Hello everyone!

Welcome to the days when Axel-kun first started writing on fanfic…when he updated EVERYDAY! WHOA!

Actually…I used to. On that dreadful story that I wrote… Before It's Too Late. Jesus, I hate that story. I've debated taking it off FanFiction for a long time…but there are a few people that have favorited it…and it has like 46 reviews ((the first 46 reviews I ever had!!)). So then I was debating just redoing it…but I can't stand looking at it. Seriously. I HATE it. So…don't read that, ok??

And, I was thinking about redoing the other chapters of my older stories…like the beginning chapters of All I See Is Light, Flight Attendants, and When There Was Still Light, because those need to be fixed up a little bit. It's amazing how I fix my grammar mistakes here and I didn't back then…xD

So, tell me what you think of my plan…

And review if you have something nice to say :D



Cloud fiddled with his billowy cloak as he tried to direct his camel to follow Leon's. But watching someone else steering these things was much easier than doing it yourself. Leon had picked out the oldest camel for Cloud…because they weren't normally rebellious against their masters. But, Cloud wasn't used to controlling things.

Taking his attention from his stupid camel, he looked up and watched Leon as he talked with Sephiroth. Sephiroth was obviously not happy about something, but Cloud was too far away…and that was the stupid animal's fault…how did you make camels go faster? Was there a word that you said?

"Hya!" Cloud muttered to his beast, trying to spur is forward. But is went slower…and slower. He watched Leon and Sephiroth slowly putting more and more distance between them. Should Cloud call out?

But, thankfully, Leon looked behind him and noticed that Cloud was falling oh so very far behind. "Come on, Cloud!"

"I would if I could." Cloud mumbled as he motioned for Leon to come help him.

"Are you having problems?" Leon asked, his eyes glinting with mirth in the sunlight. Leon was dressed the same as Cloud. In a tan shirt and pants, with a long tan cloak over it. He, however, had a turban covering his head. He said it was because he didn't want sand it in hair, but Cloud thought he wore it because he knew that Cloud couldn't get his turban to stay on his head. That's why his was tried around his head like a ninja hair band. Yuffie would be proud.

Cloud tossed the reins to Leon. "You steer it. It's not listening to me."

Leon just smirked and took them, pulling Cloud's camel forward. "You just have to be forceful with them, Cloud."

Cloud rolled his eyes as they finally caught up with Sephiroth who continued impatiently.

The blonde hadn't seen much of Sephiroth at his stays at the castle, and he was pretty sure he never wanted to see him again after this. The man was very impatient and seemed like a sneak. Very sly and…cunning, for the lack of a better word. Like a fox!

"Now, you were saying, Sephiroth?"

Sephiroth looked right at Leon, pretending like Cloud wasn't in between them. Cloud didn't know if that was because Sephiroth didn't like him, or if it was just because he was talking to Leon…not him, but it kind of annoyed Cloud anyway. He and Leon were getting closer and closer and Cloud would like to be treated with more respect.

But he was still a slave.

"I was saying that we only have a little further to go, and we'll be at a nice place we can set up camp and wait for the group to come a little closer so we don't have to travel too far into the desert."

Cloud looked forward to being able to setting up camp and relaxing…waiting for the nobodies to come to them. Wouldn't that be nice? They had packed enough food for a few days out here and each person had a mat and a tent. Relaxation!

But, just sitting around to mess up Cloud's whole munny plan. So far he had 50 munny…and he had only been here for 11 days. It was really going nicely…but his plan was to have extra munny to spare at the end of it. He was actually shooting for a thousand and ten munny. Just to be sure.

"That sounds good." Leon nodded, content with Sephiroth's decision. Sephiroth kind of glowed at Leon's approval. Cloud couldn't help but snicker a little bit, trying to hide it from the silver-haired man.

"And from what I've seen," Sephiroth went on, ignoring Cloud if he had seen him, "we should be able to take down the small group of nobodies right away, by ourselves."

The blonde turned to look at Leon for his response. Would they really be fighting out here by themselves?

"Excellent." Leon nodded again. They would be fighting by themselves.

Finally, Sephiroth came to the place he wanted to set up camp and stopped everyone, starting to unpack his things.

Leon dismounted his camel, followed by Cloud and moved to relieve his camel of all of the things he had packed.

Cloud, copying Leon's actions, moved closer to Leon as he dumped his things in the sand. "Your highness, we're fighting by ourselves?…out here in the middle of nowhere?"

Leon nodded and gave Cloud a little grin. "Yes. Sephiroth and I will fight. We shouldn't need you to help, unless things go wrong. He thinks that there aren't many in the group, so I'm not sure why he was so worried about them coming into the city…it's not like they would be able to get past the guards. But I figured that if we came out here and dealt with it, he would stop worrying about it."

