Oh, I'm so sorry that I kept you all waiting so long, but as usual, life interfered. Let's make it short, bronchitis, an extracted tooth with following drug treatment which left me out for another week, my son got sick... See. And it took me a long time to get this in the shape it is now. I'm still not 100 happy with it, but I'll never be. Be warned, this is a first for me, so I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a little note. I really need feedback for this one...

So, grab a cookie... And enjoy!

Almost forgot: The following chapter contains sex, and should not be read by a younger audience. Reader discretion is advised :-p

The next morning they woke up to the sound of Kelso yelling in the hallway and kicking in the doors.

"How can that idiot be up so early in the morning without having a hangover?"

"Steven, don't forget that there isn't much in his head that can ache..."

Giggling she sat down on top of him and planted small kisses around his lips, always avoiding his mouth that hungrily tried to meet hers. When he finally succeeded the door flew open and Kelso jumped into the room.

"Enough with that, let's go have breakfast you guys!"

"Kelso,. Do you remember what we have to do at the Formans today?"

"Uh, no."

Shaking his head Hyde got up and grabbed his jeans.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."


By the end of december they had managed to sneak in little alone time, mostly not more than a few minutes in the basement. Red seemed to have some extra-strong parental senses when it came to the two of them. He called Hyde a dumbass and told them not to be morons every single time he found Jackie in Hydes bed. Same for the times he had caught Hyde sneaking off to go over to Jackie's.

But this weekend was going to be different. The Forman's were heading to some relatives in Chicago for an early christmas party and since Hyde wasn't family he could stay home-envied by Eric who complained about it for two weeks-exactly to the point where the car door slammed shut and they took off.

Grinning Hyde turned around and opened the door of the El Camino. Inside Jackie waited, hidden, with a bag packed for the weekend. They had time to themselves until Sunday evening and he didn't intend to waste any of it standing in the driveway. Especially since some of the others could get the idea to come visit them, even though he had told them explicitly not to.

"So, Steven, this is it..."

"Yeah. I would feel really bad for Forman but... We'll have a lot more fun."

Giggling she followed him inside and down to the basement. She threw her bag on the couch and turned around to face him.

He pulled her in for a deep kiss, gently stroking her back and slowly moving his hand further down.

Jackie giggled and slapped him on the arm.

"Steven, you are naughty!"

They had been together for almost two months, time enough for Jackie to loosen up and gaining trust. He could still shake his head about her lack of experience when it came to things a man and a woman could do together-besides having sex. Kelso obviously liked to be at the receiving end, not the other way around.

Hyde would never forget the shocked look on Jackies face the first time she felt his lips wander down her flat stomach. Or the squeals and moans that followed.

"What are you grinning about?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

She lifted his shirt and lightly slided her finger on his skin along his jeans. He closed his eyes, willing her to stop. That was when her hand slid inside his jeans.

"Jackie, the Formans aren't even gone five minutes and your hand is already in my pants. What have you become?"

She laughed and slowly rubbed his crotch. He could feel the warmth of her hand through the thin fabric of his boxers. Hyde pulled her closer to caress her neck with one finger. She tilted her head to one side and he smiled. He leaned down and planted a kiss behind her ear. She shivered. He bit her lightly and grinned against her skin when he could hear her gasp.

He lifted her up and carried her to his room to lay her down on his small cot.

Hyde touched her face and she reached out to pull him closer to her until he was close enough that she could feel his breath on her lips. Hyde's fingers were barely touching her soft cheeks as he bent down to lightly kiss her forehead, the tip of her nose and finally the sweetness of her mouth. He wanted her to know that he really liked her, probably started to love her and that he had never felt for anybody this way before. All the things he simply couldn't say he tried to express with his actions.

He carefully lifted her shirt up and helped her out of it before taking his own off. She went one step further and pulled down her jeans, lying in front of him only wearing peach colored panties.

Hyde couldn't help but look at her, the endlessness of soft skin over her soft curves that made her the beautiful young woman she was and he had to ask himself again why she had picked him but pushed that thought away quickly. He was here now and didn't want to waste precious time. She pulled down her panties and smiled at him.

