Ubiquitous Nightmare.

Note: I do not own anything to do with Azumanga Daioh or Silent Hill. I only own this fan fiction story.

Hiya, everyone, back once again with a very large idea for a story this time. I'm going out on a limb here with this, so please bear with me. I do intend to make this longer then one chapter, and believable as well, considering it is Silent Hill. In other words, I won't write that the girls go crazy with shotguns etc. Please review after you've read it, with my thanks in advance. On a side note, words in between the ' marks are thoughts. Anyway, on with the story!


Chapter One: Confusion.

School, a mortuary of questions. It was an everyday, compulsory action taken by students everywhere, with the Azumanga girls being no different. At least, they thought so.

Session after session, each one of the girls seemed to be in the same classes. This made them all feel happier, more comfortable, but above all, safer. Yomi, looking at her school planner one break time, noticed that the next lesson was one of her less liked ones.

"Oh man, we have P.E next."

"Don't you like it?" asked Kagura, still eating part of her sandwich.

"No, it's just I'm not good at it, that's all," she replied, frowning. Everyone else in the group looked at her in surprise, seeing that her figure spoke otherwise. Yomi blushed slightly at everyone's stares.

Chiyo sat in the background, much like she had done all day. She sat, glaring at her lunch with an unsatisfied expression, before she realised someone was calling her name.

"Hey, Chiyo, are ya okay?" asked Osaka, mouth slightly open in a smile like curve. She received a positive nod in return.

"Oh, alright then," she turned around to the group, leaving Chiyo to her own devices.

'It happened again last night', Chiyo thought, before beginning to cuddle her knees. 'That sound...It was so aggravating, I could hardly think straight'. She carried on thinking about this strange phenomenon, until her head practically sunk into her arms.

'What does it mean...?'

Pondering over this, she recalled everything she could about it. 'It started around three days ago, and every night since, at around midnight, I hear these strange screeching noises. Only I can hear it, I'm scared as to its source. What's going on?'

"Hey, Chiyo, it's time to go to lessons now," said Sakaki, staring at the young girl huddling in the corner. Everyone else had gone.

Snapping out of her dream like state, she replied hesitantly.

"O-oh, thanks Miss Sakaki," They both began walking to their next lessons, even though Chiyo still seemed to be bothered about this predicament. She thought that Sakaki, of all people, may be able to help her.

"Um, Miss Sakaki? Can I ask you something?" said Chiyo, unaware that Sakaki was already listening.

"Well, ever since a few days ago, I've been hearing these weird noises...But I think they are in my head, as no one else can hear them. What does it mean?" inquired Chiyo, with her larger counterpart giving a look of sheer confusion back.

"I don't know, sorry," she quietly replied, making Chiyo quite anxious. They continued walking to their lessons, until Chiyo felt slightly disorientated. She fell against the wall beside her, with Sakaki unknowingly carrying on down the hallway.

"I don't feel...Good," murmured Chiyo, as a light headache crept over her. She sat down where she stood, trying to regain her composure.

"This is not right."

Sakaki carried on, until she realised that Chiyo was not with her. She was in the changing rooms now, as well as being slightly late. She figured that Chiyo would be there soon, as she was never normally late without a good reason. She started to get changed, and after she did so, Chiyo was still not present. She began to worry slightly.

Chiyo sat there, back leaning against the wall, with her eyes shut. In her mind was a slide show of unfamiliar images of the likes that she had never seen before. Images depicting everything that was gruesome, bodies stained in blood, a large figure that could only be described as omnipresent, as well as a lot of creatures. She began to sweat.

"W-what is this!?" she blurted out, before opening her eyes. Surrounding her were a few other students, huddled to see if she was alright. Chiyo got to her feet, dusted herself off, and simply asked what the matter was, slightly stuttering. An eager 'nothing' was the reply, before they walked away. Chiyo glanced at her watch. She was ten minutes late. Dismissing what had happened, she started running to the changing rooms. She realised that she felt normal, if that ever was a good enough description.

Finally, Chiyo reached the changing rooms. She hurried herself to get changed, and walked onto the field for the lesson. She could see everyone was there, Tomo, Sakaki, Yomi, the lot of them. She felt at ease just seeing them all again.

Miss Kurosawa looked eagerly at Chiyo, expecting a good explanation. Chiyo just replied quickly, with a partially true answer.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I was not feeling very well, so I went to see the nurse," she finished, seeing Miss Kurosawa's face turn from an angered one to a worried one.

"Well, you just say if you feel ill, okay?" she replied, before turning around to see all of the other students eager to play some sports.

That day, tennis was the subject. They all shouted with glee, as it was a relatively new subject for them.

"I want you to go in pairs, facing another. If you have any questions, just ask," Nyamo said, before seeing everyone scramble to get into pairs.

"Chiyo! Can I be with ya?" shouted Osaka, running over to her, glazed expression evident. Chiyo nodded appreciatively, before they retrieved some rackets and a ball. Running onto a pitch, Tomo and Yomi were the other pair there. This did not seem new, either.

"Hey! Chiyo and Osaka! We'll play you!" shouted Tomo, with Yomi getting annoyed closely behind. The game soon commenced.

The score was slightly one sided. This was not for the fact that Tomo was on the winning side, but because her power hits seemed to just be 'in' when they landed. She did one such power hit, blasting the ball to the back of the caged in pitch. Both Osaka and Chiyo ran after it to retrieve it. Chiyo started to feel slightly ill again. She started to sweat.

