sighs Okay, I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, this fic would already be published worldwide. Duh!

Dancing With The Enemy

"It's ridiculous, if you ask me!" said Draco.

"What do you mean it's ridiculous? I think it's romantic and fun..." Pansy replied.

Professor Dumbledore had just declared this month should be Masquerade Month and at the end of the month a ball will be held during dinner last night. All the girls were ecxited and happy but the boys were, obviously, the opposite of it. No boy would like to wear weird clothes with stupid feathery masks but girls would love to dress up.

"I think it's romantic and fun." said Ron, immitating Pansy's voice.

"Well, I think it's interesting." said Hermione curtly.

"Interesting? Dumbledore's gone mad! You think it's easy to find masquerade clothes?"

"Well, it is for girls!"

Before Ron could open his mouth, Harry covered it and said, "Shut off, you two!"

He was staring At Cho who was giggling and chatting with her friends over at the Ravenclaw table.

"Thinking of asking her to the ball?" asked Ron.

"Huh? No. I think she's already got a date."

"How can she get a date so fast? The ball's not until the next-next-Saturday."

"There's no such thing as the next-next-Saturday!" Hermione hissed.

"Than how would you say the next Saturday of the next Saturday?"

"In two weeks time!" Hermione stood up, shut the book she was reading and stormed off.

"She's just angry because she hasn't got a date yet." said Ron. "Blimey. She hasn't touched her breakfast. You think I can take it? Harry? Harry!"


"Nevermind. Look, it's no use just staring at her, mate; you've got to go ask her."

"Are you mad? I don't want to humilliate myself just like last year when I wanted to ask her to the Yule Ball!"

"Well, at least now you don't feel like going to the bathroom."

Harry rolled his eyes, stood up and strode away.

Again, Ron looked at Harry's unfinished bacon and eggs hungrily. He made sure no one was looking before pulling Hermione's plate of pancakes and Harry's bacon and eggs towards him and eating it.

Harry found Hermione in the Gryffindor Common Room where she as doing her essay on Dragon Scales for Snape. She didn't seem to notice Harry coming through the portrait hole until he sat down on an arm chair next to her.

"Where's Ron?" she asked, dipping her quill into the ink and continu writing.

"Still at the Great Hall."

Hermione jerked her head up. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?"

"I left my breakfast down there. Oh, he's probably finished it by now. Nevermind."

Harry watched as Hermione continue writing the essay. "Uh...Mione...I need you"

"What is it?" she asked, eyes still on her parchment.

"Well," Harry shifted uncomfortably in the chair "you're a girl, aren't you?"

Hermione jerked her head up and glared at Harry. "Oh, thank you for noticing!"

Harry, who didn't sense the sarcasm, shifted uncomfartably in the chair again. "Girls like to talk, don't they?"

"Oh Merlin, just spit it out!"

" know Cho, don't you?"

"Yes. Oh, Harry, just spit it out! I don't have all morning!"

"Whatdoyouthinkshethinksofme?" Harry smudged all his words together.





"Oh...umm...well...I...she...probably thinks you're a nice..person."


"And...oh! If you want to know if she has a date or not just ask!"


"Harry, I'm human. I can't understand all the languages you're speaking!"

Harry sighed. "Does-she-have-a-date-for-the-masquerade-ball?"

"My guess is no. I've seen many boys asking her but she declined their offer many times. I think she's waiting for the right person."

Harry leaned in closer to Hermione. "Do you think it would be wrong if I asked her to go with me?"

"Of course, not. Why would you think it's wrong?"

"Well, because of Cedric's death last year..."

"Oh...right. Of course. It might be a little awkward but there's no harm." Hermione's voice seemed unsure but she gave Harry a reassuring nod.

Harry leaned back in the chair. "Well, when do you think is the right time for me to ask?"

Before Hermione could answer, Lavender Brown came strolling in. When she saw Harry, she gave him an odd smile and said, "Good morning, Harry. Beautiful day, isn't it?" and went off to the girls' dorm.

"She's been acting strange ever since Dumbledore announced the ball." said Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious Harry? She wants you to ask her to the ball!"

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a girl and it's quite obvious. Anyways, we should really be going or else we're going to be late for Transfiguration."

"What about Ron?"

Just as he said his name, Ron came bursting in through the portrait white a loud burp.

"That's very obnoxious and rude, Ronald!" Hermione hissed.

"I guess you finished my breakfast then." said Harry gloomily.

"And also Mione's."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, we've wasted enough time. Let's go before we're late for class." she said as she placed her books back into her bag and stood up.

Just then, Lavender Brown came back down with the same odd smile on her face. "Hi, Harry. Beautiful day isn't it?" she said before exiting through the portrait.

"Is she going to repeat the same sentence everytime she sees me?" Harry whispered to Hermione who shrugged in response.

"What's that about?" asked Ron.

Okay. This is my first Harry Potter fic. I would like reviews, please.