After all these unexpected events, you wouldn't think anything else could go wrong…And at the moment your right. Lily was thinking this as well. This life wasn't always agreeing with her… She fell for a fraud and she's now falling for a unexpected friend.

So Lily still had some issues with Michael, and she was determined to get him back, after all they hadn't officially broken up…. Macy had been doing better, she knew it wasn't the end of the world because she still had her dad. Violet was getting better at opening up to her feelings, instead of bottling them up. So, they had put the past behind them, or at least 2 of them did…

Lily was not going to let this guy ruin her life, but he almost did so she had to make him practically, jealous. She had a plan to do it, but she wasn't really sure that the person to use was exactly right..

"James!" Lily found herself calling after him, during breakfast.
"Oh, my Lilyflower, there you are."
"Shut it Potter."
"Aw, were back to first names…"
"Ug, why did I even bother." She turned around and walked away.
"Evans wait!"
"What were you going to ask?"
"Well, I was going to ask you out."
"What?! I mean yes. Wait, why?"
"Well, because your-"
"The hottest guy around, the most-"
"No! Because I need to make my boyfriend jealous."
"Why? So you can have him again?!"
"No! Because I want to make him pay for what he did."
"Oh, ok that works."
"Great, so now, we have to act like a couple."
"Well that, I'm good at." James put his arm around her waist. Lily rolled her eyes. Well, this is a way to make Michael jealous…

Macy was having a good dream, where everything in her life was perfect. She had her mom back, Sirius was the best boyfriend in the world, and she had everything she ever wanted. This dream she could stay in.. but sadly she was awakened by her bed moving from underneath her. Wait. Her bed? She opened her eyes, and found herself in the Gryffindor common room. When did she come out here? She sat up, and looked around. Something stirred beside her, she looked and found herself next to Sirius. She smiled, this was so like her dream, she loved it.

"Sirius…" She whispered, as she shook him gently.
"Huh..?" He sat up. "Oh hey. Have a nice night?" She smiled his goofy smile.
She smiled, "Yeah, you?"
"Yeah, especially when I woke up." He smiled slyly.
She pushed him playfully, "Shut it." She got up and started walking to the Girls Dorm.
"Hey! Where are you going?" He sat up.
"To change, I don't want to stay in these clothes."
"Oh, yeah. Right. I better go do that too."
"Yeah, I would like that." She went up and changed into her school robes. Sirius went up to his dorm to get changed.

Violet had gotten up earlier and seen Sirius and Macy still sleeping, so she decided to just leave them. She walked down to breakfast to meet Remus and talk to Lily and Macy, when they came down. When she got down she saw the most surprising sight. There, where everyone could see, Lily and James were holding hands and walking down the Great Hall. Everyone was shocked and they all stopped what they were doing to watch this rare sight. Violet was really surprised, this was a really weird thing, and Lily was letting it happen… Ok time to talk to Lily.

Violet walked up to Lily and James, "Lily? What's going on?"
"Oh hey Violet. What do you mean?" Lily smiled slyly. James looked like he was enjoying himself. Then lily removed her hand from James', and whispered into Violets ear, "I'll tell you later." Violet nodded. They sat down and started eating.

"Hey, has anyone seen Sirius, and- Whoa! What's going on?!" Remus walking up, and seeing James holding Lily's hand.
Lily smiled, "We'll explain later." She looked around at al the people staring. Soon, after they actually started eating, Sirius and Macy came into the Great Hall, Sirius had his arm around her waist. And again, the whole room had their eyes on the couple.

"Hey guys." Sirius smiling.
"Hey, have a good night?" James smiling.
"Yeah-Wait, your holding Evans hand? She usually slaps you for doing that!" Sirius looked at them amazed.
"Lily?" Macy smiled.
"What's going on?"
"I'll explain later.." They all sat down and ate. But, where is Michael? Hmm…

They didn't see Old Mikey at breakfast, which sucked… Partly… James wasn't disappointed one bit. But Lily didn't do this for enjoyment, she wanted Michael to see this… And again, James didn't care, as long as Lily was on his arm, he was a happy chappy. Remus, Sirius, Violet, and Macy still hadn't got their explanation, and they were wondering if they really fallen for each other, because this was so not Lily's behavior. They agreed that this had to make James happy so, they knew he couldn't have done anything to please her that great, to make her go out with him.

Well, after some of their classes, lunch came around. So Lily had an idea where Michael would be, the Lake. She found James and took him outside.

"Whoa, I was in the middle of my lunch. What is so important? Not that I don't like that you need me." James smirked.
"Oh, shut it. I know where Michael would be… So, I know where he would come see us and get jealous."
"Oh…Right… Michael…"
Lily looked over at him, "Come on. " She grabbed his hand and lead him to a random spot. "There he is! That scum, kissing Kate. Ug…"
"So, how are we going to get him to see us, and how are we, you, going to make him jealous?"
"Here he comes!" Lily started to kiss James, James didn't disagree. They kept at it for a while, and Lily had to admit, this wasn't that bad. She could get used to this, and when she was going over these thoughts someone interrupted them.