Her vision went dark, the sky turning black, accompanied by a high volume siren, the likes of which sounded when a nuclear war was beginning. She glanced to the floor, to see it replaced with grating. She looked around, blinking; the cages were now walls, stained in what could only be described as blood. She began to tremble, before she turned her focus to see a familiar figure. There stood Osaka, immobile, in front of the fluorescent ball she was originally trying to get. Chiyo gulped as she walked over to her.

"O-Osaka? Are you..." questioned Chiyo, shivering with fear at her new surroundings. She saw Osaka turn around, centimetre by centimetre, until she was facing the, now horrified, girl.

"Aaaah!" Chiyo witnessed Osaka, fearing what was now standing in front of her. The glossy eyed girl now seemed to have no face. There was a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with the necessary requirements. As no noises were audible from Osaka because she had no visible means of making them, Chiyo could not bear to look at her. She shut her eyes, wishing that there was some way to get back to reality. She had only hoped that this place was not reality.

"Hey, Chiyo, snap out of it!" waved Osaka, with a strange look on her returned face. Chiyo opened her eyes, fearing the sight, but instead she had her face back. Shocked as well as relieved, she began panting heavily, with sweat dripping off of her brow.

"Oh, you're okay then. I thought the pigtails got ya," smiled Osaka, before she went to get Chiyo's racket. She handed it to her, but Chiyo felt incapable on continuing. She asked to sit out, with Miss Kurosawa happily complying.

'Just what is this I'm experiencing? I don't understand it. What is it trying to show me?' thought Chiyo, trying to figure out a logical explanation, but failing in the process.

'Wait...I hear a voice.'

She stood up, unaware of her condition, trying her best to make out the words that she could hear.

'Sil...Silent Hill? What do you mean?' she now felt better, but she thought it was not as good as it could be.

'Oh, you mean go there? Okay.' She started walking, in a dazed state, in the direction of the front school gate. Unaware of anyone trying to talk to her, she was walking in a direction that was not familiar. She carried on walking, unable to stop. Someone, or something, seemed to be controlling her. She reached the school gate, before sliding it aside, and proceeding out of there.

All of the girls, after one notified the rest, witnessed this scene. They all thought of what she could be doing, yet they all saw her walking out of school. There were still three lessons left until the end of the day. What was she going to accomplish? Or more importantly, where was she going?

Having no other option, they sprinted in her direction. Their teacher noticed, whistling for them to come back, but they did not pay any heed. All of them, consisting of Tomo, Yomi, Kagura, Sakaki and Osaka, were going to find out what was wrong.

Seeing the school gate ahead, they pivoted around the corner. In the far distance, was the outline of Chiyo. She seemed to be carrying on, with no signs of stopping. Taking this opportunity to take their breaths, they then carried on.

Chiyo, although seemingly at only a few metres ahead of them, seemed to be placed at the same distance between her and the group. However fast the group's individuals ran, they could not reach her. Her outline still remained, creating a dark silhouette in the light of the day.

The group had to stop for breath. They did so, as the Chiyo like character stopped and turned around. Her figure was unmistakably Chiyo's, though her face showed signs of no emotions, none at all. A blank mask. This seemed to make them feel uneasy, as a slight mist descended onto the scene.

Little by little, the surroundings became enveloped by a dense fog. They could barely see a metre or so in front, yet Chiyo was still easily seen through it.

"This is getting freaky..." addressed Tomo, losing her heir of hyper activeness. The group stood, staring at awe, until Chiyo began walking again.

"Hey, don't leave us," shouted Osaka, before beginning to run yet again. The road seemed endless, as even after 15 minutes of walking and running, it seemed to dwell ahead, taunting their efforts.

"I can't take this anymore," breathed Sakaki, as everyone else stopped to take a rest as well.

"Where could she be going? What is this place?" quizzed Tomo, unknowing of the situation that was now occurring. The ground started shaking slightly, before a loud cracking sound was emitted, from behind them. They looked around, to see a large chasm now placed intricately into the road before them. The very road that they had just ran over.

"Well, whatever this place is, there's no way we can get back this way," mused Kagura, trying to figure out just what was going on. They looked around, walking along the edge of the gaping hole. Wherever it ended, there was no ledge usable enough to be crossed safely.

"That looks like a deep hole," said Osaka, pointing out the obvious.

"Looks like Miss Kurosawa is going to be worried about us," said Yomi, whereas everyone else looked at her, thinking that the P.E teacher was not going to be the only one worried.

Looking around, the fog was present, everywhere. Wherever they ran to, they could not see further then the other side of the chasm. They just wanted to find Chiyo, and get away. Scared of this new predicament unfolding, a loud screech was emitted behind the girls. They turned around sharply, before seeing nothing. Only fog was evident, yet the screeching was getting louder.

"Whaddaya think it is?" strained Osaka, emphasizing the word 'it'. She got no response. They stood in relative silence, until the screeches stopped, completely. Sighing in relief, they composed themselves, before a high pitch laugh echoed throughout the vicinity.

Sakaki stared in anticipation, before seeing the familiar figure of Chiyo once again. She seemed to be grinning, before turning around to begin running again. Sakaki took this as a signal, and began chasing her. Everyone wondered why Sakaki had begun running all of a sudden, but before they could ask, she was quite far ahead. They took this as an incentive, and followed suit. Kagura wondered why Chiyo was acting this way, before coming to a slight conclusion.

'I don't know what you're doing, Chiyo, but I can tell this is going to be a long journey."


There, first chapter done. It was quite hard to write, as the beginnings always are. Thank you for reading, and please review if you would be so kind. There is definitely more to come, so please stay tuned. This is Love Hina Addict signing off.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Azumanga Daioh or Silent Hill. I only own this fan fiction story.