Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

Summary: Just a story of a girl who tries to live a normal life despite meeting some weird people along the way. She meets a boy and without knowing it, he pencils his way into her life and later… her heart.

A/N: Hey guys, this is my new story. It's a Trory for those of you who love Tristan and Rory. (Holds for a Whoo-hoo) Anyway I don't exactly know where this story is going but I do have the next two or three chapters planned out. And who knows, the rest is history so enjoy.


Ordinary Days

Chapter 1

Imagine waking up three hours later than you should be waking up on. Well today has just been that unlucky for Rory Gilmore. Today was also her first day of attending Chilton Prep Academy. Her alarm clock has rung exactly as it should've on a Saturday morning. But no, today was not a Saturday, it was a Monday. So arriving at school was completely unexceptional at twelve o'clock. At least that's what the headmaster has said to her.

Her mother was dressed in a tie dyed pink rodeo shirt and short shorts, and not to mention, she looked like she just stepped off the set of Dukes of Hazard. What a great day to begin with. Note the sarcasm.

Rory found her way to the main office after searching for the past fifteen minutes. The girl she had pulled from a random group had given her the most confusing directions ever. When she got there, a stern looking woman had asked for her name.

"Name?" She asked, certainly not in the most polite voice.

"Lorelai Gilmore." She said, though she was timid of the woman she didn't show it.

The woman looked through the folder she was holding and placed it on the table next to a blond girl. Then nodding to no one in particular, she looked up to face Rory. "Ah yes, your school sent over your transcript this morning. Here's the school song, learn it, recite it, and live with it. If you sing it in Latin, you get extra credit. And here's your schedule for today." She handed her two pieces of paper. One of them was a hand written loose-leaf paper. It was her schedule.

"So do I have these classes for the rest of the week in the same order?" She asked.

"No, just for today. The printing machine broke, so come by early tomorrow morning and it'll be ready for you. Electives start tomorrow. Any questions?" The woman pushed up her specs. When Rory shook her head, and in a raspy voice, the secretary said, "Good. Welcome to Chilton Ms. Gilmore."

Just before leaving she heard the secretary ask the blond girl on the desk, "Where's the folder?"


She felt completely alone during class. She knew it was bad enough to be labeled the new girl. Well now she has another label: the late/new girl. She arrived at her fourth period class and sat in the middle row, and when the teacher told her to introduce herself, she was suddenly hit with thirty pairs of eyes on her. Some of the girls were probably looking down at her. She didn't need to hear them say it, she already knew it. The girls here made the girls at her old school seem friendlier.

When the lunch bell rang, she couldn't be happier than to sprint out of the room. As she made it out to the door, she noticed a magnificent castle mold that was broken into pieces. She stepped closer to take a better look. Then out of nowhere an angry blond came right up to her and yelled at her like there was no tomorrow.

Weird School Weird People.

Lunch was no better, if she had just woken up four hours earlier, she would've been able to make herself a sandwich or either order a Danish from Luke's, but instead she was stuck with the Monday Meat Surprise. Poking around the 'food' with a spork, she was sure that there was no meat in this Monday Meat Surprise.

So there she was, sitting alone and sipping water from her bottle and munching on an apple. Luke would've been so proud of her. Feeling the need to use the bathroom, she took her tray and threw it in the nearest trash bin.


"Oh my god, I'm sorry." She jumped when she noticed a hunched figure on the wall, "You scared me." She saw that he was wearing the male Chilton uniform. "Am I at the wrong restroom?" She walked over to the door and opened it to look on the other side. Seeing a picture of a stick figure with a triangle skirt, she let out a sigh of relief. At least she wouldn't be the laughing stock of the school.

"No, this is the girls' room." He said, lifting up his head from his folded arms. He was indeed very handsome with light blue hazy eyes.

"Oh…but you're a boy…well at least you appear to look like one." She rambled on.

"No, I am a male." He let out a little chuckle and held up his hands as if he was defending himself.

"I'm sorry but that doesn't make any sense on why you're here?" She furrowed her brows.

"I'm kind of hiding from Paris and the other 40 population of the females here." He replied.

"Paris the angry and straightforward short blond?"

"Yea, that's the one. I see you've met her." He propped himself up on one of the stoned sinks.

