Title: Happy Endings
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for the timestamp meme over at my LJ. A prequel to Massage.
Fai pressed his hands against the small of his back and stretched, hoping to hear a nice ipop/i from his spine. He had recently been promoted to store manager of a Piffle Princess store at the local mall and if he didn't like having his benefits and the money that came along with it, he would have resigned after the first week. I was hell having to appease cranky customers and dealing with employees who were five years his junior and that acted far younger. Being on your feet all day and constantly having to make sure no one tried to shoplift or make a complete mess of the displays wasn't something he hadn't been used to before, but now he had to do it a lot more often.
His brother had told him he need a break, but Fai knew that was out of the question.
So instead he popped his back and took and when he would get home he'd make himself a nice cup of hot tea and stick an ice pack on his back before he went to bed.
It was after a few months of this and Yuui's insistence that Fai had finally relented and caved and had let his brother drop him off at a chiropractor's office downtown. He had never been and felt like an old man when he stepped in. Yuui stayed behind him to make sure he didn't bolt.
When he had finally been called in Fai felt embarrassed as he had to strip down and put on a robe. All he knew was that this had better work or he was going to give his brother hell.
"Lay down on the table with your face in the hole." His head whipped around to see someone that looked more like a bouncer than someone who could give a massage.
"You're really…big for a message therapist." Dark, tall, and scowling just rolled his eyes and walked around him to the table by the side of the wall.
"Just do it."
"Right away Mr. Grouch." Fai chuckled as he noticed the other's frown deepen. This could be fun he thought with a smirk on his lips as he got on the table and stretched out.
"It's Kurogane, idiot." He listened to the barely audible music playing in the room and the distinct noise of bottle's being opened. "And take off the robe."
"Someone's being a little fresh aren't they? I didn't know this was one of those 'happy ending' massage parlors." A sputtering, choking sound was heard and Fai had to bit his lip to keep his laughter in check.
"Y-you bastard!"
"Oh, come now Kuro-puu you walked right into that one."
"What the fuck did you just call me!" He turned to watch Kurogane bristle as he gripped a poor and defenseless oil bottle in his hand.
"Just shut the hell up!" Fai was about to tease his new prey further, but when he felt large hands on his shoulders he tensed. When fingers began working into the muscle there he groaned at the intense pain that made him melt as he relaxed.
"Kuro-sama has a way with his hands." Fai purred and he felt Kurogane's fingers dig a little deeper into his back. He had nearly fallen asleep by the time Kurogane had finished.
"Get up, you're done."
"I think I'll have to come back here again soon~" He cooed as he sat up on the table in just his boxers. Fai noticed Kurogane checking him out and smiled knowingly when red eyes met his own. "Maybe Kuro-rin can stop by for a home consultation?"
"Idiot, who would want to do that for you?"
"If you change your mind, I'm sure Kuro-tan can get my number off my medical charts." Fai laughed as he Kurogane blushed and left. He would definitely have to by his brother dinner now and book another appointment for next week. At this rate he wouldn't have anymore back problems and might even snag a cutie while he was at it.