Summary: Misa had an argument with Light that night and finds herself being lonely again. But, it all came down to the point that L was there to comfort her. And she started seeing things she never saw whenever she is with L. One thing she knew, this is love. And it so many days for her to notice it. So soon to notice.
Disclaimer: I don't own L Lawliet and Amane Misa; only this story.
So soon to notice
A Death Note fan fiction
Chapter Seven: I won't let go of your hand
One week passed. Light thought of a plan on how he will make Ryuuzaki finally to confess his real feelings for Misa. He was glad that Misa had finally confessed about her feelings last week. And it's time for that young detective to spill his own confession. Misa agreed to his plan. And here it goes – Misa will do sweet things to Light everyday whenever Ryuuzaki is around them. If Ryuuzaki walks out thrice, Light will finally confront him. And if it works, he will get to make him finally confess. Misa was happy about it and she was glad that Light made this plan just for her! There's no reason for Ryuuzaki to pretend.
The first sweet thing she did was to hug Light in front of him. Misa passionately hugged the young boy and tried to tease his lips with her black polished nails. Light was tickled but he didn't say anything. Ryuuzaki on the other hand, crouch still, ignoring the two love birds. He didn't mind it since he was too busy with his work. He's too committed with his work. The plan didn't succeed though since Ryuuzaki didn't say anything and he was comfortably complimenting the two being together. Misa was pissed off, as usual.
"Light-kun, what shall we do?!" she cried, losing hope to this plan. She pulled her hair. "He doesn't seem to notice Misa!"
Light thinks deeply on what the next thing to do. He wanted to help Misa since he also want to get rid of her childish features. But it wasn't the case anymore. He just wants to help her. "I don't know."
"Ryuuzaki-san will never notice Misa!"
"We shouldn't lose hope in this plan, Misa. He will soon notice your presence, no matter what happens. That's for sure."
Misa looked at him. "That pervert!"
"Misa, I told you he isn't a pervert. He's normal like me."
"He never notices Misa!"
"It's because he's used to seeing you, flirting with me, asking me to date you once in a while…" he paused as another plan came to his mind. "I got it!"
She grinned. "What is it?!"
"I will say mean words to you and he will come to comfort you, Misa!" he said, finally having thoughts.
"Misa understands every word Light-kun said!" she said, with a mock salute. "Misa will do her best to make him notice me and he will comfort me afterwards! Shiawase!"
Light nodded as they finally talked about the lines they will use, how Misa will react afterwards and the actions Ryuuzaki will take over. It sounds easy but it took them several hours to finish a single scene.
The next day. Misa was busy prettifying herself in the mirror, dabbing some lip-balm to her full lips, powdering herself with foundation and for final touches, she spayed some perfume to her halter top. Light knocked her door, a sign that they need to play this scene. She smiled at the mirror and opened the door. They then walked together into the hallway as they notice Ryuuzaki was alone in the headquarters. It's typical to see him alone there since the others were busy at the other room, resting. Misa then signaled Light to do this job while she patiently waited for her turn. It was going smoothly as they planned to. Or will it turn to disaster again?
"Light-kun!" she shouted, running towards Light who can't help but to stop his laughter or else, Ryuuzaki will find it a fake. "Misa wants to date you today!"
"I can't, Misa." he replied, too scripted.
"But Misa wants to date Light-kun! Why don't you leave work and date Misa-Misa?! She misses you a lot!"
"I said, I can't date you. Ryuuzaki and I are busy with work." he said as he tapped Ryuuzaki's shoulders. Ryuuzaki looked at him, with blank expression. "Right?"
Ryuuzaki nodded as he looked at Misa. "Misa-san, you should wait patiently, alright?"
"But Misa wants Light! She doesn't want to wait! Ryuuzaki is a pervert!"
Light then snapped her out. It was out of the plan but he thinks it's okay to go overboard a little. "Misa, would you please shut up? Don't be stupid anywhere else!"
Her eyes were filled with tears suddenly. "But Misa only wants to date Light-kun… Misa wants to date Light-kun!"
"I said, shut up!" Light said, glaring over her but was stopped by Ryuuzaki. It worked! But they still need to wait. "What?" he looked at the young detective.
"Stop scolding Misa-san, would you?" he said, weighing very word that came out of his mouth. "Light-kun, you should have worked a little better than this. It's so scripted."
The two exchanged look. How did he find out?! Light thought. "What are you saying?"
"I heard you two over the camera I installed in that room."
"EH?!" Misa said, with her eyes widened in shock. "Ryuuzaki-san knows about our plan?!"