His lips sought hers only to part again and drift away to her chin and throat, tasting every inch, taking in the sweet scent of her skin. Further down he traced her collarbones and brushed the hard flatness of her sternum before touching the upswell of flesh where her breasts rose from her heart. Smiling against her skin he took one nipple into his mouth and gently sucked on it, feeling her tremble underneath him as the tip of his tongue touched the pebbly hardness.

Jackie writhed and arched her back as he gently bit her nipple and he slowly continued the trail downward, placing soft kisses all over her stomach, her hip bones and inner thighs. From there he continued upward again, until he could feel the small patch of hair on his cheek. Looking up he saw her watching him, willing him with her eyes to continue.

So he went deeper until his lips found hot wetness and his tongue found her clit and coaxed it into hardness. He settled down on his chest, both hands sliding up and down Jackies sides, trying to hold her steady while her body writhed from side to side in reaction to the rhythmic dance of his tongue. He increased the pace in synch with her breath and soon her hands knotted in his hair and she pushed him closer, trying to increase the pleasure he gave her.

She began to tremble, he could feel it in his hands, his mouth, every part of his body that touched her. Shortly after she started shaking, her hips bucking, testing and shifting under him and he needed the full strength of both his arms to hold her steady, to maintain the rhythm so she wouldn't fall off the peak she was so close to.

Her whole body arched, frozen in place for a moment, and then a cry escaped her opened mouth. It was long and loud and made him shiver because he was the reason for her pleasure, that cry. She managed no words, just that continuous inarticulate cry of pleasure. Her hands in his hair knotted and twisted frantically, pushing him closer and pulling him away at the same time until the relentless waves of pleasure began to deminish slowly.

When she was done she pulled him up to her for a deep, exhausted kiss. Both her hands scratched across his naked chest until they reached the buckle of his belt, needing mere seconds to open it, without breaking the kiss, and pull his jeans and boxers down.

He hesitated when she pulled him close and rolled on her back, but she possessed more strength than he thought and so he found himself lying half on top of her, holding her, feeling her breasts crushed against his chest and her heart hammering underneath them.


She blushed and closed her eyes. Lifting her chin up he waited until she opened her eyes again and smiled at her, trying to reassure her. He had thought she was past the stage of being embarrassed about something in front of him, but apparently she was not.

She pulled him down to her, her lips on his ear.

"I...this is very hard... I want to...feel you..."

Her words made a bolt of lightning wander through his body straight to his groin and at the same time feel very, very cold. Of course the idea of having sex with Jackie had occured to him before, but he never thought she would actually give up her virginity for him. In the stuffed, cold little room in the basement.

"Are you sure?"

Her head still on his shoulder he could feel her nod. Suddenly he felt very awkward but was determined to make the best out of the situation. Even though there were no candles and roses and lovesongs playing in the background. Because deep down inside she still was that loud peppy cheerleader.

He pulled away from her enough to give her a soft kiss, holding himself back because he knew that was what he needed to do. He wasn't used to anything but the usual sex with a girl he picked up somewhere, no feelings involved and... Well he had never had sex with a virgin before and wasn't sure what to do next.

"I need to go and raid Forman's room for condoms, I'll be right back."

Planting a kiss on her forhead he threw on some sweatpants and went upstairs, not willing to walk around the house completely naked. Chances were really good that one of their friends decided to stop by...

Upstairs he went straight for Erics nightstand and was rewarded when he found two packages, one still sealed in plastic wrap.

"Thanks to Forman and his urge to be prepared at all times."

Still snickering he walked back down the stairs and went into the kitchen to get something to drink when he met Donna, about to go downstairs.

"Didn't I tell you to stay the hell away this weekend?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to Jackie and... Oh."

Donna realized that he was wearing nothing but sweatpants, had left his sunglasses in his room and that he was carrying a familiar looking box.

"Hyde, are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Donna, are you sure that you wanna stay here and get on my nerves?"

"Look, it's just... Jackie is my friend too and..."

