I'm so sorry for the delay, have been busy with my own musical, not Cats, although I wish it was! Thank you so much for your reviews and I hope you like this chapter, I've really tried to get it spot on, so that added to the delay!
Enjoy my fellow Cats lovers.
Demeter lay on the bed, the three tiny kittens sleeping against her quietly.
"They are so beautiful." Dem said softly.
"Just like their mother." Munk said, stroking Dem's cheek gently.
"Whatever are we going to name them?" Munk sat by Demeter and looked at their new litter, "I don't know." They looked at the three kittens and took in their features and traits,which they were just beginning to show at a few hours old.
"Well this little angel looks just like you." Munk said, indicating at the tiny little girl kitten that was in between her two brothers.
"She hasn't got my white chest though," Demeter said looking at the little bundle who like her mother, was mostly golden and black with little tufts of red, but like her father, had glints of radiant silver. "she's got little black stripes like you, she has your eyes too."
"They haven't opened their eyes yet!"
"I can tell, they are deep and sunken in see, they are too small to be mine." Demeter said with a little giggle.
"He looks just like me," Munk said, gently stroking the little boy kitten closest to him. Sure enough, he looked like a mini Munkustrap, all silver with black stripes, although he had the same pattern of stripes as Demeter, they were more irregular to be the same prominent tabby stripes his Father had.
"I guess he got a bit of both of us," Dem said, looking at the remaining kitten. He was smaller than the other two and was a brown colour with magnificent gold, red and black stripes. He had the same, slightly messy yet still handsome mane as Munkustrap and unlike his siblings, had inherited Munk's fluffy tail and shoulders.
"I think he looks like a Pip." He looked to Dem for her opinion and she said, "He looks just like a Pip." The little girl kitten stirred and started to mew and Munk instinctively picked her up and gently rocked her until she quickly fell back asleep.
"You're a natural Munky." Demeter said lovingly, "She deserves a special name, something classy yet different." After a while she said, "I like Ariel."
"It suits her." Munk said.
"Ariel." Demeter repeated, a smile on her lips. "So what are we going to call mini Munk?"
Munk laughed, "He looks like you too, I don't know though."
"I'd like to to name him after a family member but neither of us knew our father's and I don't think calling him Deuteronomy would go down too well!"
"I don't want anything too human sounding either." Munk said thoughtfully. They sat in silence for a moment and Dem said eventually, "Why don't we leave it for a little while, I'm sure something will hit us soon."
"Yeah you're right," agreed Munk and he stroked their nameless kitten and said, "I guess you'll just be Kitten for now."
"You know I still haven't told the tribe, although Tugger knows so they all undoubtedly know already!"
"We'll be fine for a while, go tell them."
"Are you sure, I don't want to leave you alone."
"You've got to tell them some time." Demeter said with a small laugh.
"Yeah, I'll be back in a bit." he kissed Demeter then looked at his 3 kittens, a look of love, yet slight wonderment in his eyes and left the room quietly. Munkustrap walked to the centre of the Junkyard, feeling the cool breeze in his mane. He thought about all he and Demeter had been through. They had both had scares during the last few months and Munkustrap couldn't help but think he could have at least prevented his, if not Demeter's. He knew his life was never going to be the same, but he had 3 beautiful kittens with the Queen he loved more than anything else in the world. As the Protector he knew it was his job to look after the tribe, a job he thrived on, a job he needed to do. But now he was a Father and now his priorities had to change. But could he really do it? Could he really bring himself to give up what he had worked so hard to achieve, would he be able to live with himself if he did? But would he be able to live with himself if he didn't? Munk sighed and shook his head, he hated making decisions like that.
"Hey, Munk is coming!" Tumble called as he sat on the high pile of junk. The cats down below looked in the direction, although they couldn't see Munk themselves, and started talking amongst themselves. They all wanted the news, but also knew that Munk was not one to give details away where his life was concerned. Nevertheless, with Tugger and his ability to ask inappropriate questions at awkward times, the truth would eventually no doubt come out! Munk appeared from behind a pile of junk and the tribe looked at him, then looked away, attempting to play it cool. Instantly sussing what his friends were doing, Munk played along and after a quick 'hi' to those around him, sat on the car boot and laid back lazily. They all exchanged looks but quickly looked away when Munk opened his eyes.
