Samurai Shinobi
By Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja
Prologue Arc-Act I
Change in the Winds of Destiny.
Disclaimer: Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja does not own the rights to Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin or anything else made reference to, other than some Original Characters and part of the story line. They are copyrighted to their respective owners.
Rated T for Language, Violence and Themes. If anyone believes that the rating needs to be moved to M, please let me know (and why you believe so), and I will take it into consideration. Thank You.
"Demon or inner persona"
'Demon or inner persona thought'
Jutsu or Technique
Beginning of Act.
Konoha Streets.
It was October the 10th. Three years since the attack of the Ruler of the Greater Demons, the strongest of the Bijuu, Kyuubi no Kitsune. Three years since the almighty Bijuu, which could cause earthquakes and tsunamis with the flick of one of its tails, had stood outside the majestic village of Konohagakure no Sato, tearing apart its defensive walls, and the Shinobi guarding them. It was also three years since the death of the brave Yondaime Hokage, who had sacrificed his life using a forbidden jutsu to seal the Kyuubi inside a new born child and stop its rampage of destruction.
And it was three years since the sorry tale of Naruto Uzumaki, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, had begun.
On this day, the poor boy turned three, but it was not a day for him to rejoice. Rather, instead of having a happy birthday like most people, this young boy was running for his life. Why? Well, being the anniversary of the villages triumph over the Kyuubi, festival was being held. But some of the villagers were not satisfied. In their eyes, the Kyuubi was still alive. So, to try and really feel victorious, they formed a mob and currently hunting the poor Jinchuuriki. Their aim? To kill him. So the small boy had to get away.
The small figure ran under the noon sun through the streets and alley's in a deserted part of town. His sunflower blond hair was a blur; his ocean blue eyes darting back and forth, his arms and legs garbed in a blue and orange tracksuit blurs as he ran as he could. Sweat dripped down his tattooed cheeks which held three horizontal marks that resembled whiskers on each side. He ran faster than a three year old should be able to, but he wasn't running fast enough.
The mob chasing him was gaining ground. In a desperate attempt, clutching what little hope he held in his heart, he darted into a nearby alley, shadowed by the two wood and stone houses on either side. Darting around the bags of rubbish and full bins as well as cardboard boxes, the small boys bare feet were cut by shards of broken glass lying on the ground. But he kept running despite the pain in his feet. He had to if he wanted to live.
The three year old had run no more than 10 metres before his heart sank and his hopes of getting away were smashed like a glass bottle being crushed between a boulder and the ground. The alley he had run into was blocked by a brick wall at the other end. A dead end, with no hopes of escape. His eyes darted desperately around, zigzagging like a fly in the air, searching for an exit. There was none.
"Hey, look. The Demon was smart enough to stop running. Must've realised it was doomed no matter where it went, so it wants us to kill it!"
Naruto spun around. What little light that had been filtering into the alley was now blocked by a large blob. The he realised. The blob was in fact the mob of Konoha citizens that had been chasing him. He was trapped, like a fly in a jar. With no available exit, he began backing away towards the brick wall behind him, trying to make himself as small as possible. The mob began closing in. Some bent over to pick up things that could be used as a weapon, like broken bottles and shards of glass. Others just laughed cruelly at his predicament. To them, they would finally get the chance to avenge those who they had lost to the Kyuubi.
"Finally, to finish what the Yondaime started."
"Kill it! Kill the Demon! Kill the Beast that tried to kill us!"
"It's an insult to the Yondaime's memory to let this monster live. Let's get rid of it once and for all!"
"Kill the creature. Make it suffer. It killed the ones we loved. Kill it!"
Tears ran down the young boy's cheeks.
'Why?' he thought, tears welling up in his eyes. 'What did I ever do to them? How am I a Demon?'
The mob descended upon him. The men, women and teenagers in it began to kick, punch, spit, stab, push, shove and stomp the three year old. Blood ran freely from the assortment of cuts and gashes he received, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard as his clothes were torn to shreds and his bruised body was revealed. The bruises covered wherever the skin wasn't broken. Those that stabbed him left their weapons in him for a few moments, then torn them out painfully, inflicting more pain before they stabbed again. Soon, he was nothing but a bloodied and bruised, torn up heap huddled on the cold cement. The amazing thing was, not once while this barbaric torture was taking place did he scream. He moaned and whimpered, but other than that he made no noise. The, someone from the mob shouted out:
"Let's finish it off!"
