Kursed to Love

Summary: When Krystal started her life as a bounty hunter named Kursed, Fox also changed professions. The consequences cause the reformation of a new Star Fox no one expected. Combines several endings to Command.

Disclaimer: Star Fox Disclaimed.

Chapter 1: Kursed

Kursed walked into the bar and sat down angrily. For two years she had been working as a bounty hunter outside of Lylat, but it was slowly annoying her. She hunted low level thugs who could hardly stand on their own two feet, just to pay for fuel.

Then again, the world was a cruel place, and she was cursed to be the one who bore the weight of that cruelty.

She sat down and ordered her drink, noticing the crimson fox next to her had ordered the same thing. He wore black armor, and his right arm was artificial, as was his left eye and ear. A scar ran across his single natural eye, an eye that would have been green, were it not clouded with blindness. He looked familiar, but she just couldn't lay a finger on it. Carefully, she tried to probe his mind…

Only to have him whirl around and deliver a powerful slap that sent her to the floor. "No one touches my mind, vixen," he growled, and then offered his paw to help her up. Kursed took it, her mind reeling. Not only had he detected her mind probe, but he had repelled it powerfully.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"No one knows me," was his reply. They sat down again as the bartender approached.

"So," the old bulldog chuckled as he handed them their drinks, "I see two of the most ominous bounty hunters have finally met." The two foxes looked at each other in confusion, but nether one recognized the other. "You know," the bartender continued, "People 'round here say you two'd make a great team together."

"Thanks, Jack," the male fox said standing and handing the bulldog payment. Jack counted it and looked at him in confusion.

"There's twice as much here than you had."

"For the vixen," was the emotionless response.

Kursed finished her drink and stood, "I suppose I should thank you, but I know bounty hunters don't do anything for free. What do you want?"

"I'm bored, and I have just received an offer that I can't complete on my own," the fox answered. "I need some help, and I'm willing to give you three fourths of the pay."

"How much?"

He named a figure.

She stuck out her paw, "Deal!"

Shaking her paw, he asked, "Have a name, vixen?"

"Kursed. You?"

"Scarred," he replied, but as they left the bar, nether could shake the feeling that they had met once before.