Chapter 17 - The End

They all woke up within a couple minutes of each other. They realized two things immediately. The ones who had previously been injured, were no longer as such. The second thing they noticed was...

They were back at the Akatsuki base. At the same location they had been when they were first abducted. The trees, the grass, and the large rock to enter the base. Everything was the same way they'd left it two weeks ago. The sun shone brightly overhead, no dark clouds in sight.

"What the Hell is going on?" Hidan stood up off the ground and looked around. His hand flew to his healed chest. There weren't any traces of blood on his robe either.

"Do you guys remember what happened in the last two weeks?" Sakura asked, wondering if she was the only who remembered.

"Yeah, I remember too." Tenten said. The others remembered as well.

"So, if it wasn't a dream...What happened at the end?" Sakura asked.

"Satoshi said that Izuna was getting the angel's. I think they're the ones who helped us get out of there." Sasori suggested.

"I remember seeing wings, like angel wings, yeah." Deidara added.

"It doesn't feel real..." Ino said, "Maybe it was a dream."

"Maybe, but what are the chances that we all dreamt the same thing?" Kisame questionned.

"No. It happened." Hidan replied. He pulled out from his pocket two identical bottles, each containing a tiny flame.

"But..." Temari held in front of her, her fan, in perfect condition. She had found it next to her when she woke up, and was examining it carefully. She soon realized that it looked like her fan, but there was a small difference. There were two tiny folded angel wings engraved in the handle of the fan, where there had once been nothing. "Nevermind." She said in a passive voice, still eyeing her fan.

"So this means we've really been gone for two weeks..." Sasori's voice trailed off.

"Fuck! Pein's gonna be pissed!" Hidan exclaimed.

"We'll need an excuse, yeah..." Deidara looked thoughtful.

The girls shared a glance, and smiled. Temari finally put away her fan.

"I have one. Let's go." Itachi said. The five Akatsuki members entered the base.

The five kunoichi shared a similar thought as they followed them into the base.

Maybe being with the Akatsuki wouldn't be so bad.

AN: I've never written a chapter so short before...I really wasn't sure how to end this story, so here is the ending! This is the final chapter. After three years and two months, this story finally comes to a complete close!

This story has been completely edited, and so it shan't be touched anymore! Thank you all my readers and reviewers for bearing with me for such a long time!

My baby has finally left the nest...Now I understand what all those other authors were talking about! When you finish something you've worked so hard on...It's not easy letting go! But I can say that I'm proud of how this story turned out, and I'm proud of myself for finishing it, especially since I thought I wouldn't!

I hope you enjoyed the final chapter! Thanks to all those who've read until the end!
Please leave a review telling me what you liked, didn't like, and what you thought of this story! I would really appreciate it!

Thank you!