"So," He said coolly, not moving from his position, "Dem and I had 3 kittens." The others bounded over to him and he sat up with a laugh as different questions hit him at once, "Are they boys are girls?" "How is Dem?" "Did the birth go well?" "What do the kittens look like?"
"Slow down," He said, "I actually came here to announce it and also to talk to the tribe as the protector." The other cats jumped down from the bonnet leaving Munk the only one on there, a sign of respect for their Protector, as the rest of the tribe joined them in listening to what he had to say.
"First of all, Dem and I would like to say thanks for all your concern and well wishes. She gave birth to 3 healthy kittens a few hours a go, 2 boys and a girl and all 4 of them are doing well."
"Do they have names?" Quipped in Rumple.
"Yes they have names! Well 2 of them do, we have Pip and Ariel but our second boy hasn't got a name at the moment!"
"Well I think you should name him after your favourite brother." Tugger said.
"One Tugger in the Junkyard is plenty!" Misto said as he nudged Tugger playfully ads the cats around them sniggered.
"Anyway," Munk said with a chuckle, "on a different note, I have a few issues to discuss with you all as the Protector. Now what I'm about to say has been a rather difficult concept to get my head around so you'll have to bear with me." This was it, his decision made, which duty would come first, his role as the Protector or his role as a Father. Would he change the entire running of the Junkyard he had worked so hard to protect, or would he sideline them to be with Dem and his new family. "Ok, here it goes..."
"Hush little baby don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird, but if that mocking bird don't sing, mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." Demeter sang quietly as she gazed at her 3 beautiful kittens who were sleeping soundly in their bed of a shoe box with a blue velvet lining and tiny little cushions inside. There was a very quiet knock on the den door and Demeter opened it to find a very timid looking Victoria there. Her face was slightly pale and her hand was on her stomach which seemed remarkably big, although Demeter thought it might have had something to do with Tori being so small.
"Are you ok Tor?" Demeter said as she ushered her in.
"Yes, well no, well sort of, I mean." She sighed and sat down on the bed Demeter had guided her to, "I'm sorry to come here now, It;s just I saw Munk talking to the tribe so I thought now would be a good time to catch you on your own. I'm sorry, I know now;s not a good time."
"Tor, calm down sweetheart, it;s fine, the kittens are sleeping,
now what's the matter?"
"I'm really nervous about giving
birth. So many things have been playing on my mind and I don;t know
why but right now they see to be going into overdrive! I'm scared
"There's nothing to be scared of, I promise, Jenny and Rumple are the best, they've never let anyone down before."
"I know, but it's going to hurt!" Tori said, pouting her lips.
Demeter chuckled softly, "I'm afraid it does, you know the process of giving birth don't you? It involves pushing things out of you, it's not exactly a walk in the park Sweetie."
Tori smiled. "How are your kittens?" She asked quietly.
"They're asleep but they are perfect. Would you like to see
"I'd love to."
Demeter led Tori to the kittens who were still sleeping soundly as the cuddled closely together. Demeter looked at them lovingly and gently ran her finger down Pip's back.
"They are beautiful Dem."
"Aren't they." She looked at Tor who was looking at the tiny kittens, her eyes glistening. "In a few weeks you'll have some of your own I know it;s scary and I know it will hurt but think of the beautiful litter you're going to have at the end of it."
"You;re right Dem." Demeter put her arm around Tori who said, "Thanks Dem, you're right, it will be worth it, it will be so worth it."
"Hey Dem." Munkustrap said quietly as he went into their den, "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, the kittens haven't stirred either."
Munkustrap put his arm around her then kissed her on the lips, a long loving kiss as he ran his hands down her back.
"What was that for."
"Because I love you." Munk said and Demeter buried her head in his shoulder.
"Did you speak to the tribe?"
"Yes. I told them all 4 of you were doing well, they were all asking about you."
"Bless them." Demeter sad fondly.
"I also told them that from now on, all the duties are delegated, the whole tribe are pitching in."
"What do you mean?" Demeter asked, taken aback at what she had just heard.
"I mean that I've devised a schedule, each cat or cats has an allocated slot where they'll perform the duties needed."
"Munk, I don;t know what to say, I mean, wow, you gave up your duties?"
"I'll just be doing what I was originally allocated."
"But they're so important to you."
"Yes, but you're more important Dem."
"Oh Munk." Dem whispered and fell into his strong arms. They stayed there for a while in their loving embrace, remembering how much they really did love each other.