I don't own any Maximum Ride characters!!


We had flown all day without stopping and now we were on the coast. The sea air filled my lungs and I breathed in deeply. We had flown over the mountians which turned out to streatch all the way to the coast. Behind us there was mountains and in front of us there was the ocean. I couldn't escape. The mountains were too big to cross and where would I swim to? I barely know up from down.

"Okay everyone, be on your guard," a weary Angel said, "there is something here besides us." Max did an automatic 360 and saw nothing but her movements were tense. Shadow scanned the skies and suddenly took off. "Shadow what are you doing?! Come back here now," I screamed. "I'll get him," Lief volunteered. "No. I will," Fang said. Those were the only three words I had ever heard him say.

"Oh, so now you talk," I muttered under my breath as he took off. Lief looked very put out and it wasn't long before he took off after Fang. "Where are they going?" Jack asked, his eyes trying so hard to stay open. "Sorry, buddy. I don't really know," I said looking up.

"What's happening?" Iggy asked. "Well, can't you see?" I snapped. "No," he said a little forlorn. I reeled back in shock, "You're blind?" He didn't look blind at all, he acted like any other person. I whistled low and looked up. "Ahh!" Nudge and Karee schreeched at the same time.

Someonw was free falling out of the sky. A drop of over a hundred feet; enough to feel like you're hitting cement. Max and Iggy sprang into action and flew out as fast as they could, Max getting there before Iggy. She swept underneath him, but he weighed too much and she was falling too. Iggy then sensed where they were and scrambled after them reaching them right before they hit the water.

Everyone else looked on in wide-eye silence. Fang and Shadow flew down carrying something, so the one that fell must have been Lief. "Is he okay?" the Gasman said timidly. "I think so. Iggy check him over," Max ordered. Iggy let his fingertips skim Lief's skin. We were all holding our breath and relaeased it as he said, "He's fine, just knocked out."

"What happened?" Ash demanded. "The thing up there," Shadow pointed his hand up, "Was a..."

"Flyboy," Fang filled in. "We have to keep moving, let's go," Max said arubtly, "Angel, can you sense any more?" Angel furrowed her brow in concentration and shook her head, "I can't tell that thing is blocking me." We all looked to where she gestured. It was the object that Shadow and Fang were carrying. It was a large round steel ball, but as soon as Angel said that they dropped it.

"What is it?" I asked. "If we knew, then why would we be wondering?" Max snapped. I backed off still angry and Shadow shot me a look. I glared at him and shook my head. "Look, I've been thinking about this for awhile," Ash said out of the blue. "I don't want to be a part of any of this," he said slowly, "I hate it, a lot. So I was thinking maybe I cou-"

"No!" Shadow said sharply. "We all stick togeather."

"I was afraid you'd say something like that," Ash whispered. He laughed and edged closer to Shadow. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his clench his fists and he grinned like a maniac. I lunged toward him, but he lunged at the same time. His teeth sank into Shadow's skin and blood flooded out. The Gasman and Iggy grabbed something out of a backpack and hurled it towards Ash.

I tried to grab Karee, who had been standing next to him. As soon as I tried to carry her, I couldn't. "Move Karee!" I yelled right in her face. She didn't do anything, just stood there with a stupid smile on her face. Out of nowhere a fist came crashing down on my nose. "Oww!" I howled in pain. I looked to see where the fist was coming from and was met by another.

I staggered a bit and fell over, then I remembered I had claws. I grew them to their full extent and lashed them out and relaized I had hit Spike. "Oh my God. I'm sorry." He punched me back and stuck a quill in my side. I grunted in pain and tried to sit up, but it hurt to much. I laid there panting hard and heard the sounds of a fight. It sounded more than just our group. A big bang sounded and I felt debis fall everywhere.

I felt a strong pair of hands grad my waist, and I sucked in deeply, "Damn!" "Don't swear," it was a male voice. I felt him look down and he whistled deeply, "That looks bad." "Yeah, ya think?" I opened my eyes a bit and saw Shadow was carrying me. I looked around and saw we were in the air. Max and Fang were carrying Lief, Iggy was carrying Jack and Nudge and Angel were free.

"What about your arm?" I asked quietly as I closed my eyes and rested against his chest. He grunted and I opened my eyes and looked over at his arm. "Shadow!" I said sharply then wished I hadn't, "Shit."

"Shut up. It's not as bad as it looks. It's not deep and I don't think it's poisonious," he said thoughtfully. "Don't think? He tried to kill you, what's up with him?" I shifted position and gasped. "Max can we land, we have to get this quill out of Kate's side," he called. "Can you wait a bit, we have to keep moving," she called back. Shadow nodded. "Answer my question," I told him.

"What question?"

"What happened back there?" Shadow looked down at the water thoughtful. "I think," he said slowly, "that he was never really on our side at all. I think the whole breakout was supposed to happen. Once we broke out we learned about Itex, and I don't think we were supposed to know about that. Whatever we learned, I think Ash, Karee, and Spike had access to Itex or the School. I think they were double crossing us," he finished.

"So you think they were working for Itex, but were pretrending to be against it?"

"Yes, exactly." I raised my eyebrows and eyed Shadow's cut. He followed my gaze. "Please don't worry about me, you're in the same boat, you don't see me fussing over you," It hadn't ment to hurt but it did. I looked away and turned foward. "Though I really want to, I'm not that kind of person," he added. It really didn't make sense to me at the time but I shook my head and looked up at him.

The sun illumated his face at just the right angle so he looked like an angel. I smiled and he laughed, "What's gonig through your head, Kate, anything I should know about." I punched him then grimiced in pain. "Why can't you take it out now?" I said looking at the place in my side where the quill was. "I'm afraid I might drop you." I gulped and looked down a bit. "Okay, you guys, we can land now," Max said.

"Thank God! I'm starving, I haven't eaten in...sense this morning. So, Max could we go get something to eat, please, please, please, plea-" "Yes, Nudge, we have to make camp first," Fang sighed. We landed, Shadow putting me down as gracefully as he could, but it hurt a whole lot. I laid down on my side with difficultly. Iggy skimmed a finger over the quill. "Take your sweatshirt off," he ordered. "Ugh, is she going to have to take her shrit off too?" the Gasman said disgusted.

"No. Okay this might hurt a bit, Kate," he thought for a minute then said, "it might hurt a lot." He put his fingers on the quill and yanked it out. "Oww!" I screamed, even my eyes watered. I clutched my side and looked at it. It was purple and blue where it was bruised, but it wasn't bleeding, ehich was good. "Now was that so bad?" Iggy asked playfully.

"You could have warned me you would just yank it out," I spat. "Okay let's find somewhere to eat," Max said and we started off.