It's blu blade here, with a new chapter story. This is my limit! I don't know if I can juggle two stories at once! At least this one focuses more on Sora and Riku rather than Axel and Roxas, but they're in it anyway!

I was just about to finish up the next chapter for STACGL, I promise I was, but what had happened was...I happened to notice the lack of really good Soiku stories. I understand that they are the old favorites, but they're classic! I just had to support the rebirthing of Soiku! Thus, Klutz was born.

Rating: T-M (I'm still a little scared to write a we'll start off fairly safe. I'll warn you if I up it a level.)

Disclaimer: So I went to Disney World this summer and made a wish to own Kingdom Hearts, and guess what? My dream didn't come true! Curse Disney and their false advertising. (I own neither square-enix/soft or it's characters either.)

Warnings: Language for later chapters, violence, and frequent references to sex.

The thing is, I wasn't always a klutz. I used to be really graceful, actually. I'm a surfer, so one would assume I have that balance, hand-eye coordination thing going for me. And I do…when I surf.

And yet…when my feet touch land, all of that grace vanishes. It's been like that ever since the start of my eighth grade year. Even now, it's the third week of my sophomore year and my grace still hasn't returned to make an appearance on land.

They call me Klutz, due to this lack of elegance.

So it wasn't any big shock to me when I tripped and fell going up the hill to school. Never could I have imagined that falling up a hill was possible. But here I am, a living legend, with a huge gash on my knee to prove it.

Jack doesn't know how lucky he is. At least he has enough grace to actually fall down a hill correctly.

"Don't worry about it Sora. I'm sure no one saw."

Trust my best friend Kairi to see it that way. Kairi is always looking on the bright side of things. She's probably the last living optimist in Lucky High. The sad thing is, I used to look at things sunny side up too. What changed?

My balance changed. Kairi keeps telling me it's only an effect of my body going through pubescent changes and that I'll grow out of it, but I'm pretty sure my body stopped growing my freshman year. I'm ridiculously short for a sixteen year old.

Kairi was wrong. Someone did in fact witness my battle with gravity. Actually, to be exact, two people saw.

Those two people were none other than Axel and Roxas, the dynamic duo of trouble.

Now the thing to remember about Roxas is that he used to be as innocent as virgin snow. He used to smile this goofy little smile all the time and help little old ladies across the street; bless his heart. But he was tainted.

Yes, Roxas was tainted from the second he met Axel. Axel is just naturally manipulative and mischievous. Everywhere he goes, havoc is sure to follow. He back talks to teachers and likes to prank innocent people. Not to mention his fascination with setting inanimate objects on fire.

So you can imagine our surprise when Roxas announced that Axel was his best friend. And gradually, Roxas began to get into more and more trouble until Mrs. Haiku, his mom, forbade Roxas from hanging out with the older and naughty Axel.

But we all know what happens when parents forbid you from doing something. Roxas became determined as ever to see Axel, and he began to sneak out to see him. Once he even spent the night at the pyro's house for fear of having to leave.

It took the joint efforts of my mom and Mrs. Tomura, Kairi's mom, to convince Mrs. Haiku that the best thing to do would be to let Roxas and Axel remain best friends.

And in the end, it was. It's funny, but influence goes both ways. Axel's temper and love for mischief cooled down a bit in hanging with Roxas.

Well, it's been three years since then, and they've developed a reputation for being hardcore troublemakers. If a bucket of slime falls on you when you open your front door, you know who did it.

The last thing to know about them is the fact that they're dating. Yeah, as they got older, their feelings for each other intensified, and now they're dating. But don't misunderstand me. Although they're going out, they're not exclusive. So both of them are free to see other people; I know for a fact that Axel is the only one that Roxas' is seeing, but Axel likes to play the field.

So all of that history aside, I wasn't shocked to find them dying of laughter either.

"Only you would fall going up a hill." Axel gasped between chuckles. Roxas clutched his stomach and began to take deep breaths, the pressure of the laughter beginning to hurt.

