I don't own Kingdom Hearts or characters. Just the story, enjoy
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Chapter 1: Summer Begins
"Three, two, one..." the school bell rang. It's over, three months without school. Let the summer begin! Naminé was looking forward to this all month, now she can focus on her drawnigs and hopefully get to talk to Roxas away from his friends. Naminé, a shy pretty girl with long blonde hair and lovely blue eyes, has been crushing on Roxas, a handsome boy with blode spikey hair and blue eyes like a summer's day sky, for two months now and hasn't done anything about it. "I'm such an idiot!" Naminé said to herself on her way home. "Roxas liked me first and I could have gone on a date with him but I said no. If he still likes me, I could tell him how I feel."
"Naminé, wait up!" said a familliar voice, Naminé turned around, it was Roxas! "Hi Roxas, I thought that you were going to the beach with everyone else." Roxas shook his head "no, I have stuff to do like pracise my skateboard stunts and to check on my friends in Destiny Islands." Naminé thought for a moment. "That's right, Sora, Riku and Kairi! Did you talk to them recently?" "Yeah, they'll good. In July I'm going there for a week." Naminé thought again, Roxas will be here for a month, hopefully I'll get to tell him the truth.
"Naminé?" Naminé snapped out of it."Sorry about that, listen Roxas, I was wondering, do you wanna hang out tomorrow downtown?" Roxas thought for a moment: at least I can get to know her and spend time with her, I mean, I really like her so... "Yeah, sure. I'll meet you at the sandlot tomorrow at two o' clock" Roxas said finally. "Perfect" said Naminé. They stopped outside Naminé's house. "See you tomorrow, Roxas. "See ya" Roxas carried on walking while Naminé went inside.
After letting herself in she ran into her room and went to her wardrobe.
I must find a nice outfit for tomorrow she thought. Naminé was looking through her clothes, she picked out her new top which was white and had silver beads and a matching skirt this could work she thought and smiled.
"Naminé, dinner's ready!" Naminé's mom called out. Naminé went downstairs and told her about her plans for tomorrow. "He's a nice guy and I'm glad you're doing something about that crush of yours." Naminé was shocked. "I don't have a crush on him! I just... never mind, I've got stuff to do." After dinner, Naminé went into her room looking for her folder with her drawings. She found the one of Roxas and her in each others arms looking madly in love. Smiling, Naminé put it back and checked the time. It was five o' clock. Plenty of time to make a new drawing. She started to draw a boy with spikey hair. The drawing of Roxas with a lovable smile made her stop and think. If only you knew how feel about you. She looked out the window. Twilight Town never looked so beautiful she thought and tomorrow will be one of the best days of my life.
Later that night, she was getting ready for bed and laid out her outfit for the next day and then got into bed and fell asleep. She began to dream. Naminé was wearing a beautiful white ballgown and Roxas was standing right beside her, wearing a suit. He put his hands on her waist ans she put hers on his shoulders. His face was coming in closer and closer and Naminé could see his perfect blue eyes and then their eyes closed. Gently, he kissed her but then she put her arms around his neck making the kiss deeper. They broke apart smiling at each other... Naminé knew that this was a dream but it was a pretty good dream and was smiling with satisfaction.
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I hope you liked this chapter. If you want to read more, leave comment and/or questions please review and I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you!