First fanfic and I didn't even think I was going to post it well here I go
This is SasuNaru and it is my favorite pairing
This is a yaoi fic. If you don't like boy on boy, then please turn back!
Pairing: SasuNaru (Sasuke x Naruto)
Oh and, Tiffa wrote this fic! I hope you like it.
Sasuke walked through the door with the biggest smirk on his face, it was his 19th birthday, and on his 19th birthday there is an Uchiha tradition. The Uchihas get to pick three people on their 19th birthdays to do as they say and they listen. Today was the day Naruto became his for now on and he was going to enjoy it too!
As Sasuke walked to the ramen shop he was thinking just how to tell Naruto about his favourite day of his life but he didn't think Naruto would like it a much as he would,
Sasuke walked in to the ramen shop and saw Naruto.
"Thought you would be here, dobe" he said with a smirk, Sasuke walked to take a seat by Naruto but he decided not to, instead he decided to just stand behind him.
"What do you wa-" He was cut off as Sasuke blew into his ear, and nipped on his ear lobe.
"Oh, nothing really, I just wanted to remind you of my birthday tomorrow", he said after letting go of Naruto and taking a seat.
"And what does it matter to me Sasuke?" He said in a cocky tone.
"Oh, I'm sure it will matter a lot" he said in a sly seductive tone.
"W-what do you mean by that?" he stuttered
"You will find out, very soon, and I mean very soon" he said as he walked out.
Naruto just sat there in shock and had nothing to say, and no idea what he was talking about. He would just half to wait and find out, but he wasn't to excited to find out either.
Naruto just sat there, thinking of what Sasuke had said
'What did he mean by that?' he thought to himself "he wouldn't- no he could never, why the hell am I thinking that?!"
Anyway, as Naruto was in his little daze Sakura walked in, "Hey, Naruto" she waved to him. "..." No answer. "Hello?" she said well waving her hand in front of his face, but yet still no answer. "Naruto, are you there?!" she yelled in his ear. "Hm? Oh, Hi Sakura-chan, how long have you been there?" "Not to long, just long enough to yell at you four times, but that's all" she looked away with an angry tone. Naruto looked at his watch and his eyes grew, "Holy crap! Is that really the time? Well I got to go, Sakura-chan see you later, bye!!" And he ran out. "What was that?" She said all shocked. The owner of the ramen shop walked up to her and said "Pardon me, but is it you that is paying for all this ramen?" Sakura looked over and her eyes grew wide, there where about 13 bowls of ramen at seven dollars each "aren't you a little pricey?" she asked. "We all got to make a living" he grinned.
"NARUTO!" she yelled so loud she was surprised Naruto didn't hear her
As Naruto was running home, he really thought he heard someone scream his name but he let it pass. The reason why he had to get home was because he was going out tonight with his friends Kiba and Neji, and he was going to party all night, he couldn't wait. Kiba for one, was a big party animal he liked to drink, dance, and shout. He was one of those guys who would party with you on your 21st birthday, and he liked it that way to. And then there was Neji, he didn't like to party much but he could score any girl easy, he knew just was to say, how to say it , and when to say it. Neji was a great guy to but in Naruto's thought Kiba was better to party with.
When Naruto finally got home, he sighed in relief, he was home, safe and no one would stare or look at him. Naruto was kind of special, he had golden yellow hair, ocean blue eyes and very nice skin, but under all that Naruto had one more thing people didn't have and hated him for it too. he had a gift called "The Fox Demon". "The Fox Demon" was a demon shut inside Naruto.
Just when he was little, there was a giant attack on his home in Konaha. "The Fox Demon" had appeared from nowhere and caused everyone to suffer. His father, Yondaime was a skilled shinobi and decided to give his life to save his child and home, when Naruto was born he sealed the demon inside Naruto, leaving a seal mark on his stomach.
His mother had died from shock when Naruto was born. Naruto was the only one who lived, his father a hero, his mother a hero and him a monster to the village, no family, no home and no love. Naruto was alone. People still mocked him for it, they glared at him, they scowled him and the thing he hated most of all was he had no friends and no one to love him.
He had to find his own way to make money, to live and to make sure no one could hurt him, but that never stopped them. Naruto was beaten almost every day by anyone who felt they wanted to hurt him, and he wouldn't protect himself because he never felt the need to so Naruto was alone, hurt and scared, until one day "Team 7" was made then it all changed, yes people still beat him up, but he had people to help him now and that's all that mattered to him, that he had people to help and to be there for him.
Tiffa: Hi, everyone! If you people give out good reviews, then I will get to writing the second chapter ASAP!
Ah, the chapter is done :D I edited Tiffa's work a little because she asked me to, 'n yeah. Bye, everyone x3