Well, peoples, this is the last chapter for the valentine's fic! HOORAY!
Kai - raises eyebrow Okay . . . .
grins evilly before turning back to viewers Just a warning ahead of time: there is a Kai/Tala LEMON scene in this. So, be careful.
Kai - What are you babbling about?
Nothing! Heh, heh, heh! turns to face Kai Do Disclaimer?
Kai - sighs Fine. Disclaimer: For the last time in this fic, she does not own Beyblade.
A Red Night for Lovers
Kai shook his head as he opened the door to his and Tala's condo. Earlier, he and Ray had been sent out because his lover, along with Brian, had a little scheming going on between them. The phoenix just hoped that it didn't have anything to do with Tyson.
He shut the door and flung his towel in a hamper not too far away but stopped as the scene of the newly decorated condo came into vision. "Wow . . ." he breathed, seeing a velvety red tablecloth and seat cover for the couch and coffee table. On top of that sat a entire bowl-full of deep red cherries complete with stem and all. Beside that was a smaller bowl of dark, melted chocolate. All around the floor, red rose petals lay, undisturbed by any wind or movement, and even on the couch lay two fully bloomed red roses in an X formation. Kai couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like something out of a romance movie.
"I take it by your silence, that you like the room?" a silky voice said from behind. Two hands snaked around his waist and rested lightly on the brim of his swimming trunks. Lips reached out delicately and brushed against the phoenix's collarbone.
"Tala," Kai started, still blown away by the sight his lover had spent all afternoon making just right, "it's beautiful, but what, may I ask, is the occasion?"
"Well," the wolf began, grabbing Kai's wrist and leading him over to the couch, both of them sitting down at the same time, "if you don't remember, you told me this morning that it was Valentine's Day here. I thought that you and I should celebrate it. Plus - I don't know if you remember or not - but almost nine years ago this very day, way back in the dark, evil cells of the Abbey, you and I met for the first time. I remember that you were arguing with Boris about something, and he mistakenly threw you in my cell."
Kai chuckled at the memory. "I remember. You were so angry that I had accidentally stepped on your foot, and we ended up in a wrestling match."
Tala nodded as he brought a knee up on the couch, reaching for a cherry and dipping it in the chocolate sauce. "Yeah, and as always, you came out the winner, but even still, I started liking you. You were too proud for your own good and always did what was best for your team, even if it meant you sustaining a certain amount of pain," he stopped and looked accusingly at the phoenix. "You still are that way." He brought the cherry up to his lover's lips, watching hungrily at the plump lips surround the fruit and white teeth take it in their embrace. Kai pulled, separating the small fruit from its stem. He chewed three times before swallowing, teasing his koi while also savoring the taste of the overwhelming chocolate as it ran down his throat.
Kai smirked and dipped another cherry, bringing it to his mouth again, but moving closer to his lover at the same time. He snapped the cherry from its stem and held it there, letting the sauce drip over his lips and to his chin.
Tala's body trembled as he tried to keep control of it. It had been eight long years since he and Kai had started dating. Eight years of roller coaster rides. Now, tonight, Kai would be his forever. He just knew it, and he knew that the phoenix thought the same thing. So, when the chocolate sauce starting dripping to the older teen's chin, Tala's tongue leaped forward and caught it from going farther. He went slowly towards the awaiting cherry, sucking every last drop of the sauce from one area before going to another. Eventually, with Kai's hands buried deep within his crimson locks, Tala took Kai's lips and let his teeth crush down on the cherry before swallowing half and giving the other half to his lover.
Kai moaned against the wolf's icy lips and let the teen push him down to lay on the couch. Tala's mouth moved with Kai's as their tongues began a heated battle, both tasting the cherry and chocolate mix still lingering in the hidden crevices of the mouth's cavern. Tala laced his hand under Kai's swimming trunks and felt his nice, firm backside trembling with want at his touch. The phoenix pulled his mouth away, though, only long enough to slip both his shirt and his lover's shirt from their bodies. Then his tongue and fingers began their exploration as he caressed the back muscles of the wolf as they rippled like the icy river beneath his touch.
