The Pain
Disclaimer: All Characters belong To Stephenie Meyer.
"Bella, we really need to take you to the doctor." Charlie stated sternly looking down at me in bed. "it' been two days, we need to get this checked out."
"No." I tried to breathe evenly through the pain. "I'll wait one more day." I whispered snuggling deeper into my blankets. I knew it would be gone by tomorrow. I just had to deal with it. I could let Charlie and Edward find out what happened. They'd probably never had approved.
"But Bells, you've had this fever for to long and you haven't eaten since you got it. I'm afraid I'll need to hospitalize you honey."
I hated making him feel this way, but if I told him Edward would be sure to figure it out easier. "I'm fine dad, really. It's probably just the flu. It should be done by tomorrow. I just want to sleep. Please." I shivered and burrowed deeper.
"Isabella if you're fever isn't down by the time I get back tomorrow afternoon you will go to the hospital. Understand?"
"Yes dad."
"Are you sure you'll be ok by yourself? I could get someone else to cover?"
"No dad. It'll be alright. Go settle whatever needs to be settled down there. I can manage." I gave a weak smile.
"Alright, I'll see you in two days Bells." I nodded in understanding as he kissed my hot forehead before leaving. I rolled over as he left and groaned in pain.
'One more day.' I thought. I kept groaning until I finally made my way to the bathroom. I got a cold wash cloth and went to lie down once again. I covered my whole face leaving only my mouth uncovered so I could breath.
I instantly felt two freezing arms encircle me as I shuddered involuntary and winced. His hand went to my forehead and I relaxed under his touch.
"Bella, are you sick?" I just winced, not knowing how to answer that particular question truthfully. "Bella what's wrong?" Now that I could answer.
"Stomach ache. No big deal."
"You're burning up, Hon" he slowly rubbed my stomach, easing the pain.
"Just the flu." I'll tell him tomorrow once the pain dies.
"Have you been to the doctor?"
"Why not?"
"If you're not better by tomorrow we're going to see Carlisle."
I was in way to much pain to argue and I drifted off with Edward musically humming my lullaby.
I opened my eyes to even more pain in my lower stomach than the previous day. It was 5:03 and still dark out. Only a few more hours.
I didn't answer. I ran out of the room towards the bathroom. I puked in the toilet empting the only contents in my stomach, water. I felt horrible and probably looked about the same. I wound into a tight ball holding myself together. I noticed Edward at the door, a concerned expression adorning his features.
"Come on, we're going to Carlisle." He scooped me up, ignoring my pointless protests. I groaned in pain and shut my eyes tight as he began to run. He ran right to the door, which already opened with Esme probably hearing his footsteps.
"Carlisle!" Edward continued to his room. He gently laid me down as Carlisle came in.
"Edward what is it? Bella?"
"Something's wrong with her. She sick and won't stop-"
Alice appeared with a bucket which she gracefully gave to Bella who, not so gracefully, upchucked.
"Bella, when was the last time you ate or drank anything?" Carlisle asked as he began checking her pulse.
"Today is the third day." I could see the disappointment clearly on Edward's face.
"How about the fever?"
"Fourth day." I whispered, suddenly rather drowsy. I again dry heaved as Edward gently tapped my back. I groaned and leaned against Edward's chest.
"Bella, you need to eat something."
"No." I said it as sternly as I could manage in my state of well being. "I'm not hungry." And I wasn't. it would only get worse if I did eat. I could wait a few hours more.
"Bella, you need to eat. It'll help. I don't want it to get worse." Carlisle insisted.
"No." I repeated yet again. I was feeling dizzy, but that didn't stop me from standing up to leave. I was so tired but I managed to make it to the door that was until I promptly collapsed in the doorway. I don't know how but somehow Edward managed to catch me as everything else left me sight but darkness.
I woke up and it was dark out. I still felt horrible, but it wasn't unbearable as I looked towards the clock. Only seven more hours. I moaned and rolled over.
"Bella, are you awake?" I knew that voice, a concerned velvet voice.
"Edward?" I murmured as he neared my line of vision, finally focusing. "What happened?" I was still dizzy but I managed to get his facial features in the right places.
"You passed out Bella. Carlisle doesn't understand what's wrong other than the fact that you're dehydrated and have no nutrients in your system." I knew perfectly well what was wrong, and food would only worsen the pain incredibly. Only a few more hours to go and it would be over.
"Come Bella, we'll go to the kitchens and get you some food." He went to pick me up, but I burrowed farther under the covers.
"I'm not eating." I said firmly.
"Oh yes you are." He matched my tome perfectly.
"Bella," he sighed, "you will eat either willingly or we will force feed you."
I narrowed my eyes. "You wouldn't." Apparently my tone indicated a challenge which wasn't intended.
"Oh, wouldn't I? Emmett?" he called in a normal conversational tone, smirking as my eyes widened in horror and understandment.
"Edward don't!" I could hear Emmett's exaggerated slowness.
"Will you come downstairs and eat Bella?"
"Yes, Yes just call him off!!" I was horrorstricken.
"Ok Emmett, thanks." I could hear his booming laughter from downstairs.
My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I realized what he had done. "Why you-" but I was cut off as I was thrown across his shoulders and dragged downstairs. I was placed in a kitchen chair where pancakes and orange juice were already placed awaiting me.
I groaned and slide in my chair trying to hid.
"Bella eat or I'll get Emmett in here." To prove his point Emmett appeared in the doorway. I gulped and scarfed down two bites of pancakes and a gulp of the juice. I knew immediately that that had been a bad idea. I ran to the back door as my stomach heaved and I threw it opened and puked in the grass. My hair was saved as it was gently pulled back from my mess.
"Bella, why can't you keep anything down?"
'I tried to tell you." Now I was exhausted. I threw up again and slumped over. Edward gently picked me up, closing my eyes as he did so.
"Bella, wake up. What's wrong?!" he sounded so scared, so distant.
"So-Tired." I went completely limp in his arms.
Author's Note:
Second Chapter should be up by tomorrow or the next day. Review and let me know what you think of it so far.