Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam wing, nor do I own anything that is involved with the manga Sensual Phrase, which belongs to the very talented Mayu Shinjo.

Author's Note: Hey guys!! I've returned from my temp hiatus!! I'm really, really sorry. You see, I had my wisdom teeth removed and I was incapacitated for about two weeks... I was on drugs that knocked me out and made me feel loopy, there was no way I was going to be able to juggle how I felt and the pain with writing. But I'm back now and I've got a few things up my sleeves –rubs hands together– this is gonna be good. Anyways, thanks to those who favorited... I wold like to see a bit more reviews though, please? It warms my heart to know what you honestly think, truly... anyway, enough rambling, back to the story... enjoy it!

PS- I've got two chapters of BHP revised and written!! Hope to get them up soon!

Warnings: This will be shounen-ai, and it will contain many lemons and smutty scenes, so if you're not into that kind of thing, or you're easily offended, please, hit the back button and go read another fic. I've not the time to listen to ill placed flames and complaints when I plainly warned you against it.

Chapter Two: Concert Phrase

Duo opened the door to his house and stepped inside.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!' he called slipping off his shoes. He blinked and walked through the hallway.

"Mom? Dad?" he called again as he walked into the kitchen. A bright stick-it note on the fridge caught his attention and he moved over to read it.


Your Father is at work late and I'm going to visit Auntie

money's on the table, food's in the fridge



Duo scoffed and crumpled the note.

"Figures..." he muttered walking up the stairs towards his room. " They're never home anyways." he said opening the end door. The room was large but it was half empty. He didn't really like messes, having been around too many of those in the orphanage made his change his own habits. The bed was decked in black and red comforter and sheets and there was one pillow in the shape of a little angel. It was so old and ragged that he couldn't tell if it was a female or male any longer just by looking at it, and had to rely on it's given name of " Gabriel" that it was indeed a boy. The computer desk in the corner of the room was a bit cluttered with magazines, clippings of cars that he'd liked and the blue prints to a church. The walls were bare, except for a few pictures or posters handing around, and the Playstation in the corner had a thin layer of dust. Sooner or later he'd get around to playing it again.

A mewling sound from his feet and something rubbing up against his leg drew him from wandering thoughts as he looked down at the cat's bright green eyes staring back at him. He smiled and bent down to pick her up.

"Hey Shini, we're you a good girl for me?" he asked scratching under her chin. She purred happily and leaned her head into his touch.

"Saki-chan said hi.. Maybe we'll invite her over or something, so she can baby you again ne?" the cat mewled again and jumped from his arms and wandered to the bed. He smiled and walked towards the bathroom.. He needed a shower badly, so bad that he could feel the dirt digging into his scalp.. He hated that feeling.

Walking into the bathroom, he shed his top and under shirt and began to strip out of his pants. When everything was thrown in the clothes basket he walked to the shower, turning on the water and letting it run so that he could get it the temperature that he wanted. Meanwhile he pulled the band from his hair and began to run his fingers through the chestnut tresses. He blinked a little when the light caught the red and gold strands that flitted throughout the brown and laughed a little... well, at least there was something left from his birth parents. He turned to the shower then and stepped under the jets, groaning as the hot water caressed his back, showers always proved to make him feel better.

After the shower, he climbed from the tub and wrapped a fluffy towel around his waist and head back into his bedroom. He paused when he watched Shini batting at a white cord hanging out of his back pack. He walked over and pulled out the pass that had been given to him by that guy in the Ferrari and stared at it for a moment longer. He looked down at his cat.

'Think I should go?" he asked and a black head tilted to the side and another mewl answered.

"Ya think?" he said and decided that it would be a waste to let the pass go, he didn't get the chance all to often to go out anywhere to a concert or anything, so it would be a good experience. Removing the towel, duo walked over to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer. He rooted around in it for a minute before he pulled out a pair of his favorite jeans. Quickly dressing in boxers and the jeans he closed the drawer and pulled out the next one and pulled out a random band-t-shirt. This one just happened to have one of his favored singers: Gackt, courtesy of Yuuri's rock obsession.

"Why is everything he gets me tight?" he murmured, looking in the mirror as he plucked at the bottom. He then looked down at is jeans which were form fitting as well and he let out a sigh. He moved over to his bed and picked up the brush he'd discarded earlier that day in the morning and brushed through his hair until he was satisfied that all the tangles had been released before he moved his hands behind his head and began to rebraid it. Once finished, he grabbed his pass and pat the cat on the head.

"Be back later girl." he said before running down the hallway and out the door.


Walking past the security, Duo let out a nervous and relieve breath, so, the pass was an actual item, thank god, it would have been very humiliating to think that the man had played a trick on him... after practically molesting his leg in public too! Looking around the halls he jutted his lip out a little bit, how in the seven hells was he to find that guy here? It was way too big, and if he knew Deathscythe like Yuuri had explained to him, then there would be tons of people there.

