Chapter 6:

Her Revenge

The squad kneeled down by the sewer entrance. There were five of them, in total. They were hired by Umbrella to find and assassinate a Dr. Sokolov. Apparently, he was secretly continuing his research on mutating soldiers to his advantage. According to the head's of the company, they had ordered him to quit months earlier, but he had refused. Now, they would use the T-virus incident as a chance to kill him without any public notice.

Of course, that was just their first goal. The next objectives were a bit more complicated. There were three more targets now. The first was a young woman, only about eighteen or so years old. A S.T.A.R.S. team member, a very new one at that. Supposedly, she was some kind of genius Rebecca chambers was her name, and so far she didn't seem to be much a threat.

Next was a male, age twenty-four named was Jake Miles. He was an ex-scientist at Umbrella, though he was keeping important secrets from them regarding Dr. Birkin's new virus. Something about him didn't seem right though. They had heard of this scientist before, one of the big-wigs had mentioned something about him at the briefing. That was another thing, why would the heads of Umbrella be at their briefing? Something about this whole mission stank, and none of them liked it.

Finally, there was a woman. Age twenty-two, named Claire. There was no last name. She was the oddest of all of the targets tonight. She was the original guinea pig for the stable version of the T-virus. Apparently something went awry, and she became like the zombies out in the streets, just… different. She was faster, stronger, and very likely smarter then any of them. However, she still retained the primal urge to feed on humans, sometimes becoming completely unable to control her 'zombie side', as one of the head's put it.

John was the leader of the squad, and he had known them for several years now. He looked at them all in their helmets and body armor, each one holding an assault rifle equipped with armor-piercing bullets. For some reason though, he felt exposed tonight as if no matter how much protection they wore, it wasn't going to matter.

That's when he looked up to see that young, dead face staring at him, pulling a knife from her pocket.


The assassin waited in the middle of the street, staring at the five Umbrella mercenaries huddled by the sewer entrance. The zombies couldn't get through because of a small fence between them and the soldiers in the alleyway. But she could get to them easily. The zombies paid no attention to her as she watched. They considered her to be one of them.

She licked her lips. While the brain dead zombies walked around, she looked at the soldiers with increasing hunger. She stopped, regaining control again, Damn, it wants to feed again. She thought, moving stealthily to the squad. She could barely see them through her sunglasses, but the glasses were the only way to hide her eyes, the only way to look normal.

She would have to eat one of them in order to keep control of the virus, "All his fault." She whispered as she neared the squad. She pulled out a small knife just as one saw her coming over the fence.

Before he could say, "Watch out!" She had thrown the knife at him, landing in his lower neck, just above his Kevlar vest. She smiled, and rushed at the squad, moving at superhuman speed.

The soldiers raised their own guns in order to protect themselves. But, she was quick, and smashed the nearest one in the face, breaking through the visor of his helmet, and smashing him in the nose. She ripped his gun away from him, and shot the rest in one smooth motion. The clip emptied, and the mercenaries all fell to the ground.

She grabbed her knife back from the first soldier's neck, and pulled off his helmet. He had short blond hair, and looked to be only in his late twenties, or early thirties. She even thought he was kind of good looking, but her time with love was long over, "Sorry about this…" She said, and began took a bite out of his cheek. It tasted horrible, but the virus craved it, and this was the only way to keep it under control, to keep her human. She began to take more bites, and soon the man was completely unrecognizable.

After her short feast, she opened the manhole, and jumped down. When she landed, she wiped the blood off of her mouth, and rushed quickly in the direction of Sokolov's lab.

Now you'll pay you traitorous son-of-a-bitch.


Rebecca held her gun close to her, unsure what to do. If she stayed where she was, she would be caught. If she moved, she could walk into a trap. She stood up from the floor, and made her decision quick.

She was going to go downstairs to find Jake, and deal with it from there. If what she read was true, she would have no choice but to kill him. She gulped, unsure if she could actually go through with it.

She walked for the exit of the room, checking her map to find the stairs, Okay, take a right here… a left up there, and… She stopped, hearing footsteps from behind her.

