R.F.: My first fanfic, no flames please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own my OCs.

Chapter 1: Meet the Nekojiwa Triplets

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK HERE I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!" yelled a red headed girl as she chased her father over the rooftops of Sunagakure. A black Suna headband holding up her red bangs indicated she was a kunoichi of the village. Her long bright red hair streamed behind her as she ran faster. She wore a dark pink hooded sweatshirt which revealed her belly over a sleeveless crimson turtleneck top. She also wore a red heart-shaped gemstone on thin black collar around her neck. The girl wore her kunai pouch on her right hip attached to a red sash tied around the waist of her khaki shorts. Gold shackles covering half of her forearms glinted in the sun. A black, red-eyed kitten wearing a collar matching her mistress bounded after her.

(Pause)Meet Hikari Nekojiwa, first born of the Nekojiwa triplets. Hikari is one girl that's true to the meaning of 'girl power'. Tough, independent and confident, she is one girl that you don't want to mess with. Hikari is a ninjutsu type and is very adept to fire techniques. She is the owner of Akane of the Flames, a black cat with the ability to transform into a pyrokenetic saber-toothed panther with snow- white wings. (Unpause)

Shouta Nekojiwa had a look of fear and panic as Hikari began closing in on him. The tawny male lion running next to him wore the exact same expression. "Faster Shouta! She's gaining on us!!!"

" This is all YOUR fault, Tekagi(1)!!!! You just HAD to open your big mouth about the whole 'Her-being engaged-to-that-Inuzuka kid' thing!!!!!!!" yelled Shouta as continued running.

" Oh sure, go ahead, blame ME for YOUR mistake of leaving your truth serum lying about the house!!! Did you really think Hikari was going to believe that we were moving to Konoha because Tomoyo was feeling homesick!!!!!"

"GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!"

'I'mdeadI'mdeadI'mdeadI'mdeadI'mdead………' Shouta thought as the gap between him and his daughter was getting smaller and smaller. He turned to Tekagi." Tekagi! Transform!"

Tekagi nodded. "Winged Beast Transformation Jutsu!!!" he yelled jumping of the roof sideways as he a puff of smoke engulfed him. The smoke blew away revealing a much larger Tekagi with long saber-tooths and huge feathery white wings. Shouta quickly leapt onto Tekagi's back before taking of into the air." YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY DAD!!!! Akane!" Hikari called to her cat.

"Got it! Winged Beast Transformation Jutsu!!!" Akane yelled, transforming into her winged beast form. (Note: See description above)

Hikari flipped herself onto Akane's back as Akane began to take off. Once behind her father, Hikari took out a weapons scroll and summoned her favorite weapon, Flaming Wind Cutter, a huge, 8-ton boomerang (A/N: Think of Sango's boomerang) and flung it at her father with all her strength. Tekagi dodged, just narrowly missing the flying object. The boomerang flew pass Shouta and Tekagi but of course, the boomerang began spinning back towards the two. Shouta was lucky to be able to duck in time to avoid decapitation. Flaming Wind Cutter flew back to Hikari, who caught it with one hand. 'Kuso!!!!' she cursed in her head.

Tekagi flapped his wings harder, gaining speed. Shouta looked over his shoulder to see Hikari nowhere in sight. "Phew! I think we lost her!" he said, calming down a bit. Tekagi sighed in relief. "Thank goodness".

"You wish!" exclaimed Hikari suddenly appearing in front of her father and lion. Shouta nearly jumped out of his skin as Tekagi nearly skidded to a stop in mid-air. She began forming a few hand seals.

'We're in trouble…'thought Shouta and Tekagi at the same time.

Hikari and Akane both took in a deep breath. "Fire Style: Double Grand Inferno Jutsu!!!!" they both yelled, expelling huge fireballs from their mouths.

"Hey mom? Where's dad and Hikari?" asked a young violet haired woman followed by a sandy colored cougar into her parents room. She was around 17 to18-years of age, stunningly beautiful with her long wavy violet hair framing her pale, heart-shaped face. Her black Suna headband held back her hair. She wore an amethyst oval gemstone around her neck on a black cloth collar. The gem sparkled visibly against the dark purple background of her turtleneck, sleeveless top that revealed her belly. For pants, she wore a pair of black flowing pants bound at her ankles with her kunai pouch tied to her waist by a purple sash. Black, fingerless gloves with metal plates bearing the Suna symbol and black geta(1) sandals completed the outfit.

(Pause) Hi, I'm Zakuro Nekojiwa, oldest sister and jounin instructor of the Nekojiwa triplets. I specialize in earth-type jutsus. I'll reveal more about myself some other time so don't bother asking the authoress. My partner is a female cougar known as Tsuchi of the Earth, or just plain Tsuchi. As you can imagine, Tsuchi's Beast Form takes the form of a larger, saber-toothed version of her with a pair of white wings. ( Unpause)

Tomoyo Nekojiwa smiled cheerfully as she loaded two boxes containing hers and her husband's belongings onto Kushi(1), her lioness, who carefully balanced the items on her back as she walked out of the room to the awaiting cart outside the house. "Oh, they just went out to have one more look around Sunagakure before we leave, isn't that just sweet," she said, placing a hand on her cheek and smiled in such a way that the air around her started to sparkle. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard outside just a few seconds before Tomoyo's two other daughters entered the room with their cats resting on their shoulders. Both of them had identical features with exception of their hair-color and hairstyles. One of them had long dark blue hair tied in a ponytail and a grey Suna headband tied around her neck. The grey, blue-eyed cat sitting on her head yawned sleepily. "Tomoyo-sama, Hikari-sama and Shouta-sama have returned…." said the cat in a misty voice.

