-Through the Eyes of an Astor-

-Disclaimer: I don't own Titanic, James Cameron does, and I obviously don't own real historical figures either, but any O.C.s that you don't recognize are the property of me-

Prologue: April 9, 1912: Paris, France: I had woken up around seven thirty this morning, with a few things on my mind. One was that tomorrow, my husband and I would be boarding the R.M.S. Titanic, the most luxurious passenger liner in the world. No, I didn't make that up, the White Star Line advertisement in the brochure on the nightstand, by the bed said that. The second thing was that I could not wait to be going back home, to New York. After six long months of a honeymoon, the traveling was starting to make me more tired as the months progressed. Another reason that I wanted to be going home was that we want our child to be born in its native land (in that case, America, not France). The third thing was that I was still in a minor breakdown mode, after all the publicity and insults, by various people, that just so happen to be fellow First-Class passengers on the same ship. Oh great. Well, I guess after reading my previous thoughts, you may able to figure out who I am, but if you cannot, I guess the right thing would be to tell you. My name is Madeleine Force Astor, I'm eighteen years of age, I have been married for seven months to the most wonderful man in the world, John Jacob Astor IV (also known to me as John or J.J.), and I'm five months pregnant. That's pretty much about me. Unless you count the fact that my husband is one of the richest in America, he's twenty-nine years older than me, he had been married before and has two children, one of whom is older than me by a year, and we have an Airedale Terrier named Kitty. And the fact that the whole entire world knows who I am. And that isn't entirely a good thing. Other than that, my life is (somewhat) normal. As I had finished writing, my husband finally decided to wake up, a full half-hour later.

"Good morning Maddie. How did you sleep?" John asks, stifling a yawn, and stretching his arms.

"I guess it was alright, but it could have been a lot better", I said, biting my lower lip.

"Oh? What's wrong?" He asked, concerningly.

"I could barely sleep, because I had a lot on my mind, and due to the fact of my 'condition', I woke up several times, feeling nauseous." I replied.

"Oh, I do hope you're alright, dear. We wouldn't want to be sick now, for tomorrow's big voyage, now would we?" He asked, smiling. No offense to you, but it's a ship. Yes, it's a very big ship, but I don't get all hyped up about such things.

"Of course not. I wouldn't want to miss it for the world!" I replied, with mock-enthusiasm.

"Maddie, there's something you're not telling me. I know that you just had pretended that you were excited, when you said that last sentence", he said, knowing what I was up to.

"Okay, you're right. I mean I want to go home, but I just really am starting to have second thoughts, about this." I said, looking up at him.

"I see. I have no idea why though, you'll be fine. The ship is unsinkable, and I'll be right there, and the crew is highly skilled. And there are watertight doors, and the hull is double bottomed", he said, sounding intelligent.

"It's not that I'm worried about. It's more of, the social aspect of things. It's not like all of the two-thousand something passengers hate me, but I'm sure there are a few that would prefer me not to be in the same room with them." I said, pretending to focus on the wall sconce.

"Maddie, you just have to ignore them. What they say doesn't mean anything, and most of it has proven to be untrue, anyways. Don't worry."

"Alright, I believe you." Only most of it? Great.

"Thank you, dear. I love you."

"I love you too, John."

We had kind of started kissing, and then the door handle clicks, and the funny thing was that it somehow went unnoticed, and the person behind the door walked in.

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Astor. I didn't think I was going to…interrupt things", my maid Rosalie had said, before she went to go back out the door.

"Rosalie. Calm down, please. You're not in trouble and I am not mad at you. But, I would like it if you did call me Madeleine, though. (This received a glance from my husband)

"Are you sure, ma'am?" She questioned timidly.

"Yes. I'm not that old yet. If you can wait until I'm at least thirty-five, maybe older, then I'll give you the option of calling me 'Mrs. Astor'. Until then, call me Madeleine, please."

"Yes, ma'am, I mean Madeleine."

"Thank you, Rosalie. Was there something you wished to see me about?" I asked.

"Oh, yes there was. I had just finished your packing, but I realized that you need another trunk for the remainder of your shoes."

"So, all fifty six pairs of shoes, and the one pair of boots that I'm not wearing tomorrow don't fit in two shoe trunks?" I asked. More shopping for me!

"I'm sorry, but we may have to do a bit of last minute shopping to pick up another one", she said, as calm as ever.

"Oh. Okay. I'm going to get dressed right now, actually. Please assist me."

"Yes, Madeleine."

