Angel of My Dreams

By EmyBlossom

Rated T for violence and sexual themes

Summary: He was always missing something in his life. But he didn't know that something came with a halo and wings. S/S

Disclaimer: I do not own Sakura or Syaoran, they are owned by the lovely ladies of CLAMP. But this story concept is mine and so are characters like Doe Nintoda. This is completely a work of fiction and is in no way to be sold for profit.

A/N: Another installment of AOMD coming at you! Sadly, not many reviews for the last chapter. Maybe I waited too long to continue the story. Either way, this author remains undaunted and I shall continue the story! Please tell your fellow readers/friends about this story and maybe it will gain popularity. That would make me feel so worthwhile. Anyways, enjoy and if you read, review too! I love your comments, good or bad!

Chapter 4: Unexpected Visitor

You make me smile like the sun,

Fall out of bed,

Sing like a bird,

Dizzy in my head,

Spin like a record,

Crazy on a Sunday night,

You make me dance like a fool,

Forget how to breathe,

Shine like gold,

Buzz like a bee,

Just the thought of you can drive me wild,

Oh, you make me smile.

-Smile by Uncle Kracker

Hands linked together. His shoulder occasionally brushing up against mine. Our casual conversation. The light but not unpleasant chill of an autumn breeze. The falling leaves swirling with the churn of the wind. The click of my heels against the pavement and the soft pad of his sneakers. Perfect. Everything was perfect. Except for the light nagging in my brain telling me I was breaking the rules. But I already gave up on being the good little angel. From now on, I was following my heart.

Syaoran, my "charge," and I passed through the gate to school. Although I was anxious about anyone seeing us holding hands, Syaoran didn't give any notion of letting go. I felt a few people staring as we approached the science building.

Pushing the embarrassment away, I turned to Syaoran as we came to a halt. He gave my hand a squeeze as he turned toward be and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you after class." Then he turned and entered the building.

The blush took some time to fade, even after I returned to my invisible state. How he always got to me that way was a mystery! I never reacted so strongly to anyone before Syaoran, and still, I had a hard time grasping why.

I shook my head as I prepared myself for sitting through another boring lecture.

_____ _____

/ \ / \

Hands linked together. His shoulder occasionally brushing up against mine. Our casual conversation. The light but not unpleasant chill of an autumn breeze. The falling leaves swirling with the churn of the wind. The click of my heels against the pavement and the soft pad of his sneakers. Perfect. Everything was perfect. Except that we weren't heading in the direction of home!

When the conversation died down for a moment I finally made my strike. "Sooooo….where are we headed? This isn't a new way to the apartment is it?"

He smirked a little, "There's this shop that I want to take you to. It's on the outskirts of town, the opposite direction of home."

I got a little excited. Why did he want to take me to this shop? The prospect of the mystery of it was thrilling. My pace increased in speed with my burst of energy until it felt like I was a dog on a hunt with a scent and Syaoran was my master, the hunter.

After ten minutes of walking like this and Syaoran occasionally telling me to turn because I was leading, we reached our destination. "Starlight Bow-tick?"

"It's pronounced 'boutique'."


"That means it's basically a fancy shop. Come on, let's go in." He had a mysterious smile on his face. I followed him inside and was assaulted by the thick smell of burning incense. The shop was painted in midnight blue making the room very dark with a few hanging lamps shaped like stars penetrating the darkness.

The cashier with ebony-colored hair and a beauty mark under her right eye greeted us from behind a glass counter. "Welcome. Can I help you find something?" She smiled flirtatiously at Syaoran even though she had to have been at least ten years older than him.

"We'd just like to look around first, thank you."

Even though I was a bit put off by her coquettish behavior, my curiosity kicked in and I wandered around the circular glass tables positioned around the shop. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, shoes, scarves, gloves, every accessory imaginable had found its way into the shop, each from an ambiguous designer and containing something mystical, magical, or sparkling property to it. Bottles that was filled with moon sand, necklaces said to draw fairies near, scarves with rhinestones, and even a hairbrush that was made of antique opal. Even though I knew no necklace could make fairies appear and that the bottle full of moon sand was really made of black sand with glitter, all the trinkets were beautiful. I couldn't help touching everything that caught my eye.

After looking at almost everything, something caught my eye in the glass case that the cashier was behind. It was an ivory bracelet and where the ends of the circle should have joined together were two small wings that left a miniscule gap between them. It was stunning.

"Oh." I said in awe.

"Seems you have found something you like. Would you like to try it on?"

"Would I ever!"

The cashier unlocked the case and pulled out the bracelet and slid it carefully on my wrist.

"Oh it's lovely," I cooed. I looked mournfully at it before I slid it off to hand back to the woman.

"We'll take it." I had almost forgotten Syaoran was there I was so in awe of the store. His appearance took me so much by surprise I forgot to protest until the woman told him the price.

