1The New Life Past Song

By: MusicIsMySoul

Summary: Seventeen years after Kagome and Inuyasha get married and they're teenaged daughter Inaome is starting to find her own voice after Kagome becomes famous. Between the parties, friends and rehearsals when will Inaome finally figure out that she is out of control.

Disclaimer: do NOT own any Inuyasha characters…sadly yes I have tried…but the dogs and the lasers and the high security vaults but I failed and now I don't own it…-sigh- how I wish he was mine...

Author's note: okay well here is the second instalment of the "song" line...haha sounds cool!! Hope you all like it and don't hate me because its seventeen years in the future.

Chapter one: I'm a party girl, in a party world

Top of her class, popular, beautiful and not to mention the biggest party girl in all of New York City, fate had just made her like that not that she minded it. Inaome, seventeen, tall, slim, black with silver streaked hair, perfect teeth, golden eyes, and amazing musical talents was the talk of all her class when it came to parties and what had happened at them even her parents knew she was a party girl and had done so much just to get her to stay home and just chill, but it never worked. Inaome strode into her and her parents pent house apartment overlooking the arts district and tossed her jacket and backpack onto the white leather couch her father loved so much "I'm home" she yelled out.

Kagome, Inaome's mother, best selling female singer/songwriter/musician in all of New York poked her head out of the kitchen "hey Ina how was your day?"

"Good , hey listen I'm going to go out tonight with a few friends don't wait up" she said as she flipped open her cell phone and texted a few people to see if anything was actually going on tonight

Kagome stood in the doorway of the kitchen and leaned on the frame smiling, her mother looked as if she was still twenty years old maybe even better, her hair was still a black as midnight and her eyes still like melted chocolate and that glow that only motherhood could give seemed to just light up the room "well your father and I thought you should come to this benefit thing with us tonight, you know it would be good to go out together for once" she brushed a few piece of hair out of her face and smiled hopefully

"Well, Bree and I have this thing..." she though for a second 'well if I got to this benefit maybe I can skip out and go to the party and meet up with Bree' she smiled at her mom "but we can do it tomorrow so yeah I'll go just let me to pick out something okay?"

"Thanks baby" she walked over and kissed her daughter on her head then let her go off to her room to pick out her outfit

Inaome searched through her closet, tossing anything she even considered wearing was tossed on her king sized sleigh bed and after a few minuets she pulled out her phone and called Nina, her best friend but her voice mail picked up for Inaome just left a message "Hey B you know who it is well change of plans, I have this benefit thing I have to go to but I'm going to skip out and meet you at Chad's okay see yah B" she hung up and picked out a nice red dress that had a soft purple sheen to it.

Hours after she had picked out the dress she had pulled her hair up so that some of the silver streaks cradled her face, she had put on her make up, and had also picked out shoes and another outfit to change into when she took the limo to Chad's party and had fit into a stylish chunky bag. Although Inaome had worked on her image she never really needed to, no matter what she wore it was just perfect and she would be stunning she could have worn jeans and a T-shirt and no one would have minded and most likely would have complemented her. She strolled out into the living room and looked at her mother who was already dressed and had just called her limo driver "wow mom" she smiled and stared at her mothers black knee high dress with white elbow length gloves her hair pinned into a messy bun

"Alright lets go, Inu is going to meet us there" Kagome pushed the elevator door that was just outside their apartment, oh chores they had gotten the whole top floor, it was just Inuyasha's way of seeing that his family was safe from weird neighbors.

Both women going into the limo and drove in silence to the party. Kagome and Inaome had this relationship if they didn't have to talk to each other they wouldn't, its not that they didn't love each other its just that they was so different, Kagome was a country girl who came from nothing and Inaome was the daughter of two of the biggest stars in North America...maybe even the world not to mention rich. What would you expect from those two?

The limo came to a stop and Inaome stepped out first knowing that the flashing of every tabloid was in her face once her mother stepped out behind her and it happened just like so many times, Kagome plastered a smile on her face and so did her daughter as they strode down the red carpet into the large ballroom. Inuyasha smiled widely as his wife and daughter stepped down the large stare case "Kagome, Inaome finally I thought you two ditched me"

Kagome smiled and kissed Inuyasha on his firm, soft lips "eww dad not in front of me" Inaome cringed at her parents

"Oh you know you love to see it" he chuckled and hugged his seventeen year old daughter "wait a second...when did my little girl start picking out her own dresses?" he looked at Kagome

"Dad shut up" she pushed him a little

"Watch it slugger" He chuckled again "oh just to let you know sorry for dragging you here honey" he wrapped his arm around his wife

"Its fine" Kagome smiled "I enjoy being with you"

"This is nasty I think I'm going to go over there" now was her perfect time when she was going to escape since her parents would be occupied with business and other things so Inaome quickly hurried back to the limo where she had left her bag. After a quick change and a glass of champagne she arrived at the nightclub Chad had rented out for his brothers 'welcome back from Europe' party.

