PRWA Falcon's Fury Chapter 1

A/N: Hey everyone its time new story time, story number five in the seven story PRWA Series, and it's PRWA: Falcon's Fury. I have been ready and waiting to start typing this story for a while, and there are two reasons for that. Reason one is that what I have planned makes this a hugely important story that sets up the final two stories in the series. Second reason is because I have it set in Bowling Green, Ohio, home of Bowling Green State University, which is the fine academic institution that I currently attend, and yes I am bias when I choose locations for my stories. Now there will be no match action in this first chapter, but you will learn who wins the eight person tournament to see who faces Jason for the PRWA Championship tonight. Alright I hope then that everyone enjoys this first chapter of PRWA: Falcon's Fury.

Summary: This is the falcon, winged lord of the sky. Tonight you must face the Falcon's Fury. PRWA presents Falcon's Fury, live from the New Anderson Arena in Bowling Green, Ohio on Sunday February 18, 2007, and only on pay-per-view.

Disclaimer: I only own the PRWA and its owner Phil Savitt, who is me.

Recap of the eight person tournament to determine the number one contender for the PRWA Championship

First Round – PRWA Weekly live from Little Rock, Arkansas

Tommy vs. Goldar – "Goldar is in control of the match, he's looking for the Goldar Bomb, waits Tommy fights out, and out of no where hits the Black Thunder. Tommy covers Goldar for the one, two, three, and Tommy Oliver advances to the semifinals."

Jack vs. Gruum – "Jack he's looking for the SWAT Mode, wait its Sky coming down the ramp. Wait Jack is ready and the chase is on outside the ring. Jack is about to get Sky, but out of nowhere Gruum delivers a massive clothesline. Gruum with the Troobian Neckbreaker as he reenters the ring just as the referee counts to ten, counting out Jack. Gruum advances by count out, thanks to an unlikely assist from Sky."

Conner vs. Mesogog – "Both Conner and Mesogog are out, along with the ref. Mesogog is starting to stir, wait here comes Tommy, and he grabs a chair. Tommy is ready to assist his teammate against their main villain, but waits its Anton Mercer, and he throws Tommy out of the ring. Conner and Mesogog are up. Anton has the chair, and he levels Conner with it. Mesogog then covers Conner; Anton gets the ref and counts the one two three."

Andros vs. Rito – "Andros is ready to finish off Rito, be here comes Rocky, and the distraction allows Rito to hit the Bone Busters. Instead of pinning Andros Rito is lifting him up for Rocky, and he could get DQed for this. Wait Andros duck Rocky's attempt and takes out Rito. Andros then hits Rocky with the Astro Bomb, and then hits Rito with his own Bone Busters, cover one two three. Andros advances, and he will face Mesogog, while Tommy will battle Gruum."

Semifinals – PRWA Weekly live from St. Louis, Missouri

Tommy vs. Gruum – "It's been a back and forth battle here between Tommy and Gruum. Gruum tries for the Troobian Neckbreaker, but Tommy fights out, and he's trying for the Black Thunder, but Gruum fights out, Tommy then delivers an amazing corkscrew kick. He covers Gruum for the one two three. Tommy Oliver is going to the finals of this tournament."

Andros vs. Mesogog – "Mesogog has been in control this entire match. Wait its Ethan, and he's distracting the ref. Wait here comes Conner with a chair, and he nails Mesogog in the head with it, and this crowd is stunned that GRE members Conner and Ethan just helped a Triple B's member in Andros. Andros didn't see any of it, but sees Mesogog in position and hits the Astro Bomb. Cover one two three, Andros wins, and he will face Tommy next week, winner gets the title shot. Wait here comes Mr. Savitt."

"Because of all the interference in the matches of this tournament, next weeks final will be in a steel cage."

Finals – PRWA Weekly live from Indianapolis, Indiana

"What a steel cage match it has been, both Andros and Tommy fighting to get out, Tommy is close to being out the door while Andros is almost climbed out of the cage. And there out, the ref has called for the bell, the cage is going up, but no winner has been declared yet, as the two refs are now at our table looking at the tape to see who touched first. Looks like the ref have made a decision as they are now talking to the ring announcer."

