Ugh, long wait, huh? Sorry about that, but I've moved to the Aliens/Predator area. You should check out some of the other things I have around this site.

I am taking too much time with this sort of thing, and this chapter may be the last one for a little while. I am heading towards an ending soon…

And eventually…a sequel.

You'll love it.


Chapter 14

Leave no man behind


"Damnit, damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!"

"I understood that one…" Rosa said, scowling. "Mikah…I thought you were dead."

"I get that a lot in my line of work."


"Sorry…I forgot you can't understand me." Mikah snarled, rubbing his scaly chest with his claws. "Fricken heck, this tears it. I'm a damn raptor speaking in English. Where's Raptor?"

"Raptor? I understood that…he's back at the complex…with Miller."

"Miller? The killer velociraptor that he was talking about?" Mikah hissed, looking around. "Hand me my weapon, I'll kill that son of a-"

"If you're looking for your rifle…its back in that room with the dilophsaurus." Rosa muttered. "Are we…going back for him?" Mikah nodded, trying to stand, but falling backwards. "As you say, Alpha."

"Fine…call me what you want, I just want the god damned cure for this shit." Mikah stood up again, leaning forward to balance. "Let's go, I need that guy as a guide and a translator."

Rosa took the lead, going slowly because she had been sprinting only a few minutes prior to Mikah's awakening. Mikah had trouble running, his legs were at a different angle, but it wasn't so different from being in a sprinting position all the time. Mikah himself wasn't a runner, but the raptor was.

"Damnit, I can't get a break can I?" He muttered. "First I get attacked by raptors, then I ally with one, then I start tuning into one, then a raptor falls in love with me, and now I'm one of them! I hate this fucking island!" The trees thinned and Mikah ran ahead, seeing a single raptor lying on the ground, in a pool of blood. "Raptor!" Rosa cried out in alarm when she saw the blood, sniffling. "Oh my god…what in hell happened here?!"

Raptor moved, but just barely. "Mi…Mikah…get out of here…before he comes back to…finish the job…" He muttered, trying to stand.

"Rosa, help me lift him." Mikah ordered, but the other raptor only tilted her head. "Help…me…lift…Raptor." She nodded, grabbing onto his tail while Mikah did his best to lift his neck. Surprisingly, the raptor was lighter than a human. "Come on…we have to get him away from here." They dragged him away, looking over their shoulders at the trees.


Dillon hissed, butting against the door with his head, but it wouldn't open. It was pinned from the other side, and no amount of force would help. The strange orange liquid was ankle deep with the door closed, and to his horror it seemed to be becoming deeper; it was still coming in somewhere.

"You can't get out that way." A voice said, and Dillon turned around, looking up at a large velociraptor that was standing on a ceiling support. "Look at that…little dilo can't swim? Hsssk…you so weak."

Dillon spat a glob of venom at the raptor, but it moved to the side.

"How about we makes a deal, eh? Miller gets you out, and you help?" The raptor kicked something from the support, and a ladder slid down from the window to the floor, splashing in the liquid. "Come on…Miller won't wait all day…" The raptor vanished through the window, and Dillon waited, trying to decide what to do. He could either try to open the door…or he could follow the velociraptor and survive.

"Deal…" Dillon hissed, gripping the rungs of the ladder.


"Raptor…Raptor, are you alright?" a voice said, and Raptor lifted his head, blinking in the darkness. "Thank God…I thought we'd lost you." There was a bandage on Raptor's chest, and it felt like foam.

"Where's…where are we?"

"Hell if I know, Rap…you're the guide." Raptor recognized Mikah's voice.

"Mikah…you got out alive?"

"Depends on what you mean by alive…" A sand-colored raptor appeared at his side, hissing. "I think that Cyrosyl stuff not only makes dinosaurs intelligent, it also speeds up the Mirror effect. Damn InGen and their stupid ideas."

"So…you were the raptor all along. Where's your rifle?"

"Back in the Cyrosyl room…with the dilophsaurus." Mikah smiled. "Nice to see that at least one other sane person is alive. Rosa! He's awake…" Rosa appeared now, shaking slightly.

"Where's Miller?" Raptor asked, grunting in pain.

"Gone, he left you for dead. He must have thought you were going to die of blood loss." Mikah explained, putting a claw on Raptor to keep him from standing. "Hold up, you're hurt bad…you need to wait for the wounds to heal a little before you do anything more than breathe."

"Damn…now what? Are we going to call for help or search for the cure?"

"I'm calling for help." Mikah snarled. "Damn this island, I'm putting in a call right to John Hammond himself and I'm going to tell him what he can do with all that DNA research. He's going to give me a cure or I'm going to gut him."

"I'll help." Rosa said.

"You understood him?"

"I can get what he means if I listen right." She said. "I've heard him say damnit enough to recognize it when I hear it. As long as he doesn't change accents, I should be alright."

"I'm out of a job I guess." Raptor laid his head back down, yawning. "When do we move, Alpha?"

"Tomorrow, when you've healed." Mikah said. "We're going to get to the phones and call Hammond right at his house in California, and I'm going to tell him to come here personally so I can gut him."


"Dr. Grant!" Hammond yelled.

"What now? More snags?"

"No, we have to move out of here."

"What? Why?"

"I have no idea…but I was told by the U.S. Embassy that we have to leave here now and get back to the States."

"Why would they say that…alright, let's pack up what we have, we can get everything else later. I want to see this in a lab…"


"So, Dillon decided to join me outside? Much better in the sun, eh?" Miller growled.

"Who…are you?" Dillon asked.

"Miller, the humans call me, and Miller my name will be." The velociraptor smiled. "You not look so good…"

"I feel sick…I can't…I can't think properly…" Dillon shook his head, hissing.

"The Cyrosyl…"

"What?" Dillon asked, confused.

"The Cyrosyl…humans make it, and they use it to make things grow faster. But…when you eat it you become smarter…much smarter…you eat the Cyrosyl?"

"I…I think so…"

"Then you like me now…Miller will help Dillon, and you will help in return?"

"…I will try."



I had meant to put more, but this is it for now. Sorry guys, but book two is calling for its first chapter to be written!


Chapter one of the second book is done, and I'm already on chapter two! This means two chapters (at least) when it gets put on the site.