Disclaimer: If I owned this, do you truly think I'd be writing FAN fiction?

Title: Twin Star

Author: Summing up the Stars

Genre: Drama

Rating: T - M

Pairing: Dark Ace/Aerrow

Authors Notes: Once again, if you missed it. The Butterfly Crystal is based off of the ametrine quartz found here http: / www. / sale/ pentamt2. Jpg (remove spaces)

And before everyone boo's and throws things at me for the name, there is a reason for it.

Method to my madness and all that.

'Hi.' - Dark Ace (cat form) thinking (as that's all he can do.)

Chapter Five

"Piper, did you find out anything about that crystal yet?" Aerrow asked walking into the bridge with Dark Ace around his neck, Radarr following behind, fuming at the smug feline.

Dark Ace's ears perked up in interest, momentarily foregoing the (mostly) silent battle he been fighting with Radarr.

Piper sighed, flipping turning the book she was studying towards him. "Not much, unfortunately."

Dark Ace's ears flattened in annoyance.

Aerrow glanced down and read the passage she had marked.

Butterfly Crystal - Also known as the Metamorphosis Crystal/ Transfiguration Crystal; A medium sized crystal, it is shaped like a pentagon, twelve centimetres in height and seven centimetres in width. It has a natural blend of amethyst and citrine colors with a starburst centre.

"That's it?" Aerrow asked looking back at the female Storm Hawk.

"Yeah, that's all I could find on the Butterfly Crystal with what we have." She replied shrugging helplessly.

"Butterfly Crystal?" Finn asked making a phfft noise, "Are you serious?"

"I like butterflies." Junko said, looking at his best friend.

"Butterflies are EVIL!" Stork said popping up behind the sharpshooter and the Wallop.

Finn and Junko shrieked, jumping away.

Piper giggled behind her hand, as they looked at each other in embarrassment.

Dark Ace felt a twitch start just below his right eye, 'Idiots. How do the Talon's always lose to these kids anyway?'

"Don't do that!" Finn demanded, holding his hands to his heart.

Junko chuckled, blushing. "It was kinda funny, Finn."

"I'm telling you, butterflies lead to doom!" Stork warned, left eye twitching as he ignored the blonde.

Dark Ace made a mental note to scare the green skinned pilot soon.

"Dude. According to you, EVERYTHING leads to doom." Finn said watching the jittery merb with an arched brow.

Radarr jumped onto the table and stood next to Aerrow, looking from him to the book and back, while making a questioning noise.

Aerrow glanced at his co-pilot , before returning his intense gaze to the tome in front of him, "Metamorphosis…..Transfiguration…." he muttered to himself.

Dark Ace looked out of the corner of his strange eyes, tails twitching in interest, as he caught the soft sound, 'Right, that's why…'

"Metamorphosis means transformation, mutation, or evolution, transfiguration means a striking change in appearance, character or circumstances." Aerrow stated, straightening up and unconsciously putting a soothing hand transiently on the winged cat wrapped around the back of his neck; as the change caused him to dig his claws in the crimson haired sky knights shoulder. "That sounds bad enough on it's own, but if Cyclonis wanted this thing, it had to be even worse than that."

Dark Ace felt himself relax slightly, before he caught himself. Mentally cursing his body, he pushed himself up and off the young mans shoulder, landing lightly on the table, while purposely hitting Radarr in the face with his tails, just before he arrogantly, and with forced unconcern and only a small mental twitch, started washing his paw.

Radarr growled, and made a move to strangle the split-tailed animal, before deciding he was going to get Aerrow's shoulder this time and leaping onto it.

"So what do we do now? The crystal was destroyed." Finn stated sitting down in one of the table's chairs.

"I think the real question should be, 'What did she want with it'?" Piper said in a worried tone.

Aerrow looked at his team with a confident grin. "That's what we're going to find out."


A/N- Idea's and suggestions welcome!