Inaome stepped out of he limo wearing a pair of black hip hugging jeans with black leather high head boots that went just to the middle of her shin and a white blouse that was covered behind a brown vest that showed her curves. She stepped into the dark room where loud music was pumping from speakers in the back corner of the room and lights danced on dancing people who were probably to drunk to know who they were dancing with. Chad was a friend of hers so he probably had the VIP room ready for her and a few of his other friends...oh and his brother...sorry hot brother. Inaome pushed the heavy metal door open into the VIP room, a long couch circled the room and a small foot rest sat in the middle of the circular couch. The music was softer here since it was a level above the dance floor. Chad was sitting beside Bree who was most likely into her third drink if she knew her best friend right. Chad's brother was sitting cooly on the other side watching his younger bother's conversation with this girl. "Hey Ina" Bree squealed from her place on the couch

"Hey Bree" she smiled and sat down on the other side of Chad who offered her a drink and Inaome took it and sipped it a little "mmm what is it?"

Chad smiled "Hawaiian Vodka...or something like that" he picked up his own glass of it "I'm on my second"

Inaome looked at her watch it had been a while since she had gotten there and she knew she was hammered, very hammered. Chad's older brother who after three drinks Inaome came to know him as Rize, of chores it was his nick name, had never gotten into the whole drinking theme the other three had and was the most sober of all of them and had also left to go to the washroom or something. Rize watched without saying a word, it was kinda creepy if Inaome said so herself but with amount of alcohol in her system she hardly knew how to form words herself. Chad knew how many drinks he could hold and he was just at his limit and was starting to become really awkward with both girls running his hands over their shoulders, he neared his head to Inaome's ear "why don't we get out of here" he pushed some of hear hair off her shoulder and trailed his hand over her back, it sent a bad chill.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" Inaome slurred as she watched Bree step out of the room, something about catching a cab home for a test tomorrow

Chad chuckled "then we don't have to leave this spot" he leaned in on her and kissed her neck again and again till he was on top on her, her hands pinned on each side of her

"Get off me!" she screamed, but no one could hear her down stairs over the loud music that was still playing

Chad suddenly connected his fist with her face in an attempt to shut her up and it worked Inaome had blacked out but as soon at Chad was peeling of her top Rize entered the room tossing his younger brother off of the girl and hitting him against the wall keeping him there "what the FUCK do you think your doing?"

Chad couldn't commit to an answer so her just settled with silence and trying to pry his brothers grip off oh his neck. Inaome opened her eyes and she could already feel the bruise starting to form around her left cheek and a cut had let her own blood trickle down her chin from a cut just under her eye from Chad's silver ring. She slowly tried to sit up but the mixture of alcohol and the punch had made her dizzy. Rize let his brother go and picked up the girl bridal style taking her shirt and covering her with it and carried her out of the party onto the street where he hailed a cab and told the cab driver where to go, obviously he knew where the Takahashi house hold was...who didn't?

Once they got to the apartment Inaome was able to stand and had put her shirt on so her parents -if they were home- wouldn't kill Rize. She slowly opened the door and who was there sitting promptly on the white leather couch looking concerned "Ina" Inuyasha yelled out and lunged at his daughter "where were you? Its almost three am!"

Kagome was the one eyeing the taller boy beside Inaome, she didn't say a word till the boy broke eye contact with her "and who are you?" she asked crossing her arms

"No mom it's okay, he helped me" she wobbled a little

"Yeah I'll just get going" Rize quickly exited the apartment and disappeared into the elevator

After the boy had left Inuyasha and Kagome had full attention on their daughter and Kagome was the first to cup Inaome's face and asked the dreaded question "what happened to you?"

"I-It was Chad...we got a little drunk and..." she couldn't complete the sentence without tears spilling from her golden eyes "he t-tried to...and then he hit me..."

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around his little girl and rocked her "shhh it's okay now, lets get you to bed" he lead her down to her room and cleaned up her cut and let her change and get into bed, he watched her instantly fall asleep.

He sighed how could he let his daughters partying get so out of control, he stepped into the living room and sat down beside his wife who had her face in her hands "I can't believe this has happened to our little girl"

"I can, It's New York City and we are celebrities" he sighed and leaned back "We have to do something to stop it before she gets even more out of control"

Kagome nodded and leaned back into him and rested her head against her husbands chest "I have an idea but I know Ina's notgoing to like it at all"

Inuyasha ran his fingers through Kagome's hair "Well she's not going to like anything we do to cut down on her social life so lets hear it" he breathed in her sent and kissed the top of her head

Kagome closed her eyes and spoke softly as if her words would wake the dizzy daughter in the other room "I think we should move to the ranch for a while..."

told you there would be a sequel

Inuyasha: so I have a seventeen year old daughter

Lee: yup

Inuyasha: WHY GOD WHY!!!!!!

Kagome: she's not so bad! I love her

Inaome: god I feel like shit

Lee: (yells in Ina's ear) serves you right Drinky McDrunk

Inaome: ugh don't do that!

Lee: what (yells again) THIS!!!!

Inaome: ugh I hate working with you guys

Kagome: oh you love us!!!

Inaome: not Lee!!!!

Lee: ouch Ina ouch

Everybody: next chapter coming soon...once Ina and Lee get along

Lee & Inaome: NEVER!!

Inuyasha: see their already agreeing on something