Title: Practical Joke
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter © J.K. Rowling & Challenge © grangertwins100 at LiveJournal
Rating: T
Word Count: 100 - exactly!
Prompt: Challenge #18: Advice
Timeline: AU. Post Deathly Hallows.
Authors Notes: My second Round of drabbles. I don't know what got into me today. But, for whatever reason, I was in the mood for some Ge/Hr. I hope you enjoy!
"Let me give you some advice." the way she said it made George think that the last thing Hermione Granger wanted to do was give him anything. "Next time you feel like pulling some juvenile prank, planting fake doxies in your friend's flats, at least due them the courtesy of making sure they are fully clothed before you just apparate into their bedrooms in the middle of the bloody day!" She still had the comforter from her bed wrapped around herself. "Or I swear to Merlin, I will make it my mission in life to remove your ability to procreate."