Training Room

Lexi stood alone at the center of the training room. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate on using her powers. But, rather than using her power to form a brain blast, she focused on building a charge within herself.

Slowly, a faint pink glow began to surround her entire body, just as it had during the time she was under the mind altering affects of the Fixator ray. She held the charge, causing herself to glow progressively brighter as it grew. After little over a minute, the glow faded. She sighed and started over, mentally kicking herself for not getting it right. After weeks worth of attempts, she still couldn't seem to get it to stabilize properly. Part of her wondered why she was even bothering to do this sort of training. What compelled her to continue after so many failed attempts? Was it simply the goal of regaining the power she had felt that night? Or was it her desire to tame the beast she had become while wielding that power?

Well, this training had started almost directly after her first date with Danger ended with them fighting off half the city. So yes, this was about power. But power for the sake of better protecting both herself and others. This was also about proving to herself that she could control that kind of power without being out of control. That she was the master of herself.

Then there was the guilt factor.

She had yet to truly forgive herself for what she had done to Tech that night. And part of her felt that if she could truly master her power, it would never again be used to hurt a friend.

Lastly, this was about reaching her full potential. Knowing that she was capable of so much compelled her to be more than she currently was.

In short, she trained for the same reason any halfway decent hero trained. To be the best she could possibly be for the sake of those she cared for, for herself, and for the world she defended. That was what compelled her. And that, was why she would ultimately succeed.

Disclaimer-I don't own Loonatics Unleashed. I don't pretend to own Loonatics Unleashed. And I'm not making any money off this story.