"Sora, don't worry, we're not laughing at you." Roxas started, wiping tears from his eyes.

"We're laughing with you." Axel finished, sighing the sigh one only sighs after a good laugh.

"You guys, that isn't nice. These hills are dangerous!" Kairi scolded them, waggling her finger at them. Oh yeah, because that would definitely make them feel bad.

Roxas and Axel exchanged swift glances before starting to laugh again. Kairi huffed and grabbed my wrist, dragging me up the hill. Part of me wondered if the reason for holding my hand was to prevent me from falling again, but I brushed it aside.

Because the fact of it is, Kairi's my best friend. And she would do anything for me.

In fact, Kairi's the complete opposite of that jerk-off Riku.

And I ain't lying.

"Sora… SORA?" Kairi waved her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. I blinked at her. I must have been zoning out. I do that sometimes, get lost in my memories. I need to learn to live in the present.

"Sorry." I apologized, noting that we were already at school. Axel stopped to talk to a group of girls and Roxas caught up to us, a scowl on his face. I gave him a sympathetic look.

Roxas hates the fact that Axel dates around. To be frank, Roxas wants Axel all to himself. But Axel, the big dummy, has some commitment issues. Or at least that's what I think. In the end, it'll all work out though. And I was sure to tell Roxas this too.

"Whatever. He can have as many fuck buddies as he wants, see if I care." Roxas snapped, storming down the hall. I suppressed a smile. Roxas was so whipped. Oh, and see what I mean about the tainted thing? Three years ago Roxas wouldn't even know what 'fuck' was.

Kairi, who I had forgotten was even next to me, giggled lightly and swished her hair over her shoulders. Coincidentally, Yuna passed by as she did this, friendly smiling at everyone she passed. "Hi Klutz. Kairi. You better hurry up and get to class."

"Yes Lady Yuna." I nodded. Lady Yuna was the nickname everyone at school called her by. I guess it's because she's so beautiful with her two different colored eyes that people like to place her on this pedestal.

"She's so perfect. Yuna could never love me." Kairi sighed dejectedly. Kairi was head over heels for Yuna, but she would never admit that to anyone but me. And it was times like these that I had no clue what to do. I simply couldn't relate to her. I mean, maybe three years ago…

No. What's done is done. There is no need to dwell in the past.

"We better get to class before the bell rings. I'll see you later Sora." Kairi mumbled to me, taking off towards the opposite end of the hallway. I frowned. Poor Kairi. For someone so pretty, she sure lacked confidence.

I turned around sharply and bumped into Namine, who in turn dropped all of her books. Damn. Klutz strikes again!

"I'm so sorry, Namine!" I cried, bending down quickly to pick up her books. But before she could even say it wasn't a big deal, Seifer Almasy tripped over my hunched body, slapping into Namine, who fell into the trash bin, which toppled into Axel who caused a domino effect with everyone in the hall.


But I was saved. At the exact moment I was about to be beaten up by Seifer and the rest of the kids no doubt, the doors to the school opened and a breath of what smelled like rain water and papou fruit filled the atmosphere.

Oh no. I knew that smell. It was the smell I dreamed about every night for three painful years. It was the smell I had been trying to forget!

This was not happening.

"Who's that?"

"He's cute!"

"Oh, wow!"

Those were three out of the millions of comments erupting from the student body as they all unconsciously took a few steps back, effectively hiding me from the newcomer's vision. Good riddance.

I heard the effortlessly graceful footsteps of familiar boots and my heart raced. So it was him. He was back.

And when he spoke, it was the sexiest voice I had ever heard. He only said three words. And those words made my heart speed up and slow down at the exact same time.

"Where is Sora?"

And that had been the day that I died.

I don't think you guys realize how happy it makes authors to get reviews. Well, I know I do. And I really don't mind flames and criticisms...I mean, I'd prefer happy things, but I'll take the mean stuff. I need to work on my style anyway.