"Stop being a bitch Donna. If you wanna say that I'm not good enough for her just say it. If not... Get out and leave us alone, okay?"

Fuming she opened her mouth to say something, but Hyde turned her around and pushed her through the kitchen and out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

Grumbling he went back downstairs and took a deep breath. He shouldn't go back to Jackie in that mood. He sat down on the beat up couch for a moment and rubbed his temples. Donna could drive him crazy sometimes, as did his other friends. They always gave a damn in the wrong situations.

Finally he got up and walked towards his room, a little smile on his lips, thinking of who awaited him in there. When he ducked under the vent he saw her lying on his cot, barely covered by his blanket, her head propped up on one arm and smiling at him.

"What took you so long?"

"I ran into a nosy lumberjack."

"Oh. Well."

She smiled again but he could see that she was nervous. He took off his sweatpants again and lay down in front of her, covering her face with soft kisses.

"Are you really sure? We can still stop?"

"Oh Steven, it was too late for that two months ago..."

Cocking an eyebrow at her he waited for an explanation but didn't need to wait long before it dawned on him that he wouldn't get one. So instead he went back to where he left off, rolled her over on her back and moaned when she started to suck and nibble on his earlobe.

Holding on to the last bit of sanity he currently posessed he managed to reach for a condom an put it on while she rubbed herself on his thigh, covering it in her wetness.

He covered her completely, carefully balancing his weight on his arms and legs. He looked down on her and smiled. She had her eyes closed and was tense, but she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"You are beautiful..." he whispered. Her eyes opened instantly and she smiled at him, pulling him down for a kiss.

He reached down to guide himself towards her entrance and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

You are her first, so you better be good!

Never breaking eye contact he carefully and slowly slid into her just a tiny bit and waited. She tensed up and winced a little, which caused him to try and pull back but her hand on his lower back stopped him, together with her eyes.

"I'm okay!"

Nodding he bent down and kissed her, carefully avoiding to get too passionate. He needed to hold himself back, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her. Finally he dared to slide in a little deeper and Jackie groaned, he didn't know if in pain or pleasure.

She pulled him down again, hugging him and holding him close to her as he entered her completely. He paused, relishing the feeling and giving her time to adjust. Her hands softly stroked his back and he started to trail down her neck with his lips, seeking that sensitive spot he had discovered a little while ago.

Jackie caught him off guard when she suddenly cried out and thrusted her hips toward him at the same time. Grinning against her skin he started to move slowly. He had obviously found it.

Hyde still made a point in moving slowly, not only to help her, but because he actually enjoyed it. The first time he heard Jackie scream his name in pleasure he had discovered a new side of sex. And of him. He had always been the type for hard and fast sex, but all of a sudden he liked to take his time and enjoy every minute of it.

Under him Jackie panted and he knew it was thanks to the small stretch of skin between her earlobe and her shoulder. He could make her come without touching anything else and that amazed him.

He felt her tighten around him and took a deep breath, trying not to lose control. She met his hips with hers, frantically trying to make him go faster. But he kept on torturing her, softly nibbling and slowly gliding in and out of her.


Moaning she arched her back and furiously dug her fingernails into his back, clinging on to him as the small ball of heat in her middle exploded, making her cry out louder and wilder than he had ever heard her before. When she finally relaxed under him he pulled back to kiss her deeply, tasting the sweetnes of her mouth.

He looked at her and smiled. She lightly scratched his back with her nails, face still flushed and eyes big. She bit her lower lip as he started to move again, still feeling the aftershock of her intense orgasm, her walls still flexing around him and it took him only three more thrusts before he finally found salvation.

Hyde lay down next to her and she moved as close as possible, burying her face in his chest. He hugged her tightly but pulled back when he could feel the wetness against his skin.

"Jacks, baby, are you alright?"

She looked up at him, tears shimmering in her eyes, but smiling.

"Yes... Steven, this was better than I could have ever imagined it... Because it was with you."

She leaned back against his chest, leaving a few soft kisses. Sighing he pulled the blanket over them and turned the little light off. He could get very used to this.

So... how bad was I? duck