female said grabbing a cord that hung from the helicopter. She tied it around me before grabbing on and we were lifted into the air.

No! I want to stay, I was having fun! But I was lifted into the helicopter anyway.

The helicopter landed a while later and all the humans climbed off except me. I refused to get off, not until I got to have fun, not until I was fed!

Movement caught my attention and I turned to look.


I dived off the helicopter and dashed over to him. Boss I missed you so much, you'd never guess where I've been and I found something that you're really going to like!

When are you going to feed me?

"Welcome back," was all that he said.

The End

Would anyone like a Lickers day out 2 in the future?