Title: When We Met
Pairing: Petunia x Vernon
Rating: G
Description: No matter what anyone told her, Petunia always thought that the shade of purple Vernon's face turned when he was angry was really quite lovely.

When the two met, they were both two very awkward teens going to a very mild high school.

Young Petunia Evans was a lanky young lady with short, fair hair, dark brown eyes, and a long, craning neck. She was one of the many girls within the school that enjoyed the constant flow of gossip that ran around the high school like wild fire. She had an amazing ability to be able to fend off the gossip when it was directed to her ("I heard her sister was in a horrible accident and she was so disfigured that they wouldn't allow her out of the house." – "Did you know Petunia Evans stuffs her bra!" – "Guess what? I heard Petunia Evans and John Hennery – the ugly fellow – were caught making out in the guys W.C. on the third floor!") And would jump rope occasionally during her free time.

Mister Vernon Dursley was a slightly overweight young man with smooth brown hair, deep hazel eyes, and a small double chin. He enjoyed playing/watching American football (normal football bored him to tears) and bossing people around. He had a short temper and greatly disliked people with ginger hair and overbearing personalities (which was somewhat hypocritical of him, for he too had somewhat of an overbearing personality as well.)

The two teenagers had met during a rather frightening movie (The Exorcist) Both had coincidently sat next to each other in the theater and were both scared out of their wits that they ended up holding hands throughout the rest of the movie without even knowing it.

After that, the two hit it off quite well. Even with the several personality conflicts (such as both of them had a bossy demeanor) but somehow, they both seemed to work it out. And by their senior year, both were high school sweethearts, in a sense.

They were constantly seen walking down the street, hand-in-hand, looking like every happy couple looked like. A large smile graced Petunia's face, making her look rather lovely, and Vernon's face seemed a little less red.

When Vernon was invited for dinner one frigid winter day in their junior year, him and Mr. Evans went into a huge spat over something silly and unimportant. But, Vernon had become so enraged that his face had turned a violent violet and a large vein popped out of his horse-like neck.

First impressions were not that great.

Her parents warned Petunia almost constantly after that incident that she shouldn't be an item with such an angry person. But she really did love the shade of purple Vernon's face turned when he was angry. It reminded her of the lovely petunias that grew on 'Lover's Hill' just a few blocks away.

When they married, Vernon met Miss Lily Evans for the first time. With his long and livid dislike for people with ginger/red hair, his impression of 'perfect little Lily' was not a good one. He, by that time, learned that she was also a witch ("Fitting title for a hag such as herself."), which did not help his previous dislike of her.

After Vernon's wrathful burst out one Christmas Eve a year later, the ties between Petunia and Lily were severed and never retied.

The day Dudley was born, Petunia and Vernon were ecstatic with joy. They loved him with every inch of their hearts and promised that they would raise him to be a fine gentleman. Which, didn't quite happen…

They continued to have small fights about things here and there (a bit more than usual when Harry Potter was suddenly found on their doorstep,) but, no matter what they both went through, and no matter how many verbal fights they both got into, Petunia and Vernon always stayed together, and both were happy with one another. Always.