Cloud didn't know how to argue with that. He was starting to get used to the fact that Leon's word was law. "But-"

"But nothing. Are you sleeping in my tent with me, Cloud?" Leon asked, pulling the tent from his things. "If we put our tents together, it would be big enough for the both of us."

The thought of sleeping with Leon consumed Cloud's mind, leaving no room to worry about the fighting they would be doing tomorrow. "Sure. Just tell me how you want it put up."

"Oh, Cloud. I can put up my own tent. Why don't you unpack the food and water and put it somewhere safe?" Leon waved Cloud off, motioning to the packs of food on the sand.

"Ok, if you say so, your highness." Cloud moved to pick the food up and move it further away from their tent spot and Sephiroth walked over to him with his food.

"Take that." Sephiroth dumped his food onto Cloud's pile and pointed over to where Leon was setting up their tent. "Why aren't you helping the Sultan put his tent up?"

"Um, because he told me he didn't want help." Cloud replied. God, Sephiroth was annoying.

"Why are you putting your tent up?"

Again with the questions! "Because Leon and I are sharing." Cloud put the food in the big empty container Sephiroth had brought to keep some of the cold food cold for a day or so. They were only planning to be here tonight and half of the day, so it would be good.

"You're sharing a tent with the Sultan?" Sephiroth's eye twitched as he thought about that.

"Uh, yeah…" Cloud tried to act like it was nothing to him. Like it happened all the time. But in reality, he was honored to get to sleep with Leon again. Feeling the brunet against him while he was relaxing to sleep was very comforting.

"That's not right."

"A lot of things aren't 'right'. Like…the length of your hair. You look like a girl." Cloud muttered while he finished up with the food.

Sephiroth pretended not to hear him as he walked over to where Leon was finishing with his tent. He didn't look very happy.

But, truthfully, Cloud didn't care. He knew he had won against that bastard!


Leon yawned as he turned the page of his book. As it got darker and darker, Cloud noticed that Leon yawned more and more frequently. Maybe he should ask if he wanted to turn off the lantern and go to bed?

"Your highness…" Cloud turned on his side to face Leon. "Why don't we go to sleep? You're tired and Sephiroth is very sure that you're going to have a very busy day tomorrow."

"I suppose…" Leon put his small red book mark in between the pages and closed the book, putting it down at the end of their makeshift bed. He then reached for the lantern to turn it off.

As the room went dark, Cloud felt Leon press his body against Cloud's, making the blonde sigh in delight. Leon's body against his was so…comfortable. Cloud knew it was going to be hard to move away from Leon in the morning, so he decided to take advantage of this feeling now.

He turned towards Leon's body and pressed himself as close to the brunet as he could get. Leon moaned softly as Cloud ran his hands down Leon's chest, and Cloud decided he liked the noises Leon was making. He wanted to hear more of them.

Slowly he moved his lips up to Leon's and pressed them together, earning him another moan from Leon.

But as the kiss became deeper and deeper, Cloud's thoughts slowly dulled as he let himself get wrapped up in what was happening, letting Leon take control.

The brunet grinned against Cloud's lips and reveled in the feeling of Cloud's body against him. Who knew a birthday present would be so much fun?

But, he knew he couldn't take things any further when Sephiroth was in the tent next to them.

"Cloud." Leon managed in between kisses.

Cloud understood, even if he didn't let Leon continue. He felt like he needed Leon's lips on his…he needed to melt into Leon's body. But, Leon didn't want to take it any father than they had tonight. So Cloud relaxed against Leon and fell asleep with his master's arms around him.


Cloud woke up, feeling Leon's lips on his neck, softly brushing them against Cloud's skin. "Hmm."

Leon chuckled as he ran his hands over Cloud's bare chest. "Good morning, Cloud."

"Good morning, your highness." Cloud muttered, turning around to burry his head in Leon's chest.

"What time is it?" Cloud asked, yawning as he struggled to wake himself up. He needed to be up to help make breakfast.

"About two hours before Sephiroth thinks that the nobodies will be here." Leon said, kissing Cloud's cheek. "We need to have breakfast and start packing up."

"Hmm. Ok." Cloud replied, breaking free from Leon's grasp. It was show time…almost.


Sephiroth sighed as he looked out at the group of nobodies that were slowly making their way over to the camp. There were far too many to fight. But, he didn't want to be wrong. However, it was also his job to tell Leon the truth about enemies…

It looked like he was going to be wrong.