"Hai." he said as he looked at Misa. "Good observer, right?"
"But Misa just want you to confess." Light snapped out the almost heated argument of the two.
"There's nothing to confess about, Light-kun." he looked at Light, who is still in shock.
Light was slightly confused. "Err…"
"We are here to work, not to fool Light-kun, Misa-san." Ryuuzaki said as he looked at the two. He scratches his feet as he put some sugar cubes in his mouth. It melts into his tongue.
He went back to his chair, leaving the two speechless. The plan didn't work. It was useless. It was a trash. Light never felt angry to Ryuuzaki this much (being L isn't included though). He then walked towards him and hit his face suddenly, leaving Misa shock. Ryuuzaki fell from the cold floorings and had managed to wipe his cheeks. He looked at Light.
"Why can't you confess, you idiot!" he shouted.
"That hurts." Ryuuzaki said, sounding unhurt though. "What confession do you want to hear?"
"That you like her!"
He looked at Light, narrowly. He then stood up and patted his jeans. He didn't kicked his face nor hit his face. It's too violent since he doesn't need to do such things. He just looked at him and went to his chair. "Light-kun, you're not included in this matter."
"I am included!"
Misa just stood there, as tears started streaming down her eyes. She clenches her fist, nails digging a little deeper to her soft palms. So this how it feels like. "Misa hates Ryuuzaki-san."
"Misa…" Light said, worried a bit.
"She hates him!"
She said as she runs away from the headquarters, her tears flying into the air. A part of her died when she looked at that pervert guy. He was too mean. She didn't like it. Too idiot. And she'll be running to ill-fated destiny until she finds a good spot to cry on. It hurts like hell. It hurts like hell. It hurts like hell. It hurts just like hell.
Later that night. Misa has been crying for a little over 5 hours already. She locked herself into her room. Light continues to ask her condition but she never answered his questions. She carefully clutches the pillow into her chest, easing all the pain she felt. It was awful. Too awful to be feel by someone like her.
"Ryuuzaki-san, that pervert." she said as she continues to cry.
2 hours later. It was already 2:15 in the morning but her eyes are still wide awake. She wasn't crying anymore but she continues to sweep over her little love story. But one thing she didn't know, Ryuuzaki has been watching her over his computer. He didn't take his eyes off to the monitor to the next 7 hours. He was just staring at her into the wide screen of the computer. He then stood up and finally earns the guts to meet her.
He walks silently to her room and knocks the door. Misa looked at door, stood up slowly and walked towards the door, feeling a little bit heavy. She opened the door, only to see him, scratching his feet while he looks down. She was surprised to see him at this time. She looks down; wanting to close the door but something stopped her.
"Nande?" she said.
"Is Misa-san needs comfort?" he asked, like nothing happened earlier. He continues to scratches his feet.
"You're the one who causes Misa's sadness, pervert!"
"Is that so?"
She pouted. "PERVERT!!!"
He suddenly walked in her room, too fast that she didn't notice it. "I'm sorry."
She looked at him. "Ehhh…"
"I didn't mean it actually. I'm just moved by mixed feelings earlier. And would you please stop calling me pervert?"
"And why will Misa do that?"
"It hurts my ego, Misa-san."
"Ryuuzaki-san is a big, fat pervert!" she said, stomping her left foot while she copied a comical expression. She sticks her tongue. "BEH!"
"Misa-san, you're being childish again."
"Misa-Misa isn't!"
He walked towards her, with blank expression. She stepped back a little until she hit the wall. She gulped down, feeling slightly nervous about his movements. He looked at her, narrowly wondering why this woman makes him happy and sad at the same time.
"W-What?" Misa said, stuttering.
"You really want me to confess, Misa-san?" he asked.
She nodded, slowly. "Misa wants."
"I like you."
Her eyes widened. So, did he confess already? She was confused. It was too fast to confess. "Eh?"
"I said I like you." he repeated.
"Are you confessing or messing with me?"
He was confused now. "You told me to confess. I confessed. Didn't you hear my words?"
"Oh, so you mean you're confessing right now?"
He nodded. "Is there any proper way to confess his or her love for someone, Misa-san?"
"Misa is… HAPPY!"
She hugged him, tightly. She was happy to hear him finally confess his love for her. She continued hugging his skinny body. It felt warmth to hug him like this again. It's been a while since she was hugged by someone. It felt so nice. He hugged back, a little too shy to do it. She then withdrew from her hugged and wiped the tears that were streaming down her eyes for a moment.
"Pervert." she said.
"Eh?" he was again confused.
