Ok...um...my first LeonXCloud fanfic...and the only reason i'm writing this...is because the 14th member of our Organization has been begging all of the orgy members to post a LeonXCloud fanfic...so..i did...because i have nothing better to do...xD

If ya like it, review! xD I need to work out a few things in it before i like it...but..eh. Here it is xD



Leon sat down on his throne with a 'hmph'. So far today, he had been exceedingly bored. It was even his birthday.

His cousins had given him shiny things, women, or clothes…nothing that really mattered to him.

Yuffie, his little sister (from a different mother, of course), had gotten him a lion cub. Cute…but what was he going to do with a lion cub?

And he was trying to figure out what his last present would be. Aerith, another little sister, was sitting just across the room from him, holding a little box. "Are you ready for my present, brother?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied. He didn't think it would be any better than any of the other presents, but whatever.

She rushed forward and set the little box grabbed in a gold shiney fabric in his lap.

Leon sighed and unwrapped the present. Inside was…a bunch of rings.

"Aren't they beautiful?" She sighed happily, motioning to the couple of gold rings that sat in their container. "I got them made specially for you, brother!"

"Not as beautiful as you, sister." He replied in a dead, bored tone…well, he replied in his normal tone.

She smiled at him and rushed to take her place back on the other side of the room.

Leon slipped on one of the rings, one with a gold band and a bright, bright blue crystal in the middle of it, just to make his sister happy.

"Thanks." Leon muttered and left to go sulk in his quarters.


"Stupid god damn birthday." Leon hissed while tossing the rest of the rings into the stone wall. "I look forward to it all year and I get things I already have!

A light knock sounded at the door.

"Come in."

Cid, his slave overseer, came into the room, followed by a boy that Leon had never seen before.

"Good evening, your highness." Cid said, while giving a deep bow. The boy behind him followed.

"I have gotten you something for your birthday, your highness. I hope you like him."

Cid pushed the blonde into the middle of the room, closer to Leon.

Boy could hardly be called a boy. He was just a few inches shorter than Leon, with light blonde hair than spiked up towards the ceiling. He had a thin, but muscular build…but Leon wasn't interested in any of that (just yet). He was too busy studying the boy's eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue…

"His name is Cloud, and he's all yours, your highness."

Leon smirked. "Cloud is my birthday present?"

Cid nodded in reply. "You don't have your very own personal slave, your highness…but your father did. I figured you could use a hand."

"How old are you, Cloud?"

"19, highness." Cloud didn't try to hide the fact he hated being someone else's property.

Leon let a small smile flash across his face before returning to his normal scowl. Cloud was just two years younger than himself. "Very well. Send him to me at dawn. We'll get the day started early."


Cloud wanted to punch something…preferably that cute little Sultan's face. He was now that creep's property.

The blonde shivered as he remembered how the Sultan's eyes roamed over his body. It was like Cloud was a piece of steak for a hungry lion….and that piece of steak was going back to the lion after he had gotten away…this time to wake the lion up.


Leon smirked as Cloud squirmed under him. The blonde's hair was plastered to his face from the light sheen of sweat that covered his body.

"More, Leon….harder…" Cloud managed to get out, in a breathy moan. "Please…"

Leon licked at a drop of sweat sliding down Cloud's face and was about to thrust into Cloud, until something came down on top of Leon…hard.

Leon's eyes opened swiftly as he awoke from his dream…and Cloud was laying across his chest.

"Ah…sorry…" Cloud muttered as he averted his gaze from Leon's. Damn his klutziness!

Leon frowned as he tried to catch his breath…not only from his dream, but from the fact that Cloud was laying on top of him…right now.

Cloud moved his hands up to either side of Leon's head so that he could lift himself up off the Sultan…now he kind of wished he could punch himself.

Leon pushed his sheet off of him as Cloud got off the bed, trying to get some cool air to his hot body…he needed to cool down or he was going to jump Cloud right now.

Cloud swallowed. "Sorry, your highness…"

Leon muttered something under his breath and was finally able to look up at Cloud.

"Uh…Cid told me to wake you up…and I kind of tripped on something on the floor…"

Leon raked a hand through his hair, to keep it out of his face. "Yeah, I figured." He slipped out of the bed, sighing. "Ok, well, you did wake me up. Let me wash off and get dressed and we'll start." Leon walked off into a smaller room.

Cloud slapped his palm to his face. He probably was staring at Leon. He was wearing only shorts…damn.

Cloud wanted to just leave. He was so embarrassed. He had come into the room, heard Leon moaning, slipped over to see what was wrong only to see the Sultan sweating…so Cloud only figured Leon was really sick…then he tripped on something…and had fallen RIGHT ON LEON!

Now he was washing Cloud off of him because Leon was a Sultan…and Cloud was a slave…perfect.


Leon finished washing and slipped on a new pair of pants and grabbed a shirt and went out to meet Cloud.

Cloud was sitting on Leon's bed, with his head in his hands.

"Ready to go?" Leon asked, slipping his shirt on.

Cloud looked up, startled. "Yeah."

"Then let's go."


Leon took bite of his breakfast as Cloud just looked off into the distance. "Cloud?"

Cloud looked back over to Leon. "Yeah, your highness?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Cloud turned a dark shade of red as he looked away again. "My little spill."

Leon smirked. "Do you regret even coming into my room?"

The blonde frowned. "I had to come wake you up…"

"Most slaves just knock on the door." Leon replied, taking a sip of his drink.

Cloud turned even redder.

"But, no matter. We have a lot to do today…we should get started."

Nodding, Cloud got up out of his chair and followed Leon down a hallway. "What's first?"

"Getting you new clothes. You'll need a uniform."


"Of course. Something you'll wear everyday…"

"I have to have a uniform?"