"I wish I knew more about the rock world... then maybe I'd have an idea of how to get a hold of him." he said, opening a door and walking into the stadium. Right away his ear drums were blasted out by the screams and cheers and yells of the people around him.


"Omg yay!!!"

"I love Deathscythe!!!!" he snorted.

"50.000 fans? I'd never be able to deal with that." he said and suddenly the lights on stage flashed on and he could see the band on stage. The lead singer, the guy with the blond hair from that video, was dressed in a pair of tight leather bottoms that were stuffed into a pair of unbuckled boots. His top was cut off just before his midriff to show off the very nice chest. The over coat, also leather, was falling off of one of the pale shoulders intimately. He felt his face heat... he gu was a looker. And suddenly, his mouth went to the microphone and he began to sing.

"My hand finds the place where your curves mee

And me sweat drips down your back."

Duo watched and listened as the fans screamed at the top of their lungs, cheering for the blond up on stage as he charged into the first words of the song.

"I'm losing my mind as I'm learning your secrets

You're stealing my bones as I fade into black!"

He watched as the blond moved his hands sensually up his face and into his hair. Duo found himself mesmerized and frozen in place. His face heated with the blush that had crept unsuspectingly up his neck. This guy...this singer, he was really good. But that wasn't everything, no, there was something else building in Duo's chest as he watched the performance. He wasn't technically listening to the words and their sexuality...

"Drowning in honey and your pungent perfume

Sweet explosion deep inside you..."

It was the way he moved, the sound of his voice...it was bestial... personified seduction.

"Your body's my tomb!"

The blond tossed his head back and flung his hand into the air as the last notes of the song ceased to exist and the fans screamed until their throats ran dry, clapping, cheering.. Duo wrapped his arms around his middle as shivers ghosted his skin, almost like fingers caressing him, searching his body's secrets. It was almost as if is alternated between soft sensual touches to strong sexual touches. It was so overwhelming the poor brunette blushed a heavy red color. Okay.. This environment was not good for his libido or his deep, inner romantic.

"I gotta get outta here... now.. 'fore I do something totally embarrassing." he muttered, moving back towards the door and the escape from the heady atmosphere of the stadium. And he had every intention of going back to his empty house.

Before he could move another step, a deep voice filled with heady sexuality permeated through the dome.

"This will be our last song for the evening...'From a Fallen Angel'." Duo froze on the spot and whipped around to stare at the stage, just as the lights changed and flared. Zechs slowly lifted the microphone to his lips and sang.

" I'm more than a man and I don't fear falling

I've fallen farther than your eyes can see.

But something inside me, your body is calling

I'm tumbling towards you like a doom prophesy."

Duo's jaw dropped–those were his lyrics! The ones that he'd lost when that man... wait!? That voice sounded...

He took off at a run down the aisles, skipping around the people. From his vantage point, he couldn't be too certain that the singer was the same, but he had to be sure, he had to know! Maybe if he got closer...coming to a stop at the dividing fence, he frantically searched the singer's profile, all the while pondering 'is it him?' he caught the light off og the other's face... those blue-grey eyes, the pale skin, and broad shoulders. It was the same man who'd almost run him over that afternoon!! Duo dropped his jaw, he couldn't believe it

as the song was ending, Zechs gave one last sweeping look out over the fans–there! Dressed in something he was sure the kid didn't know warranted his every ounce of attention, was the boy from earlier, he'd come, just as he knew he would. He looked so shell shocked and Zechs grinned running forward and vaulting off of the stage, dropping the mike, intent on getting to that boy.

Duo looked up in time to see the blond jump from the stage and land before him, staring at him with those gorgeous eyes, staring into his own violet blue... he smirked and lifted a hand to Duo's chin, grasping it with long fingers.

"I missed you." he said, sending more shivers down the boy's back. His voice was husky and he didn't even seem to see the fans that were trying to make a mad dash for him, for a chance to just touch their idol. Duo could practically feel his heart thumping heavily in his chest at the close proximity that was between them– and then it happened. In a whoosh, the lights had dimmed to almost blackness and the sounds of disappointed fans rang through the air.

"No Zechs!"

"Come back Zechs!!!"


A bit disoriented, duo made to move away to the direction he'd come from, but a hand on his wrist, pulling him to a strong chest stopped his movement and he found himself in Zechs's arms, well, he thought it was Zechs, he could barely just see his outline.

"Hey, you-you're–." Zechs put a finger to his own lips in a shushing moment and Duo quieted. The singer shifted him a little and Duo found himself being carried backstage. It was almost like a fantasy, a dream that Duo just couldn't believe.

"Good show guys."

"Yeah! Get ready to go back out for the encore!"

Duo stood to the side, his stomach twisting in embarrassment and nervousness as he watched the band and the stage hands working. The blond was pulling off his shirt, arguing with a stage manager.

"Zechs! How many times do I have to tell you not to jump into the crowds like that?" the distressed man waved his arms about.

"It makes my job a bitch."