"Yea I guess. And boy was she so…" She tried to search for a word in her head.

"Rude? Sudden? Crazy?" He suggested.

"Something like that. Hold on. Wouldn't the bathroom be the place where girls come to the most?" This was definitely interesting.

"Well yes, but I don't often come here. And by the way no one ever uses the bathroom on the third floor, something about a girl killing herself here."

Her eyes widened in fear. "Are you serious?"

He tried to hide the smile that was slowly creeping on his face, but couldn't do it. "No, I'm just kidding. But Tammy Wilkins tried to slit her wrist and everyone else later on believed that it was cursed."

"What happened to her…?" Before she can finish her sentence, the boy pulled her into one of the stalls. She was just about to ask him what he was doing, but she then heard the bathroom door open. Three pairs of uniformed saddled shoes can be seen on the blue tiled floors.

"So Brent was like 'Louise, I can't wait to get my hands on you?' And then I was like, 'Oh yea, who can ever be able to resist me?' I say he's smitten. What do you think Maddy?" And in a 'why bother' tone, "Paris?" She eavesdropped on the girls outside. She assumed that it was Louise Grant, the blond in her forth period English class, that was speaking.

"He so totally likes you." A ditzy voice followed after Louise's, she guess that it was Madeline's, since Paris has more of a deeper and hard toned voice.

"Ugh! I don't even know why I hang out with you two." Now this voice, she knew it had to be Paris's, she remembered it when she yelled at her in front of her locker for almost nothing.

"Whatever Paris, so how's the thing with Tristan coming along?" Louise asked while applying on lip-gloss.

"What thing?" Paris asked as if she didn't know what Louise was talking about.

"What do you mean 'What thing?' Your crush on Tristan."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen him all day, I think he's avoiding me."

"I wonder why?" Even though she wasn't looking directly at her face, she could tell that Louise was rolling her eyes as she said it.

Feeling a little cramped up in the small space in the bathroom stall, she accidentally fell backwards and slammed her back on the door and let out a small shriek. Both hers and the boy's eyes widened in fear of getting caught. He hovered over her body and clasped his hand around her mouth.

"Did you hear that?" Louise asked her friends, making sure that she wasn't hearing things.

"I think it's coming from the fifth stall." Madeline said.

Paris bent her head to see two pairs of leg intertwined together in the stall, "It's such a shame on what people do on school grounds. It's a public bathroom for god's sake."

"It's kind of hot. Like those romance books I read, where the boy has hot passionate sex with the girl in the bathroom." Louise said and Madeline followed suit in nodding her hair. "Okay, I'm primped. Ready?" Louise fluffed her bleached blond hair one more time in the mirror.

"We're only waiting for you princess." Was Paris's sarcastic remark.

The atmosphere had gone uncomfortably silent, he still had his hand on her mouth. She looked around and saw that the once creamy white walls were now filled with sharpie letterings all around. Some of them were graduation notes. Others were mostly concerning one name. Tristan.

So who is this 'Tristan' person? What can 'Tristan Dugrey is awesome!' 'Tristan is so hot.' 'Tristan rocks my socks.' mean? And not to mention, 'Tristan Dugrey: A+.' What did it mean? A realization came up in her mind and all of the sudden she didn't want to know.

Once they heard their footsteps walking to the door and leaving the restroom, they emerged from the bathroom.

"Close call." He let out a 'whew'. "So you're new right?" She nodded. "I'm Tristan." He offered his hand.

"Rory Gilmore." She said as sophisticated as she can and shook his hand.

"Rory Gilmore? Hmm. I like it." He released his hold on her hand. Glancing at his watch, he realized he had somewhere else to be.

"Uh thanks." She said, unsure of what he was saying.

"Wow can you look at the time, I have to go. I'll see you around Rory Gilmore." And like any cliché teen movie, he left the girls' bathroom before looking to his left and right, as if he was crossing the street.

Once he left, she proceeded to do what she had first come here for. Coincidentally her foot led her to the stall she and Tristan was just in. Glancing on the walls again, everything came to perfect sense.

That boy Tristan is Tristan Dugrey. The boy that was worshipped as a god on the third floor girls' bathroom wall.


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