"Yeah." Leon replied, he was getting sick of the questions already. He didn't really like to talk…and Cloud had so many questions he wanted answered! Most of them Leon had already answered.

"Why? Because you're a creep who wants all of your little servants to dress alike? Will I get a cute little skirt like the girls?" Cloud hissed.

Leon turned to Cloud, swiftly raising his hand, ready to slap the boy for his disrespect. "Would you like a skirt, m'lady?" He asked, as Cloud flinched to protect himself from Leon.

"I would rather wear nothing."

"It can be arranged." Leon muttered as he continued walking down the hall.


Leon sat back in his chair, eying the outfit Cloud had on. "Not bad…"

Tifa, the 'royal seamstress', nodded as she pinned the shirt a little tighter. "Are these the colors you would like, your majesty?"

"No." Cloud answered before Leon could speak. "I would like them in-"

"Yeah, the colors are fine." Leon interrupted. "Could you do something for me, Tifa?"

Tifa nodded as she straightened the shirt on Cloud. "Of course, your highness."

"Could you make a skirt to match the shirt?"

Tifa's jaw dropped. "A…skirt?"

Leon nodded. "Yeah, I want a pair of long pants for Cloud too, but he was saying something about wanting a skirt to match."

Cloud sent Leon a dirty look. "No, I-"

"Of course, your highness…" Tifa bowed.

Leon smiled under Cloud's peeved glare.


"Now your mad at me, eh?"

Cloud didn't answer, but kept his distance.

"You said yourself you wanted a skirt."

"No, I didn't."

"If you don't want to wear it, you can run around naked. Your choice." Leon smirked and led the way down to his sister's room.

Yuffie was looking at herself, in a large mirror, wearing a long midnight blue dress.

"Yuffie, can I come in?" Leon asked politely from the door way.

"Of course!" She turned around and gave her brother a huge smile. "Good morning, Leon."

Leon gave Yuffie a small smile. She was his favorite sister. She was cute, always happy, and definitely not stuck up.

"Who's that?" Yuffie said, pointing at Cloud.

"The new 'personal slave' Cid gave me for my birthday yesterday." Leon replied, turning to glance at Cloud. "Cloud, my sister Yuffie. Yuffie, Cloud."

Cloud just grunted.

Yuffie smiled at him. "He's so cute! I wish Cid would get me cute servant boys for my birthday! Will you let me borrow him sometime, Leon?"

"Of course." Leon didn't really want to share Cloud…but Yuffie would be good.

"He needs some new clothes though…"

Leon smirked as he sat down on Yuffie's bed. "We just got back from Tifa's. She's making him a uniform that we'll have tonight."

Yuffie patted the top of Cloud's head. "I bet you'll be so cute! You and my brother will be best friends, I'm sure!"

Cloud rolled his eyes. How stupid could this girl get?

"He has such soft hair! Can I play with him, Leon?"

Leon couldn't help but smile. "Of course, but not today."

Yuffie pouted. "Fine."


Leon chuckled as he walked down the hall to the throne room behind Cloud. The younger boy was desperately trying to stay mad at Leon.

The brunette reached for Cloud. "Cloud, just relax."

Cloud batted Leon's hand away. "Just stop!"

Leon swallowed and tried to keep his temper under control. "You need to respect those in a higher class than you, slave."

Cloud balled his hands up in fists and stopped walking. "Just because Cid gave me to you, doesn't mean I'm your property. You don't have to be such an ass!"

Leon shoved Cloud up against the wall, his hands pushing Cloud's shoulders back. "If you don't give me more respect, slave, I'll have you whipped." Leon snarled.

"I don't care. Maybe you should give me to someone else if I'm that big of a problem to you!"

"Is that what you want?" Leon asked, not noticing their faces were only a few inches from each other. "I'm more merciful than half of the people who would want you, Cloud."

When the blonde didn't reply, Leon took his hands off of Cloud and took a step back. "Go back to my quarters. Wait for me there."

Cloud didn't say anything, he just started walking.


"You're highness?"

Leon shook his head, to clear any unwanted thoughts from his mind. "Yes?"

"Are you ok, your majesty?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Leon snarled at the merchant.

"Ehhh…n-no reason! Have I brought you anything that catches your eye, sire?"

"It is my sister's party. She should be the one choosing what she wants." Leon motioned for a servant to go fetch Yuffie. "You can talk about what she wants then you can call on me to make the financial arrangements."

"Of course…I apologize, your highness!"

Leon waved off the apology. "I'll be in my chambers." He muttered as he got off the solid gold throne.

Sephiroth came up next to Leon. "Sire, I have brought bad news…"

"What, Sephiroth I am tired…especially of this 'war'."

"Well, your highness, the enemy forces have started advancing…I would like permission to send a couple of thousand troops to stop them…"

"You don't know what the 'enemies' are up to, you aren't sure where they're going…and I'm not even sure if this is all truth. I'm not letting you send anyone out into the desert until we know what's going on. Find out more information."

"Yes, sire." Sephiroth backed away slowly, grinding his teeth angrily.

Leon walked down the hall to his chambers, and opened the door quietly.

Cloud was laying on Leon's bed, laying very still.


Cloud sat up, sleepily. "What?"

"I have come up with a proposition for you."

"Ok." Cloud brushed the sleep from his eyes, and looked at Leon with his hazy blue eyes.

"I'm going to make you work for me for one year. If, by the end of this one year, you can make one thousand munny by doing odd jobs for my sisters or myself, I will let you go."

Cloud thought about that. "Well…"

"And working for me meaning…you have to do anything I say, without arguing."

"It's a deal."



Ok...there. xD I don't really know when i'm going to write the next chapter...i want to finish my other stories before i get carried away with this one...but idk xD