" I don't see the problem, I timed it with the dimming of the lights." he said noncommittally. Duo turned his attention away from the gorgeous blond to the other four members staring at him with varying stages of curiosity.

"So this is Zechs's girl?" asked the drummer, Wufei, a Chinese man with his hair pulled tightly back into a small ponytail. His beetle black eyes were looking him over and Duo almost glared at him.

"I'm not a girl kay thanks..." he said and they all looked rightfully surprised.

"Forgive me... Zechs's boy." he said politely. The lead guitarist, a Japanese boy by the name of Heero put a curled finger to his chin in contemplation, his stoic blue eyes raking over the boy's face.

"He's just a kid.." he said and the perky blond beside him laughed. From "lessons" with Yuuri, Duo knew him to be Quatre, the other guitarist.

"Maybe he finally fell for one of his groupies. That's so cute!" he chirped while the last band member, Trowa, the bassist, just stared at him with an open curiosity. Duo had the instinctive urge to run, hating too much scrutiny, and he had every intention to do so, however, the strong arms now draped over him from behind thwarted his plan.

"Be nice to my guest–this kid is our future lyricist." said Zechs.

"Wha?" Duo exclaimed, hand coming up to one of the ones wrapped around him.

"U-uh, um, Zechs, was it? You gotta... you've musta made a mistake buddy." he said and looked up.

"I mean yeah, those were my lyrics, I wrote em, but I'm no professional–ya know? I don't think I'm goo–."

"You didn't like it? Our song?" Duo waved his hands in front of him.

"N-no, it's awesome, you did a great job... it's just, well those lyrics were written for a contest I didn't even expect to win. Why on earth would you want me?"

"Because I want to have you." he draped his arms over Duo's smaller shoulders as the boys heart jumped into his throat.

"As Deathscythe's Lyricist." he finished and Duo just stared at him. He didn't think he was ready for that kind of professionalism, hell, he didn't even know what he wanted to do after he graduated highschool.

When he next looked up, the band was moving towards the stage for their encore.

"Hey! Wait!" Zechs turned and grinned.

"You can give me your answer at the end of the show." he said and Quatre stopped too, smiling brightly at him.

"We know you can do it!' he called, following Zechs.

Duo stood in the same spot debating inside his mine what the hell he should do. There was no what in hell the was qualified enough to write lyrics, let alone do it for a popular band that sold out Tokyo Dome regularly. However, if he said know, he wouldn't see Zechs any more, and he was beginning to like the little chance encounters with the singign sex-on-legs.. And it wasn't like he'd have to write anything pornographic.

Zechs also knew what he was doing, after all, he was a professional, and perhaps there was the slim chance that Duo did have the talent and potential. If t hat was the case, he was never one to really back off of something challenging. He could at least try it... suddenly there was a business card shoved in his face, startling him. He looked up to see a woman in a pristine suit. She had an air of authority about her.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Zechs Merquise's personal manager, Lady Une." she said sternly and duo smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Er... about that Lyricist's position..."

"Forget it."


"Look kid, don't take it personally, but this industry is a business, not some highschool playground." She shoved some of her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.

"Zechs goes through women and men like you would popcorn and I'm stuck cleaning up the mess that he leaves behind. Right now, I'm stopping you from getting yourself in deep and causing more problems than needed." Une leant forward and Duo couldn't help but keep the crushed look on his face.

"You're not even a name, you can't offer anything of value to this band, and before long, he'll get bored and you'll become a liability. So just save yourself kid– don't get involves and run along, I'm sure you've got plenty of homework to finish up."

Duo dropped his head and turned tail, tunning towards the closest exit he could find. He should have realized... after all, why would a star want a nobody? Why would he even care if he wasn't just toying with him? Duo rubbed at his eyes as he headed home... it was best that the stars just remained in the sky anyways.

Zechs dabbed at his face with a towel before he looked up.

"He left?" he asked, looking at Une who nodded her head.

"You come on too strong Zechs." Heero chided emotionlessly, leaning against a wall. Quatre laughed and clasped his hands together.

"Yah! You got to be gentle, reel em in slowly." he said as the other blond crossed his arms.

"Fine.. If that's how he's gonna play..." both bandmates looked at him incredulously, they were never able to get through to him, what made them think they could do it now?

"Help me out you guys! The fans are goin' crazy." yelled a stage hand running in.

"What's wrong?" Trowa asked.

"The fans are bombarding the merch booths asking about that song."

"Which one?"

"The one that the kid wrote." the band members looked at him hin surprise before Zechs smirked knowing. He knew this would happen, in fact, he'd planned on it happening.

"See? That's what I'm talking about." he said and he had every intention of making Duo Maxwell Deathscythe's lyricist.

W00t! That has to be one of the longest chapters I've ever written ya? Anywys.. I liked it, but I think I made quatre a bit too peppy.. But.. I think the ditz part makes him just that more adorable ne? Read and Review please minna!! See you next chapter!