Warning this is a Lemon Fanfic so if you are underage or offended do not read any further!!!!!!

This is my first lemon Fanfic so no flaming be kind thanks!!

Hinata… "Moonwitch does not own Naruto or it's characters."

Shino…."The talented Masashi Kishimoto does."

Kiba…"Yah all Moonwitch owns is a house payment!"

Moonwitch" Hey not true I own lots of bills too…oh, that's not a good thing huh?"

Team 8.."Duh!!!!"

Enjoy!!!! And please review!!!!Arigato

Three is a Lucky Number

Hinata stood against the kitchen counter mixing chocolate cake batter.

"I can barely believe it has been three years already. It seems like only yesterday my life changed." Hinata sighed to herself.

"Yep, three fantastic blissful years just the three of us." She smiled happily. "I think I like the number three…Yes, three is definitely my lucky number. " She laughed her voice full of joy. There was a time where she thought her life would never see happiness. A frown appeared on her soft pale face as she thought back to that day. To that horrible morning when she had lost all hope.


It had all started about two months after her twentieth birthday. Naruto had left months earlier on another attempt to find Sasuke. He walked right past her as she stood at the villages gates to see him off. He completely ignored her. Not even sparing a wave goodbye.

She felt no love from her family. Neji treated her like she was something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of his sandal. Hanabi repeatedly told her how she wished she never had a sister. Years of her father's mental and physical abuse had taken it's toll. She never could please him no matter how hard she tried. Every failure he saw in her never came with advise but with a slap. Her heart could not take anymore. The fear, the pain. A total emptiness began to fill her heart. The sound of her father's threatening voice that morning shaking her from her thoughts.

"Hinata get down here now!" He bellowed. Entering into his study she bowed her head respectfully before looking up.

"You called father?" He stood glaring down at her. His hand raised ready to backhand her. She shirked away from his presence. Dropping his hand he shook his head.

"I don't have time for this. Hinata as head of the clan I have decided you are not worthy of taking my place. You are a failure and will not amount to anything. Go pack a change of clothing you will be leaving soon for the Jigoku village."

"Why father are you sen…" Her words cut off as a hand slapped her face sending her to the floor. Tears began to form and roll from her eyes. Her hand slowly reached up to her lips feeling the cut his hand made.

"Who said you could speak worthless child!" Hiashi screamed.

"You will be wed to Lord Akuma on arrival." Hiashi then began to laugh, "Seems you are the only hope he has of fathering children. With his temper and old age, none of the other woman in the village will have him." His face twisting into a sick smile. "So I guess you are of some use. This marriage will bring us many of their secret jutsu's along with the money he will pay." His smile faded as he noticed Hinata was still looking at the floor.

" Stand and look at me when I speak to you!" He roared anger engulfing his face. Hinata slowly stood and raised her head to her father.

"You are disgraceful! Remember your place and fulfill all your wifely duties there will be no home for you to come back to. This marriage is the only way our clan can reclaim some dignity after your disgraceful failures. The day you leave, you will no longer be a member of the Hyuuga Clan. Now leave my sight!"

Hinata ran from the room but instead of going to her room to pack she fled the compound never looking back. Running through the gates of Konoha and into the deep forest. Tears poured down her pale face. She continued running farther and farther away. What was left of her heart shattering along the way. As if the sky felt her pain it began to rain.

"I would rather die than to marry such a horrible man." She cried. Hinata had heard of Lord Akuma and his evil cruel ways his name alone said it all akuma …demon. So she ran till her legs failed her, collapsing to the muddy ground. She was very far from Konoha her home.

"I have no home!" She screamed through tears before passing out. Praying for death to take her from the pain.