-1Hey y'all! I've finally returned!

School -coughprisoncough- started three weeks ago for me.

That threw a serious wrench in my already screwy schedule.

A really humungous wrench.

Now I have boxing, marching , seven clubs -I'm a compulsive joiner-, and a freaking ton of homework.

Life hates me.

That on top of all the community service my parents -and teachers- force me to do and several other time consuming tasks -like sleeping, eating, etc. (just joking)- have put a major damper on my updating.

Nevertheless, I will continue writing!

Just…a lot less than I would prefer.


DisclaimerI don't own Naruto. If I did, every hot male character would be madly in love with Sakura.


Naruto and Sasuke made their way throught the marketplace hand in hand, looking as if they hadn't a care in the world. The exuberant blonde sported a sunny smile while the more reserved ravenet displayed only the mere traces of a grin -a sure sign of his joy to those well aquainted with the stoic Uchiha-.

The two ignored the questioning gazes upon them, their happiness making it a simple task to turn a blind eye. They had finally come out of the closet. Yes, the Uchiha prodigy and the Kyuubi container were gay…and they wanted the world to know it.

Sakura viewed the touching scene with an aching heart. Sure, she was happy that her teammates felt comfortable enough in their own feelings to finally declare to the village that they were a couple. She really was. Her shredded heart, however, made it hard for her to express her joy.

Maybe she was being selfish, but she couldn't help but feel abandoned. Before the two boys defined their preference, she had been part of their relationship. Sure, she knew the feelings they had for her couldn't even begin to compare to the feelings they had for each other, but she had still held a place in their hearts. Tiny it may have been, but it was still something.

They had been a threesome. And though it had been a little hard for some of the villagers to accept, their relationship was tolerated by all. That, however, had been two months ago. Still, despite the time that had passed she still found herself yearning for them.

So much for time healing all wounds.

They didn't know this of course, she would never burden them like that. The only one who deserved to bear the weight of her feelings was her, no one else. After all the only one to blame for her broken heart was her. She shouldn't have gotton so attached to them. She had always known, deep down, that their relationship wouldn't last. It couldn't. Their love was like a teetering tripod, two equal lengthed legs and one severely short one. She was the short one. It was a shaky relationship at best, one that was doomed to fail.

They loved her sure -at least that's what she told herself-, but it wasn't the type of love one had for a lover. It was a more…platonic type of love. Nothing that could compare to what they had for each other.

The affection the two men had for one another was an all consuming blaze that scorched everything in its path…and she had been burned to a crisp. The superficial passion they had gifted her with stood no chance against such an inferno, a snowball would have a better chance in hell.

Still, as she watched Naruto plant a tender kiss on Sasuke -and see the normally cold man's eyes warm- she felt her heart tear just a little more. Stupid heart, you never listen to me. Why couldn't she just move on? Those two apparently had had no problem doing so. So why did her heart insist on holding on?

No good will come of this. You do know that right?

She knew inner Sakura had a point. She was just hurting herself by still harboring affection for two men who were by all accounts beyond her reach. Still, even though her mind screamed for her to walk away, she kept her eyes fixated on the two.

You never learn do you? She heard her inner wearily sigh . You just have to set your heart on the ones you stand no chance with. Always putting yourself in an emotionally vulnerable position. Always determined to enter relationships that result in heartache! The frustrated voice of her inner grated on her already frayed emotions. How dare she!

We're the same person damnit! If I'm so foolish, then you are too! She felt tear pricking behind her eyes. I can't stand this anymore. I have to leave.

She turned abruptly from the heartwarming scene. With moist eyes and a lump in her throat, she hastily made her way through the crowd that had gathered to view the two lovers. Two. Only two.

She quickly muffled the strangled sob the came with that thought. Only two.

This was no way to live.

She had to do something. She was tired of moping around, fondly reminiscing of days that could never again become reality. She was tired of crying. Tired of feeling the aching hole in her heart. Tired of feeling empty.

But what could she do? Overtime in the hospital obviously wasn't enough, she needed something else to occupy her. Something else to take her mind off the ache.

She needed a job that took up all her free time. Something that left her no time to dwell on her depression. Question was…what?

Her feet slowly came to a halt. That the million dollar question isn't it? She thought sardonically. Just what was she going to do with herself now?

We could always travel you know. Be a wandering medic and take in the sights and sounds of far away lands. You are always harping about the beauty of the other countries.

Ignoring the barb towards her she pondered her inner's suggestion. Her? A wandering medic?

She'd never given that option much thought. Then again…she'd never contemplated leaving the village either. Why would she? Her entire life centered around Konoha. It was where she lived, where she worked, the place she shed sweat and tears and blood to protect…the place where her heart lay, in the hands of two shinobi who didn't much care for it.

She felt a painful jolt go through her tender heart and the last thought. Her inner was absolutely right, she should become a traveling medic. There was no way in hell she would ever be able to heal herself here. This village was too connected to those two. Too many things reminded her of them, of the time they spent together, of what they had accomplished. Everywhere she turned there was a new sight that brought tears to her eyes, that rubbed salt in her heart's gaping wounds. She had to leave, had to because they wouldn't.

No they would never leave Konoha, not for any substantial amount of time anyway. Not again. It had become too ingrained in their beings. They had sacrificed too much, fought too hard, to simply walk away from here. They had finally been accepted and they were finally at peace. Two accomplishments they had never thought possible. They would rather die than give that up.

So it was up to her. If she wanted to separate herself from them, she would have to be the one to leave this time.

It was her turn.


I plan to update 'Forgive and Forget?' either this week or next week.

Not entirely sure when, but it will be soon. I have a good chunk of it written already so it won't take me too long to whip the rest out.

Pairings in this story are more-or-less set but feel free to suggest your favorite pairings anyways. Who knows? Maybe someone will have such a good justification for a pairing that I feel obliged to go along with it.