"That'll be ten thousand yen." She said as she rang up the order.

"T-ten thousand yen?!" I gaped at her.

"Sold." Syaoran took his wallet out and handed her a credit card.

"W-wait Syaoran! You can't be serious! We can't afford that!"

"Sakura," he said looking at me, "I want to buy this for you. As a present."

"Present," I mimicked as he finished paying.

"Will you need a bag with this?" The cashier said, finishing the transaction.

"No, we won't," he said, slipping it back onto my wrist.

"Thank you very much for your purchase. Come again soon." She said, bowing a little. Just as Syaoran opened the door for me, she asked "Sir, have you shopped here before? With another girl with buns?"

"Yeah, a few years ago." He exited through the door with that last comment.

Out in the bright sunshine again, I finally could speak again. "Why did you buy me this?"

"Because…" He covered his mouth with his hand as he thought, "Because you give me so much, I wanted to give you something too. I knew this shop because it was my cousin's favorite so I decided to give it a try with you too. I'm glad you found something you like."

I paused, "No I didn't."

This surprised him and he stopped walking, "Huh?" His eyes were wide.

I smiled brightly, "I love it. I will treasure it always."

"Oh, good." He laughed a little. "Now, let's go home. I have some homework to finish."


_____ _____

/ \ / \

"Would you like some more tea, my lord?" Just yesterday I had watched a romance movie on the picture box based in medieval times and after that I was completely hung up on calling him "my lord", much to his chagrin it seems. But even though it annoys him, I've got my own private reasons for calling him my lord.

"Yes, I would love some. And would you please stop calling me that? It's embarrassing and makes no sense!"

I smiled a small, private smile and refilled his tea mug. My new bracelet almost fell off my wrist as I did so and I elevated my arm afterwards to adjust it. As much as I loved it, my small wrists did not hold onto it very well.

"Maybe," I answered. My face erupted into a silly grin at my private joke. His sigh only provoked me further.

Syaoran took the mug I offered to him and returned to his homework, a paper on the government of Hong Kong. He sighed again and crumpled up the piece of paper in front of him. He aimed a shot at the recycling bin threw the discarded work away. It bounced off the top where it was overflowing with newspapers and other balls of scrapped work. The newly balled paper landed at the waste bin's base and sat there mockingly at Syaoran. "Looks like I need to take out the recycling." He went to get up but I was too quick for him.

"Allow me. You have a lot of work to get through." He groaned a little but otherwise let me handle it.

Carrying the bin down the hall and down the three sets of staircases to the sorting center on the main level, I finished unloading the paper and noticed someone standing outside the main entrance to the apartment complex.

The girl had traditional oriental features but wild amber eyes like Syaoran's and her jet black hair pulled into two Chinese buns that flowed down to her waist. Her long coat was wet from the rain and her suitcase glistened from the overhead light. Her cat-like eyes spotted me and looked at me pleadingly. I obliged their call and opened the door a crack.

"The intercom system is down right now. I'm sorry." I felt sympathetic for the girl who looked like she had come a long way only to be stopped by the broken intercom.

She looked at me a little hopelessly, "There's someone I need to see. Can't you let me in?"

It was against the rules to let her in without letting who she wanted to see know but the intercom was broken and it looked like she had come from far away…

I quickly contemplated what could go wrong and decided to trust her, "Okay, but don't tell the manager I let you in."

She gave me a grateful smile, "Promise!"

She picked up her suitcase and went through the door I held open for her. She shook off some of the rain from her soaked jacket.

"Well, you can find who you are looking for, right?" I said politely.

"Yes. I have the apartment number. Thank you for your help." She winked fiendishly at me before heading for the stairs.

I followed her up and started counting the sets of stairs I climbed.

One set, two sets

"The person you are visiting lives on one of the high levels?"

"Mmm-hmm," she said, not taking her eyes off of the plaques that announced which floor you were on.

Three sets! I thought triumphantly.

I saw the stranger exit the same way I was going and was curious. I wasn't best friends with the people who lived on floor three but I did know who they were.

I'll follow her and see who she is visiting!

And so I tailed her, and with each door we passed my curiosity grew. Finally she halted in front of a door and took a deep breath before knocking. My jaw grew slack as I heard the owner laughing a little behind the closed door.

"It's unlocked. You should know…," Syaoran said as he opened the door. "Meilin, what are you doing here?"

"Nihao Xiao Lang!" She wrapped her arms around his neck as she glomped him. They tumbled back and hit the ground with a thud.

I stepped forward timidly and took in the scene unfolding before me. The girl dubbed "Meilin" was on top of Syaoran and rubbing her cheek against his in affection. I felt numbness in my heart and spread from my head to my toes, freezing me where I was.

