I got such positve feedback from the orginal I just couldn't leave everyone hanging ;)


3 months later…

Ba Sing Se was beautiful in the spring. The trees were full of blossoms that floated down gently onto the streets. The streets were filled with people, couples, singles, traders, merchants and the odd assortment of travelers.

It is there we find Aang and Katara. They are spending the day in Ba Sing Se; they first had a lovely breakfast at the palace. Aang had brought a painting for the King who had offered them breakfast.

When the sun had reached its peak they had stopped in a small teashop, The Jasmine Dragon.

Zuko and Mai had sold the mansion and bought the tiny shop.

After acquainting themselves with their old friends they continued to walk along the streets happy in each other's company.

Night fell and Aang led Katara blindfolded to a carriage. The Painter had helped her on and they had a tour of Ba Sing Se, sharing a blanket and bottle of win between them.

She remained blindfolded as he led her up stairs to the tallest tower in the Palace.

Once there he removed the blindfold and under the starry sky took out an engagement necklace.

Obviously he had painted it, putting all his talent in the tiny necklace. It depicted the moon shining over a deep ocean. Each ray of the moon was a different shade of a silver-blue.

Katara automatically reached for her mother necklace, not sure if she was ready to part with it.

"I won't make you choose." Aang unclasped her mother's necklace placing on her wrist, giving her hand a light kiss.

"Katara, will you marry me?" He was on one knee, all of Ba Sing Se sitting around them and the sky sparkling above them.

"I do." He placed the necklace on her neck before pulling her into a kiss.

The next morning

He awoke in the hotel blinking in the early sun. He reached from his wife only to find her spot empty.

He threw the sheets off, yawning and stretching. He entered the tiny kitchen looking around.

It was the broken glass and knocked over lamp that caught his attention. He ran out to the patio, only to find her mother necklace lying on the ground.

The note was attached to the clasp.

She's mine.



"You get it!"

She crossed her arms.



"Hello, Sokka speaking."


"Aang?" In the background, "It's Twinkle Toes!"

Toph picked up the other line.

"Hey Twinkle Toes, what's up?"

"Ya how's life in the big city?"

"Well, you see..."

"How's my little sister?"

"Did you propose yet?"

"Well...I did."


"She's missing."


"Missing, definition; absent from a place, esp. home, and of unknown whereabouts, of Germanic origin."

"Dammit Toph… we'll be there tonight Aang."