"Ryuuzaki-san is─" she suddenly felt his lips pressed onto her lips. She closed her eyes voluntarily as she kissed him back. His hands moved from her waist to her shoulders. He deepened his kiss and she felt too happy tonight. They then withdrew from the heated kiss. Misa was kind of shy to look at him in the eye while he was also shy.
"Jaa, I think my business here is done." he said as he shove his hands to his pocket and walked towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Misa-san."
"Misa's happy tonight." she pronounced. "Misa loves Ryuuzaki-san."
"I also love Misa-san back." he turned around.
She smiled. "M-Misa will see you tomorrow morning, then."
"Hai." he then walked out of the room. He walks silently into the hallway, shrugging a little bit. Her lips were sweet. He giggled a bit. "She tastes like sugar cubes."
And now, he'll not pretend not to notice her presence. Misa, on the other hand, is still rooted from her spot, still mingling with her feelings. She was happy. He finally confessed. It's too much. It's too utterly bizarre. She loved him so much. So much.
Instead of seeing Light at the end of the jiggling handcuffs that has been circling in their poor arms, he saw her, smiling at him like tomorrow will never come. He stared at her for some time, thinking what will happen to the next five minutes. It's been a week since the confession. He can't imagine his life now without that bubbly, naughty woman that has the power to make him ecstatic and pleased at the same time. Sure, she had been calling him "pervert" but that was before. Now, she constantly smiles at him and treats him more strawberry short-cake than Watari does. It felt weird. Too weird for someone like him who is too lonely. He just can't imagine a second without her.
"Eh, nande, Ryuuzaki-san?" she asked, looking intently at him. He tilted his head, moving a little bit from his left. She wondered.
"Where's Light-kun, Misa-san?" he asked, while he plays to his Hello Panda. He's been taking little bites from them, nurturing every sweetness in stored in the little cracker filled with chocolate.
She smiled. "He'll be back. Hence, for this." she said as she lifted her arm causing the handcuffs to move.
"But, it's not necessary, Misa-san."
"Misa-Misa wants to spend her time with Ryuuzaki-san. Is it too wrong for Misa to feel this way?!"
She pouted as he steps back, basically knowing her next step. He looked at her, while he nibbles his thumb. "Misa-san, aren't you tired doing this to me?"
"Why would Misa be tired?"
"Because you're doing such childish acts. Like this."
Misa looked at him, amazed. "I won't let go of your hand, Ryuuzaki-san."
His eyebrows meets, confused. "Misa-san, you confuse me."
"Eh, why?!"
"You just confuse me, like before." he explained while he put a piece of sugar cube in his mouth. It melts to his tongue. He handed her a box of Yan Yan. "Eat it."
"Misa will not eat sweet foods!"
He reached out her hands and placed the box in her palms. Eyeing the box, Misa moves her head. He looked at the computer screen. "You always confuse me." he looked at her and stood up. He walks towards her direction, the handcuffs were jiggling.
"But Misa-Misa doesn't confu─" she paused as she felt his lips pressed onto her's. His eyes were open but her eyes suddenly closed as she kissed back. She pressed harder as she embraced him. He then withdrew from his kiss as he saw her cheeks were flushed.
"You really taste like sugar cubes." he said as he stares at her, scratching his feet like nothing had taken place.
"Pervert." she said as she stood up and tries to hide her flushed visage. But his wide eyes still noticed the redness of her cheeks. Aww, she was too cute! "Ryuuzaki-san is a pervert!"
He smiled. "You should be lucky."
"Why would I?"
"You have a genius boyfriend."
"You're not genius."
He looked at her. "I'm your boyfriend?"
"Of course! Misa and Ryuuzaki-san are couple!"
"What about Light-kun?"
"I told you, you are my boyfriend!"
"What about Light─" she kissed him, since he's asking too much right now. She then withdrew and put a finger in his lips.
"Daisuki." she said as she hugged him. And for the first time that month, she felt that everything is better off with him. He hugged back, slightly shy to do it though. She smiled to herself, how lucky she is having someone like him. He's no longer a pervert, he's a good guy. It took her so many days to notice him. Everything in him. And it was so soon to notice. And she'll never forget about this event as long as she could.
The End
A/N: an update, as promised! Aww, Ryuuzaki finally confessed to Misa-Misa! I'm soooooooooo happy! Mixed feelings right now, guys. Hehe! They are finally together, for good! So, this will be my final chapter (samishii!). I just never thought I could pull a little story like this. I mean, yeah I have been writing stories for ShinKumi but L and Misa is funnier and cuter:)) Jaa, since this is the final chapter, I hoped you liked the whole story. Arigatou!