Syaoran looked a little dumbstruck as he switched looking from Meilin to me. "Wh-what's going on?" he asked, possibly to Meilin but I couldn't be sure.

Meilin sat up, straddling him and answered, "I'm here to visit my fiancé of course!"

Syaoran looked up at me, panic in his eyes, "It's not what you think, really!"

Meilin turned to look at who he was speaking to and recognized me. "Oh, it's you!" She turned back to Syaoran. "She let me into the building," she explained.

Fiancé. She called him her fiancé.

Meilin finally got off of Syaoran after he asked and he motioned for me to come inside. Somehow I managed this task while still feeling the numbness and closed the door behind me.

"What? You know her, Xiao Lang?" The new girl looked puzzled.

"Yes. This is Sakura. She visits me often." He answered her while searching for a good explanation.

Visits me often.

Syaoran said, "This is Meilin, my cousin. She's from Hong Kong, where my family is."

I snapped out of my trance and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I went to the cupboards to fetch another teacup for our revealing guest. I listened in as I went about warming more water.

"So why are you really here?" Syaoran's voice was slightly critical as he asked.

"Like I said, to visit my fiancé!"

"Meilin, we broke off our engagement long ago."

"And so suddenly too! All of a sudden you get some crazy idea to leave home and go to college in Japan. Your father was not happy with that idea at all…"

"Exactly why I haven't spoken to him since," Syaoran interrupted.

Meilin continued as if she ignored him, "And then you decide to break off the engagement we had since we were kids! It's like you were under a spell that made you completely go against everyone you had ever known! So of course I didn't believe that you meant to break us up."

"But Meilin, I've got a life here. I'm not going to return home and I DID mean it when I broke us up. Besides, I never agreed to the engagement in the first place. It was set up by our parents!"

Something snapped in Meilin. Anger flashed in her eyes as she said, "But that doesn't mean we didn't fall in love with each other!"

Crash! The sound of porcelain breaking filled the silent room. I hadn't realized I had been clenching the teacup so tightly that it shattered in my hands. Blood streaked my hand and the remnants of the cup fell into the sink I had been hovering over. The blood that had gathered in streams began to drip into the sink.

"Oh!" My voice sounded heavy and I realized I was crying.

"Sakura you're hurt. I'll grab the bandages."

Syaoran ran to the bathroom and rummaged through the medicine cabinet. I ventured a glance at Meilin and saw that she was glaring at me silently from where she sat at the table. I quickly turned back to my hands and turned on the faucet to run my hand under cold water.

"Oww." I whispered through grit teeth.

"I'll go set up a place to sleep," Meilin huffed as she went to the bedroom to unpack her suitcase. I felt the venom in her steps as she closed the bedroom door a little too hard.

"Here, let me see it." Syaoran set the medical supplies on the counter and took my hand away from the water. Fresh blood began to swell out to fill in the place of the blood that had been washed away.

"I didn't know angels could bleed." He said this with amusement.

I was not amused however. Turning away from him I said, "I didn't know either."

"Sakura." He said this with seriousness. "Look at me." It made small tremors through my body to think I was defying him, even in a small way.

I refused to turn around and in a moment he gently grabbed hold of my shoulders and turned me to face him. I had hoped he wouldn't see my tears, but it was a futile battle. Even though he saw him and I could see his expression soften a little, he returned to bandaging my hand. By now, the bleeding had slowed as the blood cells got to work.

"Meilin and I, we aren't engaged."

"Anymore," I said with a hint of hurt.

He continued working as if I had said nothing. "When we were kids, our parents set it up. They said they did it because they saw how well we interacted with each other, but I'm sure part of it was to keep it in the family. At the time, I thought little of it. I'll admit, I like Meilin, but only as a friend. I have never been able to think of her as a romantic interest. Breaking up with her was part of my plan to break free from my father's control over my life. I haven't even seen her since I ended it. Her arrival is as surprising for me as it is for you, I assure you." He finished tying the bandage around my hand and looked me in the eyes, "I feel nothing but friendship her. That I promise you."

Something rang sincere in his speech and I found that I believed him. "Okay," I said and wiped my tears off my cheeks with my healthy hand.

He cupped my cheek with his hand and looked sincere, "I'm only interested in you." I heard a click from a door knob coming from the direction of the bedroom. And with that he kissed my forehead and went to go see what havoc Meilin was causing. I stood there with my cheeks on fire for a few more seconds before I scooped out the broken fragments of the teacup.

I'm only interested in you. I'm only interested in you. His words continued to echo in my head and I started feeling more confident.

_____ _____

/ \ / \

A week has passed since Meilin entered our lives. One long, grueling week. Even though I trusted Syaoran and what he said, that didn't mean Meilin wouldn't try anything. If there were any doubts before about her trying to rekindle their relationship, there wasn't any now.

