Tag for Bounty Hunters – End of the ep. when Shawn approaches Juliet.
…Close Talking…
I lean forward but she tenses and I stop (I was planning, too, anyway) and she whispers—asks me what I'm doing, and I tell her (lie) that I'm just talking, just…close talking, and she repeats it, but accepts it (knows it's a lie, pretends it's the truth) because she says she doesn't want to make a mistake (if I'm such a psychic, why don't I know better?) and I nod and smile and go along for the ride (gratitude is such a bad start for a relationship, anyway) and after all, we were only close talking—I do that with all my friends (except not Gus—actually, probably Gus) and she has to prompt me to go away (I used to be smooth, I swear) but when I purse my lips they just touch hers ( I think I can feel her heart start to beat faster) and that's worth the entire embarrassment…
As I walk away I can hear pull open her drawer and I can't help but grin…
I still got the moves (unless she's about to shoot me….)