He walked back across camp to where Leon was sitting with Cloud, talking about unimportant things. Sephiroth didn't know why Leon was showering Cloud with all of this attention, but that wasn't good for a slave's mind. They'd start to think that they were worth something.

"Your highness." Sephiroth coughed as he tried to get Leon's attention away from the Cloud. The blonde was looking very…good today, the silver-haired man had to admit. But he had never thought Cloud wasn't handsome. Cloud's bright blue eyes and blonde hair gave him an almost feminine look with his thin build and clean-cut face.

His sleepiness added to the look today, as his hair was disheveled and his eyes still were glazed over with sleep.

Yes, Cloud was very good looking indeed. But so was Leon.

"Yes?" The sultan replied, tearing his attention away from Cloud and turning to give Sephiroth and impatient yet calm look.

"I think we can go home, sire." Sephiroth said, keeping his back straight and his shoulders back.

"Go home?" Leon asked. "But what about the fight you had planned for today?" He asked, his eyes flashing briefly with anger before returning to their icy blue, calm color. Leon could be scary when he wanted to be.

"Yes, there are more nobodies than I had expected, and we won't be able to take them without an army." Sephiroth replied, keeping his erect stance. "I was wrong."

"Ahh, yes you were." Leon said, rubbing it in. He knew Sephiroth didn't like to be wrong, and Leon hated being lied to… "I guess we need to pack up and leave before they get here."

Sephiroth nodded. "Yes. They're moving slowly, so we should be able to take our time…"

"But I want to be home. Let's pack fast." Cloud said, stretching, the last of the sleepiness leaving his blue eyes.

Leon looked back to Cloud, as a sympathetic, caring look took over his cold expression. "Fair enough. Let's get started."

Sephiroth wondered when Cloud had gotten all of this power over the sultan.


Leon turned away from Cloud and Sephiroth, grinning. Cloud had called the palace his 'home'.

Leon couldn't help but notice the way that Cloud still counted his munny everyday, eager to see how much he had, and how much he still needed to go until he would have the thousand munny he needed to be able to leave Leon and the palace to be free.

As the sultan helped pack up, he could help but think about how much closer they had gotten in just these 12 days…how much closer would they be in 353 days? Was it only Leon who was growing more and more attached to Cloud? Was Cloud just messing around with Leon?

He struggled to put that out of his mind as he took down the tent.


Cloud put the rest of his things on the camel and mounted it, right as Leon was spurring his forward.

"Cloud, do you want me to take your reins again?" Leon asked, looking behind him at the blonde man.

Cloud chuckled at the perverted line and handed Leon the ropes that maneuvered his camel. "Of course."

Leon took them and kept moving, ignoring Cloud's chuckling as he concentrated on getting home.


Axel tapped his foot to the beat he heard in his head. "So, how was the trip, Cloud?"

Cloud shrugged as he sat down next to the redhead. He secretly wondered if Axel actually did any work around the palace. Anytime Cloud saw him, he was messing with Roxas or making more trouble for the other servants.

"It was ok." Cloud replied. "Sephiroth is kind of a bastard though."

Axel laughed nudging Roxas, who was sitting in the chair opposite Axel, with his foot. "Don't ever talk to Sephiroth if you can avoid it. He's a bitch."

Roxas nodded his reply to Axel, choosing not to say anything else.

"Still quiet, eh?" Cloud asked, taking a bite of the chocolate Axel had brought him from the kitchen. Since Axel had been around the palace for a while, he was known by every servant and got whatever he wanted from anyone there.

"Nah, he's only quiet around you." Axel replied, licking his fingers for any left over chocolate on them. "He'll talk to me, normally. Unless…ya know."

"Um, no, I don't, but I don't think I want to." Cloud put his head in the hand that was occupied with holding his chocolate bar. "You aren't doing anything…unseemly to him, are you?"

Axel faked a horrified look as he tossed more candy at Roxas. "Never! A few kisses here and there, but nothing too bad." The redhead stuck his tongue out at Cloud. "We're getting off topic. How are you and Leon doing?"

"Fine. He's still a little cold every once and a while, but he and I have been getting much closer."

"Physically? Or Emotionally?" Axel asked, tossing his head back and laughing. "I'm joking. Don't answer that unless you have details you'd like to share."

Cloud tossed a disgusted look Axel's way. "Gross, you pervert."

"Don't give me that look, you know you were thinking it."

"Well, it might interest you to know that I slept in his tent last night." Cloud said, pretending to study his nails, acting like it wasn't anything new.

"Oh?? Are you now?" Axel grinned. "See, Roxas? I'm not the pervert. Cloud is just covering up for himself. Secretly, he's the pervert…"

Roxas giggled but went back to eating his chocolate. Cloud figured the giggle was just to make Axel stop bringing him into the conversation…to say 'Yes, I'm listening, Axel'.