Walking down the street, Meilin was not shy in showing her affections. Her arm wrapped around his practically forming another appendage to Syaoran, she chattered away about news of the family and completely making a point of ignoring me, who tagged along on their little trip. There was no way I was going to let her out of my sight for a second!

Finally we stopped in front of our destination, the Starlight Boutique.

"Oh, I missed this place so much," Meilin gushed.

I asked critically, "How did you even know about this place if you line in Hong Kong?"

She glared at me, "From the trips our family would take here, of course! If we hadn't been here before, how would Syaoran have known about Keiichi University?"

She almost had me there, "The Interweb."

She looked dumbly at me as if she pitied me. "The InterNET, you mean?"

My face felt hot realizing I'd gotten the name wrong.

"Girls! No fighting, okay?" Syaoran looked tired for a moment. Perhaps it was because our mini cat fights had been escalating with each passing day. I instantly regretted having a part in it at all. Meilin gave a small "hmph" and led Syaoran into the store by the arm. I sighed, tired of this charade, but followed anyway.

"Oh, it's you! The guy and girl from before. And you are…" Meilin quickly snuck in a glare at me while the clerk paused, scrutinizing Meilin, "Ah yes. You used to come here with this gentleman."

"Right!" Meilin chirped, obviously pleased she stood out in the woman's memory. The clerk continued, "It's been years, hasn't it? Well, I won't keep you. Please look around and feel free to ask any questions you may have."

Meilin didn't have any questions, she seemed to know exactly what she was looking for. In the end, she bought four boxes of incense, two scarves, three rings, and one necklace, ringing up a total that easily beat what my one bracelet cost. "Cheaper than I thought," was all Meilin said with a shrug.

One the way back (we took a taxi back to the apartment), Meilin was the one to strike up conversation. "Syaoran, remember that that boutique was where you bought your first present for me?" She meant for it to hurt me, and I'll admit, it did.

But he bought his first present for me there too…

"Mm," Syaoran said in reply.

Arriving at our destination, we trudged up the stairs each carrying a bag of Starlight Boutique goods. Syaoran unlocked the door to the apartment and I placed the bag I was carrying inside by the door.

Unbuttoning her jacket and placing it on the sofa, Meilin changed the subject, "So, how did the clerk know her?"

I stiffened a little but not because she refused to call me by my name; that was simply what she called me. What I feared was Syaoran's answer to her question. The last thing I needed was another reason for her to hate me.

"I bought her a gift there," Syaoran answered truthfully as he finished taking off his coat and gloves, placing them on the couch too.

Meilin had picked up her jacket and gloves and had been stowing them in the bedroom when she halted in the doorway. "What did you buy her?"

Noticing there were dirty dishes in the sink, I busied myself to hide my nervousness.

"The bracelet she is wearing," Syaoran said as he took Meilin's armful and combining them with his own, hanging them in the closet. Now her hands free, Meilin charged over to where I was and grabbed hold of my guilty wrist, not kindly at that. After examining it for a few seconds she whispered, "It's beautiful."

She looked up at me with such malice and hate that I wanted to step back, but I held still. It took me a second to see the tears gathering in her eyes. She's jealous, I realized. But jealous or not, it did not dictate that what she did next was okay by any means.

Turning back to Syaoran, tears started to trickle down her cheeks. "I have only thought of you since you left! Never have I doubted what I've felt since we were kids growing up together! Every heartbeat of mine screams you name! Xiao Lang, I love you!"

Using her arms, she pulled herself up as well as pull Syaoran down and kissed him on the lips. Syaoran froze, eyes wide open even as she kissed him. I myself was too shocked to pull her off of him. When she pulled herself away her eyes looked hopeful.

"My ever being lives to love you, Syaoran."

"Meilin…" Syaoran said it with caution as if she was a ticking time bomb to dismantle.

Finally I spoke up, "How dare you kiss him! SYAORAN IS MY BOYFRIEND!"

So she finally said it. But are they bf/gf now? That will be answered in the next chapter as well as the consequences of her actions. I hope the story is not starting to get deeper (and enough to quench those who say "It's missing something" cuz so far it was leading up to this point of no return and it will continue to lead up to further downfalls. If things have seemed easy for the two of them up to this point, the pressure is only going to be turned up. Okay, enough leading you on. Please, please, please, if you read, then review. It makes it worth it and if you give constructive criticism (like, "You don't describe enough" or "You made Meilin out to be a self-centered witch," (which I kinda did)) I'll try to fix my writing style. I know, I'm talking too much but I really do always doubt my writing style. Thanks for reading and here are the stats if you are curious (I know I am getting wowed by my total page count!):

# of pages on Word (chapter only): 11

# of pages on Word total: 54

Hours spent typing: 5 or so

Hoped amount of reviews as a total: 5, I'm getting less hopeful for reviews u__u

