If There Be Thunder

Summary: Tohru gets frightened during a fierce thunderstorm, and she goes Yuki for comfort. Later he tries to help her get over her fear. Yukiru.

A/N1: First Furuba fanfic! Ok, similar to Under the Midnight Moon, this is a three chapter plot bunny!! Midnight Moon got an AMAZING response, (I love all my reviewers and my beta! --Muah!--) I hope that this will be as popular.

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. ---Checks watch 5 seconds later--- Still not mine.



A streak of lightening flashed, illuminating the stormy sky. BOOM! Thunder rang through the air, rattling the house, and rain was heavily falling onto the shingles of the roof. Tohru Honda whimpered, her eyes closed tightly. The fierce storm had been waging for hours and it still showed no signs of letting up.

Another bang found Tohru buried under her comforter, silently wishing for the sky to clear up; but to no avail. She poked her head out above the covers, and a drop of rain plopped down from the old leak onto her head. 'Oh no!' She thought, 'The rain! I wonder how Kyou is doing at the dojo.'

The curse had been lifted, thanks to Tohru, but poor Kyou still had a strong dislike of rain. 'And what about Yuki, how is he feeling across the hall? Is he asleep?' She wondered. Tohru quickly crept out of her room and over to Yuki's, just to see if he was in fact, asleep. She desperately hoped he was awake and that he would let her stay with him. When Tohru was younger, she always went into her mother's room, and went to sleep in her bed. 'Maybe, just maybe, Yuki will allow me to sleep with him. Just for tonight.'

Tohru opened the door as quietly as she could; so not to disturb him if he was asleep. But that still wasn't very quiet, for the door hinges creaked loudly. Tohru grimaced.

"Honda-san?" Yuki mumbled sleepily. "Are you alright?" he looked at her with concern.

"Y-Yes." she stuttered, "I just came to check on Yuki-kun and see if he was sleeping." A loud clap of thunder, perhaps the loudest yet caused Tohru to shriek in fright.

"Honda-san?" Yuki asked again.

"I'm fine. I was just startled by the thunder. Sorry to wake you up. I'll leave now!" Yuki chuckled at her. "Would you like to stay here during the storm?" Tohru flushed.

"No! No! I couldn't!! I can't be any more of a burden to you."

"Oh but, I insist. If it was a burden to me, I wouldn't have asked."

"If Yuki-kun insists." Tohru acquiesced quickly, as if thinking if she waited too long to answer he'd change his mind. She crawled under the covers next to Yuki and snuggled up against him; pressing her chest to his back and wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you." she breathed in his ear, sending shivers up and down his spine.


A/N2: Ok please read and review! No flames please! Only constructive criticism if you think that I need it. And the second chapter will be posted after I finish writing the third chapter! More reviews faster updates!