A chorus of "yeah" was shouted back by the mob. As they began to close in, a tapping sound started, echoing through the alley. The mob stopped and began looking for what was causing it, but couldn't find it. Finally giving up, they turned back to Naruto, who was still huddled in a heap. Big Mistake. The tapping stopped, and a voice spoke from the shadows:
"Three steps short of the Shukuchi!"
The sound of running was heard. Before the mob could react, a blur appeared and every single person was slain. Swiftly, with only the sound of steel cutting flesh, the people of the mob dropped like dead flies. They didn't even have time to scream. There was simply a flurry of silver flashes. The cuts on their bodies were so fine, there was only a slight trickle of blood. Some looked like they hadn't even been cut.
Standing over the bodies, and the barely alive Jinchuuriki was a shadowed figure. The only features definable were that it was male and looked to be in his late teens/early twenties. His left arm hung limply by his side. His right held a blood dripping katana.
The young boy's saviour flicked the blade to the side, ridding it of the blood, and then sheathed it. The he turned and crouched next to Naruto, who was whimpering in pain.
"Shh, it's alright. You'll be fine now. I promise," the figure told him.
The last thing Naruto had a clear memory of was the man picking him up, cradling him carefully in his arms, making sure not to place pressure on his wounds. He was lighter than he should be for a boy his age, so it was easy to tell that he was underfed. Then, as the man spoke again, he blacked out.
"Hang in there, little guy."
With that, the man jumped up onto the roof, still cradling the beaten and bloodied three year old. Then, he took off in the direction of the hospital.
Konoha's Hospital, Lobby
Iris Haruno sighed, shaking her blush coloured hair. Why, of all days, did she have to have a shift at the hospital on the day of the festival that celebrated the anniversary of the Kyuubi's defeat at the hands of the Yondaime. She had desperately wanted to spend the day of fun and joy with her daughter, Sakura. Yet, by unfortunate chance, she had to work. Sadly, she had asked a friend of her late husband to look after her for the day with his own daughter. Inochi Yamanaka had willingly agreed, as Sakura was the same age as his daughter, Ino. He believed they would get along well.
Again, she sighed. If she was lucky, she might be able to get away early, possibly in time to find her daughter and watch the celebration fireworks. Ever since her husband had died in the Kyuubi attack, it was just her and Sakura. They only had each other, so having to work that day made both mother and daughter sad. She remembered the plain disappointment on Sakura's face as she told her. Tears had welled up in her daughters eyes, before she had cried, having a tantrum about not being able to spend the day with her momma. It took twenty minutes to calm her down, and by then she was late for work.
Iris was roused from her musings by the sound of the main doors opening. Sighing for the third time in two minutes, she turned away from the receptionist's desk she had been leaning against, and froze. Just entering from the afternoon sun was a man, by appearance a samurai. He was garbed in a light blue yukata, light brown hakama, a grey heko obi sash, black tabi socks and tatami sandals. At his left hip he carried two katana, a daikatana and a kodachi. He had chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes, standing at a height of around 170cm. But there were two other noticeable things. One, he wore the kanji for "Fire" of his yukata, meaning he served the Fire Daimyo. The second was that cradled in his arms was the beaten, bloodied and unconscious form of one Naruto Uzumaki.
"What are you doing, bringing that demon in here? Take it away, now. I order you!" spat one of her fellow doctors.
Iris bit her gum. If this man did served the Daimyo, then he could kill them all for disrespect. She had to act fast.
"I need someone to treat this boy immediately," the samurai said in a falsely happy voice. Now was her chance.
"Go down that corridor then into the third room on the right, Samurai-san. I'll be there in a moment."
The Samurai nodded, and before anyone else spoke, moved off, following her directions. Once he was gone, she faced the idiot who had spoken.
"Haruno-san, why did you agree to help the demon?"
From what she could see around her, all the other doctors agreed.
"I agreed to help, you complete and utter idiot, because that was one of the Daimyo's samurai. For what you said, he could have killed ALL of us for YOUR disrespect."
'That shut them up,' she thought, watching the other doctors paled and swallow, looking rather nervous. They all realised that she had more than likely saved all their lives. Helping the "Demon Child" was a small price to pay. Truthfully, Iris had no hatred towards Naruto. He was not the demon, she new. She didn't have any idea how everyone else thought so. Quickly she set about collecting the equipment she would need, then went to treat her patient.
Same place, 10 minutes later.
"What's going on!" roared Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage. White robes flowing behind him, he stormed into the hospital lobby so fast his red and white hat, with the kanji for "Fire" on it nearly fell off.
"H-Hokage-sama," stuttered the head doctor, bowing. Everyone else in the room moved out of the way of the aged Hokage, then bowed. Sarutobi glared around angtrily.
