A/N1: Ok, I have put off and on my homework, but most of it is done and at the same time I was able to finish the chapter!!! YAY!! You guys are so nice to me!!!! (Tears up) I got so many more reviews than I dreamed I would get!!! (Sobs in happiness) I'm so thrilled with the response!! Please keep reviewing!

Disclaimer: My name is not Natsuki Takaya; so therefore, I do not own Fruits Basket. If I did…then I'd be married to Yuki. Loll.



The next week was one filled with scattered thunderstorms. Each night, Tohru made it a habit to go and sleep in Yuki's bed with him. But every morning, before he got a chance to get up, she was always gone; leading him to sometimes think that he was simply imagining her presence.

One nights, he caught the sound of the screen sliding open and he felt Tohru crawl next to him and interlace her fingers with his, silently shaking at the noise. Instinct caused him to wrap his arms around her and hold her closer to him. She sighed in content and immediately fell asleep. For the Prince however, it wasn't that easy. As much as Yuki enjoyed having Tohru stay with him, he knew that something had to be done. He could try to teach her not to be afraid of thunderstorms; to help her overcome her fear. With that thought firmly embedded in his mind, Yuki finally fell into a deep sleep.

Morning came, and Yuki found Tohru gone and the smell of breakfast was in the air. Instead of finding her in the company of Shigure and Kyou as he expected, she was alone and humming to herself.

"Honda-san, is it just us this morning?"

"Yes. Kyou-kun went back to the dojo and Shigure-san is somewhere writing his manuscript with Mii-chan." Tohru said as she placed a plate of breakfast on the table for him.

"So is there anything you would like to do today?"

"Well…we're out of milk so I was thinking that I would walk to the store."

"Ok then, that's perfect. I will go with you and carry your bags back and we can also get more strawberry seeds for the base." She smiled cheerfully at him.

"That's a great idea. Just let me get changed and then we can go." Tohru hurried upstairs and left Yuki to finish his breakfast.

Indeed they did do all that they said. Once they came back from the store and unloaded the groceries, (i.e. the milk) Tohru and Yuki headed out to the secret base. The rest of the day was spent happily laughing, talking, and planting strawberries. They tromped back into the house, albeit a bit dirty, but satisfied nonetheless.

"Yuki-kun, what would you like for dinner?"

"Anything is fine with me; whatever would be easiest for you to make." Tohru nodded and quickly headed into the kitchen. Unbeknownst to them, the sky began to cloud and a storm was beginning to brew. Halfway through Tohru's dinner preparations, the sound of thunder in the distance grew loud, making her slam down everything she was doing and stand in the middle of the kitchen, frozen in her spot. Yuki, hearing the thunder knew that Tohru was probably scared, and he swiftly headed to the kitchen. His suspicions were proven immediately when he saw Tohru. He rushed to her side and held on to her securely.

"It's ok; you're going to be fine Honda-san. Just come with me." She nodded mutely and followed him. When she saw that his destination was the screen door leading outside, she tried to bolt, but failed. Yuki's hold on her was too firm. She struggled in his arms and in his head Yuki grimaced, "She probably thinks I'm being so cruel. She has to understand, I'm helping her. She'll see..." Even in his mind, he was still unsure, but he knew what his plan was to help her. He opened the door and they just stood outside under the porch while the storm was waging. Yuki soothingly started to talk to Tohru.

"Honda-san? Look at me please. Just ignore the storm, don't even think about it. Block it out, ok? Talk to me about something, anything. Tell me about all of the zodiac members that you've met. What do you think about them?" She looked at him with wide and trusting eyes, she knew that he would never hurt her…as long as she was with him, she would be safe.

"Well, Haru-kun's two personalities are both really special, and I'm sure it will be fun to get to know them both better. And Kisa-chan is so sweet and trusting. It's amazing how much that's she has progressed since I first met her. Hiro-kun is naturally sarcastic to others, but you can tell he's protective of Kisa-chan and he really loves her! It's so cute!! Momiji-kun is naturally energetic and he lights up a room whenever he comes in with all of his childish energy. It's so hard not to smile when he's around." At this point, Tohru had brightened up considerably and wasn't focusing on the storm. Still the occasional really loud boom or bright flash would startle her, but it was a definite improvement. "And who else?" Yuki prodded, trying to keep her animated and distracted.

"Hmm, Kagura-chan has so much love for Kyou-kun, it's amazing. She's so dedicated to one person. It's very admirable; and Ayame-san is trying very hard to mend his relationship with Yuki-kun, and he really does want to; he feels bad for what happened in the past. And Shigure-san!! He's just so talented; I mean just think about all of the wonderful books he's written!" Yuki internally rolled his eyes slightly at this; for he was doubtful about anything concerning his brother or Shigure for that matter. Yuki doubted that any of his books were that amazing, more like amazingly dirty, but he simply smiled as he listened to Tohru continue, who was now thoroughly focused on talking as opposed to the storm.

"As for Hatori-san…he has felt so much pain, especially concerning Kana-chan, but you can't tell from the way he acts. He's so stoic and strong. Kyou-kun too has had lots of pain; he was the zodiac cat, cursed above all. He never truly knew love, kindness, or trust; he didn't believe at that point that he deserved any, for he was the cat. But look at him now." At this point, Yuki fully expected her to stop, so he planned on letting go of her, and telling her the storm was over, and that it had been for about a minute now. Besides, he was getting hungry; they had skipped lunch while they were working at the base.

"And Yuki-kun…" Yuki's head snapped up and a blush formed on his cheeks. "You never seem to get annoyed at anyone; you are so nice and kind to everyone. It's no wonder everyone calls you a prince…you're handsome and polite and you seem to just be…amazing. That's what I think of Yuki-kun." His blush deepened considerably.

"Honda-san thinks too highly of me. I don't deserve that. If anyone does, it's you. You are always worried about others first, you put their needs before your own, and you are the most un-selfish person I have ever met. In you're eyes, nobody has faults, you overlook the negatives and see all only the positive things about people, especially when they can't see that themselves. Everyone is drawn to you; your personality is so nurturing and forgiving." During Yuki's speech Tohru was looking at the ground and finding her shoes very interesting. When she looked back up at him as he finished, she gasped.

"Oh, Yuki-kun look!" Tohru lifted her head to the sky and grinned. "The storm is over!!" Yuki smiled at her. "You did it."

"No no!! I definitely couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much!" In a sudden burst of emotion, she stood up on her toes and kissed Yuki firmly on the mouth. It lasted only a second, but that was all it took. Tohru quickly took a step away from him and began to apologize profusely.

"I'm so sorry!! I can't believe I just did that! Yuki-kun has every right to be mad at me," she gasped, "But please don't be mad, I don't think that I'd be able to handle it if Yuki-kun was mad at me. I'm so---" Tohru's rant was cut off by Yuki deftly placing his lips on top of hers firmly. "I could never be mad at you, Tohru-kun." Yuki leaned down and kissed her again, and Tohru didn't protest. "Thank you, Yuki-kun," she murmured between his intoxicating kisses, "For everything."


A/N2: Ok, the final chapter!! Lotsa dialogue and it felt a bit rushed to me…didn't exactly turn out how I pictured it would. Oh well! The Japanese name endings, (-chan, -san, -kun, etc…) I'm not really positive that I wrote those correctly. If I offended anyone by messing up the language, then please accept my sincerest apologies!!! Tell me what you thought and drop me a review, but no flames please. It's only my first Furuba fic.

Love ya,