"I can't believe it. When Yuffie told me Leon had a new servant boy, and she thought that you two were going to hit it off, I completely disagreed with her…but I guess I've been proven wrong." Axel shook his head in a disbelieving sort of way.

"Hit it off?" Cloud asked. "You and Yuffie thought Leon and I would end up…doing something?" Cloud started becoming more and more uncomfortable talking about the relationship he and Leon had.

"Well, I didn't at first, but I think it'll happen eventually now." Axel laughed again, turning to grin at Roxas before he poked Cloud with his finger. "Don't get mad, blondie. Don't you want something to happen between you and the sultan?"

Cloud pushed Axel's hand away. "Can we not talk about this now?"

"Of course, of course." Axel snapped as a girl servant walked past the sitting room they were hanging out in. "Hey, you."

The girl stopped, and Cloud recognized her as Yuffie's new servant. The one that had put stuff in the food Cloud had eaten a few days ago that had made him sick. When Yuffie found out, she had gotten pretty mad and told May that she needed to get out of the palace…but then decided that they could still use May for little things that no one else wanted to do, until Yuffie got another servant. So May was stuck taking orders from the other servants in the palace.

"Take this bowl to the kitchen." Axel handed the clear blue glass bowl that was just recently filled with pieces of chocolate, to the servant girl.

She nodded and left, sending a glare to Cloud on her way out.

"I can't believe they let her stay." Cloud muttered as he stood up. "Well, we need to get to dinner since Leon and Sephiroth's meeting should be about done…"


Cloud ran a hand through his hair as he watched Leon make his way into the room. Talking with Axel had gotten him thinking…how close did Leon really see them? It was very obvious that he wanted to be closer, but did be want to be closer to Cloud because he liked Cloud…? Or because Cloud was a slave that Leon could just quick fuck and be done with it…

His thought were interrupted as Leon came to sit in front of him. "Hello, Cloud."

"Hello, your highness." Cloud couldn't help but smile at Leon.

Leon winked at Cloud quickly as he turned back towards his sisters, who were coming to sit at the table across from him.

Axel came in last, followed by his little blonde shadow. Axel sent a smirk in Cloud's direction and motioned to Leon, then back at Cloud as he turned towards Roxas and took the little blonde's face in his hands, bringing it closer and swiftly giving the little blonde a sloppy kiss.

Cloud snorted. Axel was such a perv. But he loved the way that he teased Cloud by kissing Roxas. No, as much as Axel wanted it, Cloud was not kissing Leon here and now.

However, watching the Axel kiss the blonde was adorable. Roxas looked as if he was melting into Axel, hoping that Axel held him here for a while.

"Axel, could you refrain yourself from making out with Roxas while we're eating?" Leon asked.

Cloud laughed, trying to keep it muffled. Axel had totally missed the fact that he was across the room from Cloud…and therefore across the room from Leon…and directly in front of him.

Axel took his lips from Roxas's and smirked. "I'll try, your highness, but I can't promise anything."

Cloud just rolled his eyes. Idiot.


Leon stretched as he sat down on his bed. He put the lion cub back in its private room (because he had gotten tired of being pounced on while he was trying to sleep), and now it was time for bed.

He looked over to where Cloud was standing, looking down at the journal Leon had given him a while ago. "Are you sleeping here again, Cloud?"

Cloud tore his eyes from the little book and turned them back up to Leon. "If you want me to, your highness."

"Excellent. Come to bed then." Leon pulled his shirt over his head and pulled off his pants, leaving him in just his boxers.

Cloud nodded, as he copied Leon, but before he slipped under the covers with the brunet, he wrote another entry in his journal. Just five words.

No munny. But that's ok.

He then slipped under the covers and let Leon wrap his arms around him, wondering again how close Leon thought they were.



Whoo!! Another chapter. That's pretty good for me :D

I've been reading all of these fics that haven't been updated in like, 6 months and I decided not to do that to the few people that like my stories, so BAMM!

Which reminds me, I read this story that was like 48 pages so far…and the whole thing was like "SEX". I have to admit, I was disappointed. I wanted a plot…whooo! Yaoi and stuff…but I like plot stories…

So I came to discover that I've not the biggest pervert ever. Since my stories are OH SO VERY CLEAN! xD

But anyway, I'll try to get more chapters done soon! I'm really really in love with Seeing In Black And White, so I might be updating that sooner than the others… Sorry xP

And i said somewhere that Leon's eyes are blue...i meant gray...i said that in another chapter here too...so i'll change that when i find it XD

Review if you have something nice to say XD