We had decided on that I should wear a navy blue and white pinstriped outfit, with matching hat, gloved, and shoes. And I couldn't forget about the corset. Someone needs to invent something besides that, so women can actually breathe. I've fainted from them multiple times. As I went into the sitting room of the hotel suite, John emerged from where he was getting dressed. He had on a nice suit, with a hat, pocket watch, walking stick, and a nice money clip.

"Are you ready to go shopping?" He asked, and for some reason seemed happier about it than I did.

"Yes. Can we go now?" I said, really wanting to go.

"Of course, dear. And after that, I was thinking we could go and eat some lunch, at that little café, about a half-block from where we were planning to go."

"It sounds lovely, John."

"Then, let's go!"

After a full 3-½ hours of shopping, I was hungry. I had picked out another trunk, and another dress, and some other little things. Including really cute little baby clothes. John was at the jewelry counter picking out cufflinks, but for some reason, he had seven link boxes, and a really small little box. I wonder what that could be?

The café was very nice, and its décor was absolutely amazing. I would have loved it more, if it weren't for what had happened next.

As we were walking to our table, I was suddenly tripped, and fell to the floor. As I looked up to see what (or who, in my case) had tripped me, I knew it was very obvious why. I had encountered the first Mrs. Astor. I knew she hated me, from the day she found out 'that girl is younger than your son.' I remember him telling me about everything, and how much of a royal witch she could be. As I struggled to get up, her and her little clique just sat there and laughed, except her, who said something.

"John! Shame on you! Aren't you going to help your pregnant child-bride up?" She asked, very cattily.

"I was, actually." He offered his hand to me, and asked, "Maddie, are you alright?"

"Maddie? How cute. Edith, isn't that your poodle's name?"

"Yes, Ava, that is her name."

"John! How could you put a woman of her age in such a condition? Did that happen on your 'six-month honeymoon?' I knew you needed something to do. Good job. You succeeded. And 'Maddie', did that happen on your first time?" She asked worse than before.

"How could you be so cruel, Ava?" John asked, very mad.

"Oh, I find it rather easy when your ex-husband marries a girl who is young enough to be his daughter. You shamed society."

"I wasn't the only one that left a black mark on it. As I remember, you were the one that divorced me."

"It was for my own good."

"And we'd really like to sit down now, so if you'll excuse us."

The food was good, though the person eating it didn't feel like eating. I cannot believe this. That woman is such a… such a bitch!

We arrived back at the hotel around four, and it was time to get ready for dinner. We were going to Benjamin Guggenheim's dinner party. I set my hat in my one trunk, and took off my shoes, and put them with the hat. I sat on the window seat, and looked out, kind of depressed. And then started to sob. I don't know what had came over me, but whatever it was I couldn't take it anymore. John had joined me on the seat, and pulled me closer to him, and tried to comfort me. It worked, and then after fifteen minutes, decided we should get ready for dinner. I had on a black and white dress, whiles John was in white tie. Since it was rather chilly out, we decided to grab coats. I grabbed my black beaver coat, while John grabbed an overcoat, and a top hat. The dinner party was fun, but kind of boring, but I did have a laugh when a clumsy waiter spilled champagne on Mrs. Edgerton, who is not sailing with us. Thank God. The woman is worse than John's ex wife. After dinner, John said he had a surprise for me. I wonder what it was. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the Eiffel Tower.

"John, it's so beautiful", I said with awe.

"Not as beautiful as you are, though", he said smiling.

"There's no need for flattery. I'm not that pretty", I said looking up at him.

"Yes, you are, Maddie", he said before pulling me in tighter to him.

"Thank you. You are the most wonderful person in the world, John, did you know that?" I asked.

"No, but hearing it come from you, it must be the truth."

"Thank you."

"I have something for you" he said, before pulling out a little navy blue square box.

It was another ring, but it was gold with three stones and and had on the inside 'J.J. A & M.F.A 9/9/11.' Our initials and the date of which we were wed. How sweet. I had bought him engraved cufflinks, earlier, and I had given them to him.

"Happy seven months, John", I said smiling.

"And to you, my dear."

We then kissed and went back to the hotel, about ten minutes later. I took off my dress, coat, and shoes, and put them in the trunks, and my jewelry went in its box. I went to take a bath, and then I had put on a white silk nightgown. Rosalie had tied my hair back into a braid with a white ribbon, and then she went back to her own room to get ready for tomorrow. I climbed into the big, king-sized bed, and then John came in about ten minutes later.

"I will always love you, Madeleine."

"And I will always love you, John. No matter what anyone says."

"Happy anniversary, dear, sleep well."

"You too, darling. Good night."

He gave me a good night kiss and we soon fell asleep. Tomorrow will be an exciting moment for both of us, I just know it.

-Reviews are greatly appreciated-