Blue howled loudly in sorrow and in pain, her howling turned to crying as she returned to her human form, clutching a bleeding White wolf to her chest. The wolfs faced contorted, changing into that of a human boy with brown hair and blue eyes. Blue stared down, pressing her hand firmly against the wound on her chest.

"Kiba!" She said, fear evident in her voice. Kiba's eyes fluttered slightly, his vision focusing as he looked up into her eyes. "Kiba.."

"Blue?" He asked, lifting his hand and tracing her jawline. "Are you hurt?" he asked, glancing over her beautiful face. She shook her head, the tears falling from her eyes.

"No, no I'm not. Thanks to you." She whispered, leaning down to kiss his forehead. He tried sitting up, only to be stopped by Blue and the sudden pain that shot through him. He hissed, coughing up blood. Blue quickly licked away the blood at the corner of his lips, refusing to believe her Kiba was dying.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't.. take you... to Paradise like... I promised.." He muttered out, gritting his teeth in pain. He looked up into her eyes, smiling the best he could despite the throbbing, aching twist in his stomach. "Blue..I love you"

"Kiba.." She said softly, leaning down to kiss him gently on the lips. He sat up slightly, bringing his hand to the back of her neck and pulling her more into the kiss. They kissed for several seconds, before his hand fell, the only thing holding him up were her slinder arms. She pulled back, already sobbing. "Kiba.." She said, shaking him slightly, pulling back to look at his face. He had a small smile on his lips. "Kiba!" She repeated, louder this time, leaning her head on his chest, listening for any signs of life. Not finding any, she pulled back slowly and brushed his hair away from his face. Tears streamed down her own, her eyes blurred. "Kiba, I love you too!" Hugging him to her, she sat there, rocking with him, thinking back over their six months alone together. The six months that brought them closer; the six months that they spent falling in love.

Kiba ran fast, his dominating white artic form a blurr of white as he sped passed his pack and onto the cliff overlooking the forest. Blue ran up beside him, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she panted, her dark black fur visible in the snow. "Each of us needs to be careful." Kiba spoke, his golden eyes glaring down at a tent and fire out in the distance. "We've got company." He turned to Blue, motioning with his head for her to follow him. "Stay close, your fur is darker than all of ours. It'll be easy to spot." Blue nodded, walking slowly beside him.

"What do I do?" She asked, stopping as she looked at Kiba. Hige and Toboe both turned, waiting for their leader, where as Tsume kept strutting.

"Stay in stride with me, along side me." Kiba said, watching as she walked and matched herself up with him. "Like that, now, just stay as close to my side as you can get." Nodding, she followed his lead as they trekked on through the snow.

"Wouldn't it be easier if we just changed into our human forms?" Hige asked, walking along side Toboe.

"We wouldn't be able to survive in our human forms in this weather." Tsume grunted, his ears cocked as he stopped and listened. "Kiba! Wait!" Kiba stopped, his ears also twitching.

"I heard it too. Lets keep moving. I'd rather be a moving target than a still one." Kiba said, looking to Blue. "In case we need to run, its the left paw first."


Tsume stopped once again, his ears picking up footsteps. "Kiba, we need to run!" Tsume shouted just as a gunshot sounded. The shot flew passed Blue, causing her to lean towards Kiba more. Kiba took off running, expecting Blue to follow. The others ran fast, not realizing Blue was left behind. Blue growled as a hunter came up on her, his gun pointed straight at her. Her ears flew back, her fangs dripping saliva. Kiba stopped, looking back. "Kiba! Come on!" Tsume shouted. Kiba turned shaking his head.

"Go on, I can't leave her behind. Get them to Paradise Tsume. I'm counting on you!" Kiba yelled as he ran off towards Blue. Tsume watched him go, sighing as he ran on with the others. "Blue!" Kiba shouted, jumping over her and attacking the hunter. The man dropped his gun as blood ran down his arm. "Lets go!" He yelled, nudging her up and running off. The hunters behind them charged forward, shooting their guns. A bullet grazed Kiba's cheek, but he didn't flinch. More bullets flew passed them, one grazing Blues' leg. She yelped and fell, flippong as she hit the snow. "Blue!" Kiba yelled, turning and coming to stand in front of her, growling as the hunters surrounded them.

"Kiba.." Blue murmured, her ears back, her fangs bared. A hunter cocked his gun, aiming it at Blue, however, Kiba stepped in the way, his golden eyes piercing through the hunters.

"They must be mates." A hunter began, stroking his beard. "A white artic wolf and a wild black one. Good breeding."

Kiba knew well what they meant, as well as Blue, not that she minded baring the dominating wolfs cubs but under the circumstances, it wasn't the time. Kiba put a paw over Blue as he stared down the feral hunter. Blue looked up at him, surprised by his protectiveness.

"Blue, I'm gonna take this one out. Run when he's down. I'll follow."

"But Kiba.."

"Just do it."

With a nod, Blue ran as Kiba attacked the bearded hunter. Blood painted the snow red, the hunters kneeling to help their fallen allie. Blue glanced back to see Kiba running after her. She smiled to herself and kept running, the pain in her paw excrutiating. Kiba noticed this, and as soon as they were out of the hunters vision range, he slowed beside her as she stopped. He bent his head and licked the blood from her paw. She shifted out of her wolf form, her fair skin and dark black hair glowing slightly, her blue eyes illuminating her face. Kiba remained in his wolf form, licking her wound. She smiled down at him, lifting her hand and scratching the top of his head. He pulled back, looking in the directing of the voices. "We should go, their almost here." He said, turning back to her. She leaned forward and licked the blood from his cheek. His golden wolf eyes widened. "Blue?"

"Thank you, for not leaving me." She said, smiling softly. He heard the voices more clearly as they neared him. Kiba closed his eyes, his wolf form subsiding as his brown locks of hair fell about his face' his blue eyes matching Blues'. Blue looked up at him as he stood, his eyes narrowed, looking off in the distance. She felt herself blush when he reached his hand down to her. She placed her hand in his as he pulled her up. She stumbled against him slightly, unable to keep her balance. Kiba wasted no time in picking her up, running off towards the bank to the east. Blue was surprised by this action, but decided she'd relish the moment in and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him. Kiba ran as fast as he could without dropping her. The hunters seemed to keep gaining, so Kiba did the only thing he could do; turned to the cliff beside them and jumped down into the icy lake below.

A/N: And that is chapter 1!! Love it, hate it? Let me know! R&R please!