"That scientist was quite a help. He did exactly what I asked him too. Funny, I thought he was loyal to that damned Birkin." Someone spoke from behind the girl. He had a thick Russian accent, and Rebecca automatically knew who it must be. She turned around in horror to see a tall thin man in what appeared to be his fifties staring at her. He wore a lab coat, and held a needle with some kind of clear fluid inside of it.

"Soko-Sokolov." She mouthed, unable to make the words come out.

He smiled, "There's nothing to be afraid of Rebecca. Once we begin, you'll never feel fear again." He was obviously psychopathic, but she didn't even move. He however, stepped closer to her, looking almost happy that she was there.

After he came with three feet of her, she snapped into reality, and pulled up her pistol, "Don't move!" She commanded, trying to urge her fear away.

He chuckled, "You must know the importance of my work by now, yes? If we have any hope of saving this city, you will need to cooperate with me." He said kindly, but yet angrily at the same time.

He walked closer to her, "Don't come any closer!" She yelled, backing away, trying to get the courage to fire her gun. She couldn't do it though, and he still came closer. Soon he was right next to her, and she finally fired, missing him.

"Get away!" She yelled, running away, or at least trying to. He grabbed her arm quickly, and injected her with the needle.

He let her go after that, and she ran away as quickly as she could, but found that her legs and arms were going numb, and it wasn't too long before her legs couldn't hold he, and she collapsed, unable to move, or even speak.

A moment later, Sokolov picked her up, and began taking her away…

Jake, please come here now! Could use some help! Please… She thought as she was taken further away.


Jake smirked; he had never really left Rebecca. He had just hidden in another room. When he heard her yell, he knew it was almost time. He would need to follow her, and her captor to find the main test chamber.

A short period of time passed before he began pursuit. He snuck through a few rooms before ending back in the main entry room with Sokolov and Rebecca. He hadn't been noticed, and stopped a few feet before entering the room. He hid behind a nearby wall, as Sokolov stopped moving, Rebecca draped over his shoulder.

He peeked around the corner, and saw the main door was closing. Sokolov disregarded it and continued through another door.

Is there someone else here?! He wondered as he walked into the room, doing a quick search. He came up empty-handed, and decided to continue with the task at hand. Whoever was here, was already gone.

Just as he opened the next door, a voice from behind him calmly said, "Hello Lucas. Remember me?"

"You're still alive?" He asked, jokingly. He turned around to find A young woman in sunglasses with a knife at his neck.

"Why did you join Umbrella, Lucas? Or should I say Jake, or whatever the hell they're calling you. I want to know before I kill you." She explained, bringing the blade closer to his throat. If he tried to run, she'd throw the knife into his back, but she knew he wouldn't.

"I wanted to try and prevent this, to stop Umbrella." He calmly explained to her, "I didn't mean for anything like this to happen."

"Don't lie to me!" She yelled, slashing at his right arm, not very deeply, but still bleeding.

"It's true. I got some information shown to me a few years back. About Umbrella, explaining all about their T-virus research! I wanted to stop them, so I made a new identity for myself. Now, if you don't mind, there's a chemist I gotta save." He said, turning around, running in the direction he last saw Sokolov.

"Don't even think about it!" She yelled, throwing her knife with deadly accuracy. As it was about to connect with his back though, he dodged to the left, still moving, to the next door.

Her knife hit a wall, and fell to the floor with a CLANG, "Damn him!" She said angrily, chasing him down. She almost caught him, when there was a loud BANG!

She looked down, and found her chest bleeding. She had been shot, and son fell over. She may have been a zombie, but it was still painful to her.

He had gotten lucky, pointing his gun behind him, and firing without even turning. But then again, he had always been lucky when it came to killing, "Lucas…" She said, trying to push herself up, the pain shooting through her body.


Sokolov hurried when he heard the shot behind him, "Not much time." He said to himself. He opened the door to his main lab, and rushed in, placing the girl on a table in the room. Next to it was a small table with several medical instruments on it.

The walls of the room were covered by large tubes, filled with some kind of green liquid. Each one had a test subject floating inside, waiting for the right time to emerge…


Anyway, that's chapter 6 for you! Thanks for the kind words everyone! Please review!