"Ladies and gentlemen the referees have informed me that the winner of the match, who's feet touched the floor first just seconds before their opponent, who will be going on to Falcon's Fury to face Jason Scott for the PRWA Championship is……..TOMMY OLIVER"

"The arena has filled with boos as Tommy just beat Andros out of the ring, and he will face Jason for the title at Falcon's Fury."

Falcon's Fury Press Conference video

It's a beautiful Thursday afternoon in Bowling Green, Ohio for the PRWA Falcon's Fury Press Conference as PRWA Owner Mr. Savitt takes to the podium.

"Ah it's great to be back here in BG. As you can remember we had the second ever PRWA Weekly show here at that when I heard plans for this new arena, and I promised when it was finished we would return with a pay-per-view, and we're back. Now to business, as I announced at Fan's Choice, Operation Overdrive will debut here at Falcon's Fury, and these are the matches that are set for them. Mack will face the person who was Red Ranger before him, Nick. Will was to face Tommy, but since Tommy has a PRWA Title match, Will will face the Black Ranger before Tommy, Danny. Rose was to face the Pink Ranger before her in Vida, but since V and Maddie are now in the women's tag title match, Rose will face the Pink Ranger before V, in Syd. Also in a Fatal Four-way it will be Andrew Hartford vs. Moltor vs. Flurious vs. Kamdor. Lastly in two requested matches, it will be Dax vs. Miratrix and Ronnie and Tyzonn vs. The Fearcats. As for our main event, featuring the two men to the left and right of me, since this match is so big, I have declared myself special guest referee."

Both men then rose from their seats and stared down Mr. Savitt before staring down each other, as Jason held the PRWA Title up.

Preview Video

This is the Falcon, winged lord of the sky. Tonight the PRWA invades the land of the Falcons, Bowling Green, Ohio and the campus of Bowling Green State University, the Alma Matar of one PRWA Owner Mr. Savitt. This is the PRWA's Falcon, Tommy Oliver. Tonight Tommy looks to soar to the heavens once again as he will battle Jason for the top prize in the game, the PRWA Championship. These two former best friends turned bitter enemies will do anything to win the championship. Speaking of doing anything to win, that's what Trini and Scorpina will do, as they battle in a Falls Count Anywhere match, meaning anywhere on the campus is far game. And then there's Ecliptor and Darkonda, who will have to do everything to win, because the loser won't be seen in the PRWA ever again. This is the Falcon, winged lord of the sky, and tonight you must face the Falcon's Fury. PRWA presents Falcon's Fury, live from Anderson Arena in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Anderson Arena is going nuts as the pyro goes off to symbolize the start of the show. The crowd continues to go nuts as "Ladies and Gentlemen" starts playing.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome home BGSU alumnus and PRWA Owner MR. PHIL SAVITT," announces Mr. Kennedy as the owner heads to the ring, loving every minute of the love from the crowd.

The crowd finally calms down once he is in the ring.

"It is great to be back," says Mr. Savitt.

"This is where it all started for me, if it wasn't for the education I got at this university, this event would not be happening. There are some many people I can thank for this, and luckily for me most are here in this beautiful building tonight. Once we got here I got a tour of this place and I love it, it's updated, but it still gives to the feel of the old place, and I'm glad I donated money to the project. As I mentioned there are a lot of people here that I can thank for this, and I am also proud to announce that the players and coaches of all eighteen BGSU sports teams are here tonight, and I love that because I love BG athletics, and I showed that when I was here, going to every game that I could, and I continue to show that with the support I give all the teams. So again I would like to thank everyone that is here tonight, so let's get this party started," said Mr. Savitt.

"Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a best two out of three falls match, and the loser will be handcuffed at ringside for the match after this," announced Mr. Kennedy

"Alive" by POD started to play.

"Introducing first, from the year 3000, the original Red Time Force Ranger, ALEX," announced Mr. Kennedy as the boos followed Alex to the ring.

"Holiday" by Green Day then started.

"And introducing his opponent, from Silver Hills, California, he is the present day Red Time Force Ranger, WES COLLINS," announced Mr. Kennedy as Wes headed to the ring.

Once in the ring the ref went over the rules and called for the bell.

A/N: Ok everyone that's chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed. Chapter 2 will feature the Alex/Wes best two out of three falls match, an interview with the PRWA Women's Tag Team Champions Marah and Kapri, and the intros for match number two, which just happens to feature Wes and Alex's girlfriends. Again I hope you enjoyed.