Tala shifted and tugged off Kai's trunks, flinging them across the room. He wouldn't be needing them for a while. "Too bad we can't go swimming," he whispered huskily as the phoenix tried to pull off his white shorts. He complied and made it easier for him, but then he took the bowl of chocolate and dipped in two fingers. He smirked as a wild fire flared in his lover's eyes and dribbled the sauce over the upper torso of the older teen. Kai gasped as the semi-cool liquid seeped onto his skin, but the coldness ebbed away as Tala put away the bowl and bent down, starting from the phoenix's lips and down to his chest, liking the sauce greedily.
Kai moaned as the wolf found one of his nipples and began to devour it, leaving it as red as the velvet cloth before moving to the other one. The phoenix felt a strong pressure of pain as his arousal became more dominant now than it had been earlier. He sucked in his breath as he brought his hips up to his lover's, grinding them together, seeking for the pleasure that he much needed. Tala grinned against his naval, where the chocolate had ended and brought his head up to meet the dark, wet eyes that needed him so much. He stuck his two fingers, still slightly coated in chocolate in the phoenix's mouth, willing him to suck on them while he prepared his lover for what was to come next.
Kai complied and wound his tongue around them as Tala's other hand moved to where one finger was probing the entrance of his body. The icy blue eyes never left the face of his lover as he slipped in his finger, watching at Kai's face lit up with even more want than before. He took his fingers away from the warm mouth and pushed his lover's legs open farther just before he snaked in another finger, scissoring them at first to widen the entrance and then started looking for that one spot that would make Kai's face beam like the sun.
"Tala," the phoenix breathed but stopped and screamed as his whole body began jerking in spasms, his arms reaching out to pull the wolf closer to him. Afterwards, he lay shaking. "T-Tala, d-do that-that a-again."
The wolf chuckled and brought out his fingers, positioning himself at the wanting entrance. Kai looked dully at him, his mind not thinking about how sore he was going to be in the morning, but only on the loving wonders that was to come next. Tala brought the phoenix's legs up to wrap around his waist and thrust into the teen. Kai screamed again as the crimson haired boy found that wonderful spot instantly.
The wolf contained himself from brutally pounding into the boy, but it was hard. Kai was perfect. He fit the younger teen marvelously, their bodies seeming to merge as one together. He started lunging slowly, getting the phoenix used to him, but Kai took one look at him and smirked as he started meeting each and every piercing the teen made. Tala groaned at his koi's antics and smirked inwardly. Then, without warning, he hurtled himself inside the phoenix, pounding into him with everything he had.
Kai's breathing became labored as he tried to meet his koi halfway, but at times, he couldn't. Tala was moving a bit too fast for him, but he enjoyed every minute of it. The wolf's muscles waved against his body just like the rivers had done when they - long ago - sneaked out to take a short swim in the summer. It felt just like that. Wondrous.
Tala grunted as he found Kai's sweet spot again, the phoenix already close to coming. The wolf sped up and leaned forward, one hand beginning to pump his phoenix's member hastily in time with his thrusts as his lips once again touching the delicate skin of his koi's neck. "Come to me, Kai," he whispered.
That's all the push the phoenix needed. All at once, Kai came, screaming out in ecstasy. "Aishiteru yo!"
Tala heard his lover yell those words, and just hearing that made the wolf come in full blast. He sank his teeth into the conjunction of Kai's neck and shoulder as he filled the phoenix with his seed. Afterwards, they both lay, spent, and Tala, shakily, reached out a tongue to gently lick away the small trickle of blood that his teeth had done on Kai's neck. The phoenix just sighed and closed his eyes briefly before kissing his koi on the ear.
"I'm alright."
At that, Tala pulled away and collapsed on his lover's chest. Kai just laid there and sighed again, bringing up his hand and stroking the sweaty brow. They stayed there for a moment, each one in his own thoughts as sleep tried to make itself known.
"Thank you, Tala," Kai whispered, closing his eyes. "Thank you . . . Aishiteru yo . . ."
"I love you, too, Kai. Happy Valentine's Day."
With that, they both drifted off to the wonderful blissfulness of happy dreams, safe in each other's arms . . .
End of Fic
Well? You all like it? Hope so!
Kai - sighs and shakes head