"What Yue said…." said the girl in a monotone voice.

(Pause) This is Kaori Nekojiwa, second born of the Nekojiwa triplets. Don't let her stare intimidate you, cause that would haunt you for quite a while. Kaori is the intelligent one in the teamand her strategizing skills are an advantage in a fight. In addition to that, she is a genjutsu user, using techniques involving lightning. The little grey cat on her head goes by the name of Yue of the Shadows. Yue's Beast Form takes on the form of a grey, winged, saber-toothed leopard.(Unpause)

"And from the looks of it mother, it's not exactly a pretty sight," said the second girl cheerfully. This girl had shoulder-length, bright green hair and wore a pair of round frameless glasses. Her face glowed with happiness with a smile. Her white Suna headband held her hair back in the form of a bandanna with her green bangs poking out (A/N: Kinda like Yoli from Digimon series 2). The cat wrapped around her shoulders grinned.

(Pause) Finally, let me introduce you to sweet Cori Nekojiwa. As you can guess, she's the third Nekojiwa triplet. Cori is one the sweetest girls in the whole world, with a heart of gold and the pure smile of an angel. But don't let the looks fool ya', despite Cori's sweet exterior she an ace at Taijutsu and an aspiring medic-nin-in-training taking after our mom. Cori's techniques involve water and ice. Jubei of the Water is just as sweet and lovable as her mistress. Her Beast Form is a winged, white, blue striped, saber-toothed tiger.(Unpause)

The 43-year old medic-nin sighed a bit. 'Another fireball jutsu………' she thought as she got up to greet her daughter followed by Kushi dragging in her scorched husband and Tekagi through the door

Later that day, as the sun was beginning to set, the Nekojiwa family gathered at the gates of Sunagakure." Okay, is everyone here Zakuro?" asked Shouta, who was now covered in bandages and had one arm in a sling.

"Everyone's here dad, except mom," replied Zakuro in a bored tone.

"All cats accounted for, Shouta-sama," said Tsuchi.

"That's funny, usually Tomoyo is here on time, I wonder wh-""Sorry we're late!" piped Tomoyo and Kushi, popping up from behind Shouta and Tekagi.

"GAH!!!!" yelled the two in shock. Both panted hard while Shouta clutched his chest. 'How does she do that?'

Hikari rolled her eyes." And he calls himself an elite jounin…." she muttered to Akane who was sitting on her shoulder. Akane snickered.

Cori looked at her sister's sour look. "Now, now, Hikari, lighten up, it can't be that bad to get engaged. For all we know, this Inuzuka guy might be cute."

"You wish…."

"Though I am curious, how did Hikari get engaged anyway dad?" asked Kaori, side-glancing at her father who stiffened up.

"Yes, how Shouta-sama?" asked Yue, causing him to sweat even more.

"He made a bet with a friend of his. If he had a daughter, Shouta was supposed to betroth her to his friend's first born son. He chose Hikari since technically she was the first to be born after Zakuro-sama," explained Tekagi, earning himself a hard nudge in the ribs from his master.

"YOU WHAAT!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Hikari, flaring up.

"Would ya' look at the time, we better get moving, let's go!!!!" said Shouta suddenly, forgetting his injuries and taking off like a rocket.

"I'M GONNA GET YOU!!!!!!!"

Everyone sweat dropped. "My, father sure recovered fast didn't he?" asked Cori. Jubei nodded in agreement.

"With Hikari on his tail, why shouldn't he?" asked Tekagi as Zakuro hitched him up to the cart next to his mate.

"Well, let's not dally now shall we? Onwards, to Konohagakure!!!" announced Tomoyo, causing the air to sparkle brightly.

"YEAH!" yelled Cori and Jubei at the same, pumping their fist/paw in the air before running off into the desert. Tomoyo, Kushi and Tekagi followed suit, pulling the cart behind them.

Zakuro and Kaori folded their arms as they side-glanced each other for a moment and shrugged before taking off after their family with Yue riding on Kaori's head and Tsuchi running behind them.


Raven's Familiar: Nya! I'm finally done with my first chapter!


Tekagi -Metal claws attached to a metal band worn across the palm attached to another metal ring worn on the wrist. A well

known weapon as well as a tool shinobi use for scaling walls.

Kushi -A semi-circular hair comb used for decoration worn by geishas. Undercover kunoichi would wear these as part of their

disguise. This hair accessory was also used to rake at an opponent's eyes and some kushi have specially sharpened teeth,

permitting a hacking strike.

Geta- A form of Japanese wooden sandal usually worn with a kimono. A geta is a wooden sole with two planks that extend

from the bottom. Kunoichi would wear these to deliver bone-crushing kicks. (You'll see why I chose this particular

footwear for Zakuro.)