"Where is he? Where is Naruto?"
For a moment, no-one answered. Then one of the doctors spoke up.
"He's in B-wing, Room 3. Iris Haruno is treating him."
As soon as he was told this, Sarutobi took off; walking so fast it came close to a run. It was well known throughout Konoha that the old Hokage cared a lot for Naruto. Therefore it was easy to see why he was in such a hurry, upon hearing the boy had been admitted to hospital barely clinging to life.
Reaching the correct door, Sarutobi opened it so hard and fast he almost pulled it off it's hinges. Inside the room he could see three people; Iris Haruno, Naruto and a man whom he had never met before. Currently, Iris had Naruto on the bad, resting her glowing green hands on his small fragile body. The man he had not met stood up from his leaning position, hands reaching for his swords, before realising that the newcomer was no threat and letting his hands return to his sides.
"Hokage-san," the man addressed him.
"Were you the one who brought him in?"
The man nodded.
"Thank you," said the Sandaime, before turning to the pink haired doctor.
"How is he, Haruno-san?"
"He'll be fine, Hokage-sama. He had some broken bones, including both arms, a leg, and several ribs; a punctured lung, a vast amount of cuts and bruises, several dislocated joints, a fractured skull, and several other injuries, like having shards of glass in his stomach, and having lost around half his blood. Hard to believe he's still alive. He'd definitely be dead were it not for his…"Tenant"."
The Hokage gaped at her.
"Haruno-san, how did you heal all that?"
"I didn't," she replied, standing, having been kneeling previously. "It's only thanks to his "tenant". I simply removed the glass and set bones at the right angles, "It" did the rest."
The Hokage was quiet for a moment. Then he spoke:
"Haruno-san, I'm giving you the rest of the day off. Go and enjoy it with your daughter. You have my deepest thanks."
Iris beamed at her good fortune and the Hokage's generosity.
"It was no trouble at all, Hokage-sama," she said. Then, she left.
Once she was gone, Sarutobi studied Naruto, the boy who was like a grandson to him, before facing the stranger.
"May I ask your name, stranger?"
"Soujiro Seta, Hokage-san. I am one of the Fire Daimyo's bodyguards."
Sarutobi raised his eyebrows.
"Hokage-san, I request a meeting with you and Daimyo-sama. Bring the boy with you, for it concerns him. I will meet you, with the Daimyo, at your office in fifteen minutes."
With that, Soujiro left.
45 minutes later, Hokage's office.
Sarutobi gaped at Renjiro, the Fire Daimyo. After he had been given an explanation from Soujiro and the Hokage, Renjiro had made a decision that shocked him.
"Daimyo-dono, you can't seriously intend to take Naruto-kun with you?"
"Hai, Sarutobi-san, I do. I will have my samurai train him to become a bodyguard for my daughter. I have two others who I am have them training as well."
"B-but Daimyo-dono, it was his father's wish he become a Shinobi. Surely you do not intend on disregarding that."
"I am aware of his wish, Sarutobi-san, which is why he will train to become a Shinobi as well. So will the other two."
There was a stunned silence as the Sandaime digested this information, before sitting back heavily in his chair.
"Daimyo-dono, what you are suggesting hasn't been done in 100 years-"
"Well, no time like the present to change that."
"But, a Samurai-Shinobi! It's next to impossible to become one. In the past 100 years there have been a grand total of none. Not even I-"
"I have made my decision, Sarutobi-san, and I will not change my mind. Collect his belongings. He will come with me when I depart here. He will then start his Samurai training, and in 3 year he and the others will begin their Shinobi tuition. I expect you to be cooperative."
Sarutobi sat in silence, contemplating his options.
'It would be best for Naruto-kun…' he thought, then sighed.
"Very well, Daimyo-dono."
"Excellent. Soujiro, inform the others; we have a new companion."
"Hai, Daimyo-sama," Soujiro's falsely happy voice replied. He vanished from the room. Sarutobi and Renjiro both turned and watched the sleeping form of Naruto.
'Minato-san, I hope I am making the right choice,' prayed Sarutobi.
Renjiro grinned, then whispered to himself:
"You will become a legend, Naruto Uzumaki."
With this, the Wind's of Destiny shifted for one Naruto Uzumaki; son of the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki; Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and future Samurai-Shinobi and Hokage.
End of Act.
-If you think the rating needs changing, tell me.
-The main pairing is NarutoxSakura.
-Pairing suggestions will be thought about (no changing the main, though).
-Constructive criticism is appreciated.
-Find out the deal with Samurai Shinobi next chapter.
-Please Review (no flames).