Disclaimer: I don't own, I RENT.

A/N: Okay, so, I've had the idea for this chap for a while, but it just… wouldn't… flow. It was really irritating, cuz the idea was there and… yeah… you probably don't care, so just enjoy the chapter. Oh, and thank Angel Dumott Schunard Collins for getting my lazy butt moving.

Collins crunched on his Wheaties stolidly, ignoring the occasional glare his mom or dad sent him from across the table. But they wouldn't say anything, oh no. It had been nonstop silent treatment for the past two months, ever since that first date with Angel.

Plunking his bowl in the sink, Collins left the uncomfortable silence of his house to meet Angel down at the end of his driveway like he did every morning. They shared a small hello kiss, then, fingers entwined, headed off to school.

The past couple of months had gone by in a blur for Collins; going to school, where it had become natural for them to deflect the insults of stupid close-minded kids, going to one of his friends' houses for study time, the frequent dates with Angel, and then going home to a silent house.

Angel glanced at him, a small grin on her face. "Tired?"

Collins groaned. "I hate Mondays…" A moment later, he felt Angel's lips on his. They both stopped walking, wrapping their arms around each other as they shared a long kiss.

Finally, Angel pulled back for air and grinned at him. "Feel better?"

Collins grinned back. "Yep. Never fails." Holding hands once more, they set off again, Collins looking considerably more cheerful.

They entered the school to find the Mark, Roger, Joanne, and Mimi staring at a sign that stood on a painting easel just inside the doors.


Collins facepalmed. "Ooohhh boy."

He turned to the others, was about to say something, then stopped and frowned. "Wait, where're Mo?"

Mark and Roger exchanged a glance, the former's face falling sadly. Roger paused, then answered for him. "Um, Collins… Mo sorta dumped Mark over the weekend. Said she'd found someone she liked more and didn't want to string him out or something." Joanne blushed dark red, but everyone's focus was on Mark.

Collins glanced at Mark, who still looked rather upset. Angel went over to him and gave him a hug, murmuring something in his ear that made the filmmaker crack a smile.

Before anyone could say anything more, the bell rang loudly. Angel spoke quickly, "Crap, we've gotta go! We can talk more at lunch!" They all headed off to their respective classes.

At lunch, they all gathered at their normal table. After a few minutes, Maureen approached cautiously, looking from person to person for a sign whether she was welcome or not. Since no one was sending glares at her, she came over and sat down next to Joanne at the end of the bench.

"So… um…" she began, then stopped, fiddling with her food.

Mark took a deep breath, managed a small smile, and reassured his ex, "Don't worry, Mo, no one's mad or anything. You can date whoever you want."

"Oh, phew!" she said, regaining her usual cheery smile. "Okay then. What about this dance on Friday?"

Collins immediately turned to Angel, who answered before he even said anything. "Yes! Of course!" They blushed, smiled, and shared a small kiss.

Roger watched them for a moment, took a deep breath, and turned to Mimi. "Willyougtodncwime?"

Mimi stared at him for a moment. "What?"

The songwriter took another deep breath and said slowly, "Will you go to the dance with me?"

A blush spread across Mimi's cheeks as she nodded, suddenly shy. An "Awwwwwww!" came from the others, at which Roger smacked Mark's shoulder.

"Moving on!" the songwriter insisted, flushing slightly.

Mimi turned to Maureen, asking curiously, "So if you're not going with Mark, who are you going with?"

The drama queen hesitated for a split second, then boldly announced, "Joanne."

Everyone's heads snapped around to look at Joanne, who was blushing darkly now. She nodded in confirmation of what Maureen had said, and everyone turned to look at Mark now.

He took another deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, then smiled genuinely. "I'm happy for you guys."

Maureen got an ear-to-ear grin. "Thanks, Pook—Marky!" she quickly corrected herself.

The filmmaker shifted the topic slightly, turning to Angel. "So, are you going to go in drag?"

A wide grin spread slowly across her face. "Yep. About time this school learned who I really am."

"Yeah! You show 'em!" Mimi shouted, drawing a couple of stares from nearby students. She just shot them a cheery grin, high-fiving Angel at the same time.

Maureen rubbed her hands together evilly. "About time this school got a wake-up call. This is gonna be fun!"

Sorry it's so short, but that seemed a good place to end it. Next chap will probably be the dance!