(((Ok People I don't know who Poppypaw should be with so I'll have a poll. Jaypaw or Breezepaw?))

It was awkward walking around without anyone watching over me. Usually Thunderclan kept their tags on me since I wasn't the brightest cat, but here I could be myself and adventure the place. Shaking my head to keep my thoughts from straying, my eyes flickered towards the drop I had just left. My body moved with such grace despite my clumsy walk. Are you supposed to be perfect here? The question lingered in her mind until she saw the shining grey tom again. My eyes widened. This tom looked exactly like Jaypaw from the shape to his color, but only his eyes were different. They were a solid yellow shade that pierced my heart. The yellow ember held such determination that could only be seen in a future leader's eyes like Lionpaw or Breezepaw from Windclan.

"Who are you?" I asked in a small voice. Out of all the kits I was the shy one of them all including Molepaw, but he was in Starclan now so it didn't matter. The solid grey warrior looked down at me. Under his gaze I froze, his eyes gave off a burning sensation. "Gorsestar." His voice purred. This Gorsestar didn't sound like a hard cat to get to know, so I opened up my stupid mouth. "You look a lot like Jaypaw…Why is that? And when he was here was he allowed to see me? Do you think he thought I was pretty or that he was disgusted by my pelt?" Me, Poppypaw was asking a stranger about Jaypaw and talking as if I liked him. Growling at my nervous ways, another voice came. "I see you've met Poppypaw. Interesting little thing isn't she?" This tone was rough, but had a mothering sense to it. My green pools turned to look at the new comer. The new cat was a she cat with brown fur and ember eyes. Had I seen her before? "She's a talker, he will have trouble with that." The leader smiled at me. Who was this he, she was referring to?

Before I could ask my vision became blurry and Jaypaw was staring at me. His sightless gaze fixed on me while he talked with Brightheart. Again he showed fear, but less than before. Brightheart was now no where in sight. I had to talk with Jaypaw. "Jaypaw, you were in my dream." I mumbled to myself. Dull eyes watched the medicine cat apprentice with a deep devotion. He had been the one to save her life. How could I say how thankful I was? Jaypaw looked back at me his eyes lying to my face. "Must be the fever." He mewed to me. His shifty eyes then turned back to me. "You had saved my life, Jaypaw. Thank you, thank you." I tried to move my body closer to his, but it didn't work, I was far too weak. "It had only been a dream. No cat is allowed to walk in another cat's dream." The grey tom explained. I nodded slightly hearing 'It had only been a dream.' It hadn't just been a dream, it was a rescue mission, but I accepted his words none the less. Fighting him would make me weak, I had to be strong. Soon I drifted into sleep again.