"Lily?!?!" Guess who… Yup, Ol' Mikey. He had his arm around Kate, but still gasping at Lily and James.
"Oh, Michael. Didn't expect you to be here." Lily straightened up. James sorrowfully let go of Lily.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Well, we broke up so I went with Potter, mostly because he wouldn't CHEAT on me!!"
"I didn't cheat on you!!"
"Bloody Hell, you didn't. Lets take you having your arm around Kate's waist, meaning we're still together." Lily crossed her arms. Michael removed his arm, Kate looked at him in disbelief.
"What, you still have feelings towards her?!!" Kate crossing her arms.
"Yeah Michael, do you?" James stepped in. Out of the blue Michael went in and kissed Lily. Unfortunately for Michael, James was protective of Lily, even if she wasn't his real girlfriend. So POW, there goes Mike's shoulder.
"Bloody Hell!!!!!" Michael fell down, Lily went over to James.
"James! Gez! … That was a good shot." She rubbed his shoulder.
"Oh, thanks."
"What! What is wrong with you? You hurt him!"
"Oh, nothing Madam Promfey cant handle." James said proud of himself. "Lets go Lily." She gladly walked, hand-in-hand, towards the castle.

Remus, Sirius, Violet, and Macy waited eagerly for James and Lily to return, so they could find out what is really going on. Lily and James walked in a bit later. Lily had her head on his shoulder. She was tired from that revenge, but one thing she didn't expect was that James was good boyfriend. For now anyways. Remus and Violet had fallen a sleep on the couch, waiting for James and Lily. Sirius had fallen a sleep sitting, with Macy sitting between his legs. When James and Lily walked in, they smiled. They thought it was really sweet how their friends loved each other so much. Lily didn't want to go to sleep, so James suggested they go up into the Boys' Dorm, and talk. She thought that would be nice.

"So, now that you broke your ex-boyfriend's heart, what are you planning on doing?" James sitting next to Lily on the floor.
"Well, now that you have broken my ex-boyfriend's shoulder, what do you plan on doing?"
"I asked you first."
She smiled, "I'm not sure."
"Well, are you going to fake-dump me? Not that I want you to."
Lily laughed, "No, you're a really good boyfriend, oh and a really good kisser."
"Really? Well now, that I never thought I would've gotten out of you." James smirking.
"Shut it." She smiled. "So…"
"So, do you want another wonderfully good kiss, from a really good kisser?"
"Hmm, I'll have to think about it." Lily tried not to smile.
"What?! Did you not just say I was the best kisser ever?"
"No, I said you are a GOOD kisser, not the best kisser."
"Well, too bad." He reached over and kissed her.

Common Room
Violet woke up towards the middle of the might to find herself cuddled next to Remus, and oh, did he smell good. What ever cologne he used, it smelled really good! She could stay here forever. Remus felt the warmth of Violet next to him, and smiled. Even if he was partly a sleep, he knew that she was there, and she would be always… But what about him being a werewolf, he frowned at this, he still hadn't told her yet.
He was hoping that she would understand, but then again, this is why he never had girlfriends. If they did find out, what would their reaction be? Would they spread it around? These were the thoughts that worried him.

Macy moved her neck, it hurt. She had been sitting in the same position and it had made her neck feel all weird. She moved a bit, and found she was in-between Sirius' legs. His chin was on her shoulder. She breathed in, and his scent surrounded her. Ah… It smelt so good. She turned so she was snuggled up against his chest. His chin went down, so he woke up.

"Huh..?" His eyes fluttered open.
"Shh… Go back a sleep." A muffled voice came from his chest. He looked down and Macy was up against his chest.
"Hey, I need to lie down, I cant stay in this position all night." He moved so he was lying on the floor.
"Hmm…" She moved so she was still up against his chest.
"Hmm…" Macy was already a sleep.

Boys' Dorm

After that kiss, they had talked, and soon fell a sleep sitting next to each other. James had woken up after a while, because fallen a sleep sitting had started to hurt his back. He looked over and saw Lily a sleep next to him.

"Lily…" He whispered.
"Huh?" She muttered.
"Do you want to sleep in that position all night?" Lily's eyes opened.
"Oh…no, not really."
"Here, take my bed, I'll sleep in Sirius'."
"Ok… Thanks James.." She went into the bed and snuggled up until she was comfortable. She took a deep breath, and hmmm…. That smell… It was James cologne. It smelt really good… For once, she liked the smell, and for once…She liked James.

Even though the guys hadn't read the list, they had succeeded.
9. Every time you breath in, his scent surrounds you…